Athena reputation lost/no exp. after athena

  • Hello fellow pirates,
    I'm a pirate legend and have really loved sailing the seas so far! Recently, im assuming after the update, I noticed that my Athena level has changed. Previously, I was level 8 and a half and now im level 8 even. I've done several Athena voyages since and still have not received any experience for it. I don't know who to contact from Rare to address this so im hoping to get some help from here.

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  • @sniping-cajun said in Athena reputation lost/no exp. after athena:

    Hello fellow pirates,
    I'm a pirate legend and have really loved sailing the seas so far! Recently, im assuming after the update, I noticed that my Athena level has changed. Previously, I was level 8 and a half and now im level 8 even. I've done several Athena voyages since and still have not received any experience for it. I don't know who to contact from Rare to address this so im hoping to get some help from here.

    With tthe alliance system u can easily farm tp A10 with little to no effert & as time goes on i've got no doubtts rare will make it easier & easier to rank up to PL A10, lots of gold, item prices will decrease, treasure values increase, easier to get titles/commedations, etc so i wouldnt worry, soon you'll only need to log in.

    . *

  • @sniping-cajun

    Ahoy matey!

    Don't worry for that, it is a known issue that will be fixed in a future update. Your reputation is not lost, it is only a glitch affecting the progression UI. Everything is tracked server side and saved.

    You'll find the official note here: Bug: Losing company & Athena progress

    Cheers matey!

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