How is the game now?

  • I was a close follower during the alpha and beta periods. Was really looking forward to the final release version of the game only to find out that the alpha and beta were 95% of the release version. I watched a lot of review vids and I think all that was added were the chickens and snakes or something.

    I really dont know what they were doing in the the whole year before launch. I didnt notice any significant changes from the alpha to the release.

    So I was put off from buying the game.

    Has the game improved much now? Dunno if I should buy it if its still not much difference from launch. Got a sudden urge to come back on to the game.

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  • There were actually some pretty big changes between alpha and release, and a lot of stuff has been added by now, but most of it was from limited time events etc so you probably wont experience it. Also Forsaken Shores comes out in a week.

  • @amazingchocobo I got into the game during the Beta. Here is a list. You can decide if it is worth it.

    1. We now have a Megaladon, but you get nothing for killing it. The original timed event was fun though.
    2. Skeleton Forts came in the tail end of the Beta. Skull cloud in the sky signals its active and you can get alot of treasure
    3. Gunpowder barrels now have fuses, they can rock your ship, and skeletons can carry them adding to the hijinks.
    4. We have a new ship the brigatine for a max of 3 pirates.
    5. Skeleton ships now spawn much like a skeleton fort. A cloud ship appears when active.
    6. Flags that dont do much. Flags that allow ships to be in an alliance, and a flag that signals to all where you are. It was meant to promote pvp.
    7. Cursed cannonballs. The make anchors drop, sails go up, pirates get drunk or fall asleep, etc.
    8. Barrels changed. Can carry more in them and it changed how you use them.
    9. New adventures every two weeks from the bilge rats which gives you another form of money to spend.
    10. We can hand each other items now.
    11. More skins for clothes weapons and ship.

    Get a gamepass 3 day demo and try it out on the 19th with the next big update.

  • It depends on you if it’s worth or not! Some people hating this game and some people like me saying „it’s the best game I’ve ever played since 25 Years“! But the idea with the Game Pass Trial is very good! Test it out and reply here :)

  • @amazingchocobo said in How is the game now?:

    I was a close follower during the alpha and beta periods. Was really looking forward to the final release version of the game only to find out that the alpha and beta were 95% of the release version. I watched a lot of review vids and I think all that was added were the chickens and snakes or something.

    I really dont know what they were doing in the the whole year before launch. I didnt notice any significant changes from the alpha to the release.

    So I was put off from buying the game.

    Has the game improved much now? Dunno if I should buy it if its still not much difference from launch. Got a sudden urge to come back on to the game.


    i'd simply Google seaof thieves reviews ....


  • A pretty solid and accurate depiction of SoT's current gameplay. This does not include CCB's, but yeah. Read some reviews and decide for yourself.

  • @king-deka said in How is the game now?:

    Some people hating this game and some people like me saying „it’s the best game I’ve ever played since 25 Years“!

    And some of us who thought it was the best game ever until they ruined it over night with one update and now we hate it.

  • The game has not improved much since launch. The features added are somewhat minor in nature and in my opinion doesn't really expand on the game enough in areas where it is lacking.

    If you go into it wanting to play the game that you played in the alpha/beta then you will probably enjoy yourself. If you come in expecting the content to have fleshed out the game a lot more you will likely be disappointed.

  • @kashaarafall Hahahahahaha GOLD!

  • @grimmycool Was pretty spot on for sure and the music at the end was priceless.

  • @d-jaguar said in How is the game now?:

    @amazingchocobo I got into the game during the Beta. Here is a list. You can decide if it is worth it.

    1. We now have a Megaladon, but you get nothing for killing it. The original timed event was fun though.
    2. Skeleton Forts came in the tail end of the Beta. Skull cloud in the sky signals its active and you can get alot of treasure
    3. Gunpowder barrels now have fuses, they can rock your ship, and skeletons can carry them adding to the hijinks.
    4. We have a new ship the brigatine for a max of 3 pirates.
    5. Skeleton ships now spawn much like a skeleton fort. A cloud ship appears when active.
    6. Flags that dont do much. Flags that allow ships to be in an alliance, and a flag that signals to all where you are. It was meant to promote pvp.
    7. Cursed cannonballs. The make anchors drop, sails go up, pirates get drunk or fall asleep, etc.
    8. Barrels changed. Can carry more in them and it changed how you use them.
    9. New adventures every two weeks from the bilge rats which gives you another form of money to spend.
    10. We can hand each other items now.
    11. More skins for clothes weapons and ship.

    Get a gamepass 3 day demo and try it out on the 19th with the next big update.

    Yep, that's what we had. But now in the 19th (maybe later) we will have Forsaken Shores. FS will introduce a new land "The Devils Roar" wich is a volcanic area. Also the rowboat and a new mission for merchant for example.

  • @amazingchocobo

    Eh, if what was there wasn't enough for you, then probably not. While there's been changes, it's nothing game changing so if you weren't satisfied before, I doubt you'll be now.

    You could try looking into it again after Forsaken Shores, since it's probably one of the biggest updates so far. But we won't know the actual impact till after it's out, so I'd probably recommend holding off till you can see the full effect.

  • @AmazingChocobo Try again in a few more months lol. Or buy a months gamepass and take a gander for yourself.

  • @trickrtreat01 said in How is the game now?:

    @king-deka said in How is the game now?:

    Some people hating this game and some people like me saying „it’s the best game I’ve ever played since 25 Years“!

    And some of us who thought it was the best game ever until they ruined it over night with one update and now we hate it.

    i think it was a review on IGN that said it best....your experience with the game depends heavily on who you play with. Most of mmy friends quit playing a few weeks ago due to a new interface with storage containers & they lowered ALL commendations down to 10-20% of what they were at originally even after some players had spent 5-6 months grinding to unlock!!!

  • Only you can decide that. But sounds like game pass would be the best way for you to go.

  • @amazingchocobo
    Hello Mr AmazingChocobo, well i don't need to sum up what has been included since launch. That has already been done by my fellow pirates .I'm not going to twist yer wrists or manipulate you to come back...The fact that you feel the Sea pulls your sleeve again must be telling you enough...
    i've been playing, Alpha and Beta included, for almost two years and every evening i can play there is only one game i go to...Didn't i buy new games ever since SOT...Sure i have ...but mostly i didn't even tried them, because everytime i want to play , i want to play with my Friends while having truckloads of fun, misshaps and adventure ...And for those moments i want to play alone , i just take out a Sloop and enjoy the Sea and the calm , tranquilizing music and setting of SOT...

    You are your own Master of your wishes , dreams and decisions .Don't let reviews or internet opinions decide to try SOT again, not even my opinion may force you. You come back to the Sea because you miss it and want to retrigger yer old adventures or find new enriched ones...You know the setup from previous sessions , sometimes you don't " click" with people and sometimes you laugh yer head off....It's all up to you , my Free man...

  • gamepass free trail so you can find out it is still [Mod Edit - Profanity] for free!!!

  • @clumsy-george said in How is the game now?:

    Hello Mr AmazingChocobo, well i don't need to sum up what has been included since launch. That has already been done by my fellow pirates .I'm not going to twist yer wrists or manipulate you to come back...The fact that you feel the Sea pulls your sleeve again must be telling you enough...
    i've been playing, Alpha and Beta included, for almost two years and every evening i can play there is only one game i go to...Didn't i buy new games ever since SOT...Sure i have ...but mostly i didn't even tried them, because everytime i want to play , i want to play with my Friends while having truckloads of fun, misshaps and adventure ...And for those moments i want to play alone , i just take out a Sloop and enjoy the Sea and the calm , tranquilizing music and setting of SOT...

    You are your own Master of your wishes , dreams and decisions .Don't let reviews or internet opinions decide to try SOT again, not even my opinion may force you. You come back to the Sea because you miss it and want to retrigger yer old adventures or find new enriched ones...You know the setup from previous sessions , sometimes you don't " click" with people and sometimes you laugh yer head off....It's all up to you , my Free man...

    Translation = the reviews areterrible however if you'd like to take his advice then discount everything he said LoLz.

  • @trickrtreat01 what update made you hate it

  • @zodemere said in How is the game now?:

    i think it was a review on IGN that said it best....your experience with the game depends heavily on who you play with.

    I play by myself, and really enjoy it.

    Do I just enjoy my own company that much? Is this an early symptom of narcissism?

  • @v**a-hombre Hahaha! You are just a great person... nothing more nothing less... I think that says a lot!

  • @musicmee

  • @draun25 said in How is the game now?:

    @trickrtreat01 what update made you hate it

    The latest one with CCB 's, the broken barrel UI, and the achievements taken away.

  • @violator776 Profanity is not permitted on the forums.

    Obscene and Vulgar Language
    Swearing is not permitted on the Forums and a profanity filter is in place to block it. Attempts to bypass the profanity filter will result in a temporary ban from the Forums and a final warning. If the action continues, a permanent ban from the Forums will be issued.

  • If you loved the game before, you'll still love it. If you hated the game before, you'll still hate it. Sea of Thieves is the same great game, but with some cool added features, like brigantines, the Reaper's Mark, alliances, cursed cannonballs, skeleton ships, more cosmetics, etc. The most exciting stuff is yet to come, with Forsaken Shores right around the corner. It's a great time to be living in the Sea of Thieves!

  • @eggamer13 in case you didnt hear, Forsaken Shores update may be pushed back. May not be 19th, but I'm with the many on that thread. Better they fix as much as they can and delay the release than give us an update on time but broken.

  • Game is the same with some old bugs fixed and some new bugs added. Its a grind game with very little incentive to pvp anymore since alliances are a much smarter choice for progression.

  • @d-jaguar Yeah I know, maybe it's not the 19th but I won't be more than 2 days delay.

  • @trickrtreat01 said in How is the game now?:

    @draun25 said in How is the game now?:

    @trickrtreat01 what update made you hate it

    The latest one with CCB 's, the broken barrel UI, and the achievements taken away.

    It was the COMMEDATTIONS that were "takeen away" ie drasticly lowered. Achievements thankfully are contractual i believe & therefor CAN NOT be changed which is good because some players play exclusively for them..


  • I am full expecting FS to be maybe two to five days worth of new content for most people... Yes, you can still do the things it adds afterwards, but like everything else in this game...once you do it once there is no real reason to do it over and over again.

    We are getting tiny boats. We are getting cannonballs that are orange and rain down from the sky. We are getting inanimate pigs. I don't see much else coming with this update.

  • @aod-fluid sagte in How is the game now?:

    I am full expecting FS to be maybe two to five days worth of new content for most people... Yes, you can still do the things it adds afterwards, but like everything else in this game...once you do it once there is no real reason to do it over and over again.

    We are getting tiny boats. We are getting cannonballs that are orange and rain down from the sky. We are getting inanimate pigs. I don't see much else coming with this update.

    Wow a New Nostradamus is Born oO im still hyped

  • @aod-fluid said in How is the game now?:

    I am full expecting FS to be maybe two to five days worth of new content for most people... Yes, you can still do the things it adds afterwards, but like everything else in this game...once you do it once there is no real reason to do it over and over again.

    We are getting tiny boats. We are getting cannonballs that are orange and rain down from the sky. We are getting inanimate pigs. I don't see much else coming with this update.

    Dang u are generous, i figure maybe a day or 2 then back to the 3 voyage types, pigs 2.0 & your new tiny boat. I' predict they are gonna keep lowering tthe prices of things, make it easier & easier 2to get to PL / Athena 10, lower the commedations & title requirements to where you simply log into the game, offer exclusive ttime limited things like figureheeadss to make the casuals happy, make it easier to get goold & make voyages easier <cough cough PIGS 2.0>.

  • @aod-fluid Will likely be like cursed sails and hungering deep was. People will come in one day, experience all the update has to offer, play around with various changes, get some new clothes and then realize it is more of the same. This is not a bad thing (More of the same.) but the same is one of the biggest problems the game has, that being tedium. That is the one issue RARE hasn't fixed yet because they don't consider it a problem. Eh, whatevs I suppose. There are already other contenders looking to sate what SOT could not, Atlas, for one. While it looks comically bad, it has a strong team behind it that is using assets already in place and altering them. They know the engine inside and out and the game is going to be MMO.

  • @kashaarafall said in How is the game now?:

    , Atlas, for one. While it looks comically bad, it has a strong team behind it that is using assets already in place and altering them. They know the engine inside and out and the game is going to be MMO.

    Ooo, haven't heard of this. Looks pretty early going, but definitely something to watch. Character designs seem a little dry when compared to the more bombastic world designs, but not bad.

    I have a rather love/hate relationship with MMOs, so it all comes down to the gameplay for me. It's enough to intrigue me, though.

  • @kashaarafall said in How is the game now?:

    @aod-fluid Will likely be like cursed sails and hungering deep was. People will come in one day, experience all the update has to offer, play around with various changes, get some new clothes and then realize it is more of the same. This is not a bad thing (More of the same.) but the same is one of the biggest problems the game has, that being tedium. That is the one issue RARE hasn't fixed yet because they don't consider it a problem. Eh, whatevs I suppose. There are already other contenders looking to sate what SOT could not, Atlas, for one. While it looks comically bad, it has a strong team behind it that is using assets already in place and altering them. They know the engine inside and out and the game is going to be MMO.

    Atlas will fall... sorry, but when you contract a team to do a mobile build of your game and it comes out more solid than the original desktop build it is based on something is wrong. ARK has always had the same problems it's had since day one. They are not "The ones to beat" in the pirate gaming space. hehe...

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