Missing email

  • I subscribed to become a insider yesterday. I’m still awaiting my confirmation email.

    Can anyone help?


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  • @dj-rhodesy Ahoy matey!

    It can take 24 hours for the confirmation email to arrive, you may need to check your Junk, Spam or Promotional folders as it does sometimes end up in there.


  • Ahoy,

    It’s been nearly 24 hours and checked all folders.

    Cheers for the response :).

  • @dj-rhodesy Awwww darn!

    Make sure you submit a ticket using the link below then matey so they can get you verified.

    Submit a support ticket.

  • So I finally got my virfication mail and part of the insider group. I don’t see any insider sections to the forum?

    You wouldn’t believe I work in IT haha. Can’t even work a forum so it seems lol

  • @dj-rhodesy Ahoy matey!

    A simple log out of the forums and back in again normally cures this.

    (I work in IT too and the simplest fixes are sometimes the most overlooked aren't they)

  • @musicmee genius! It worked. Thanks for all your help mate :)

  • Wait... there's an Insider section on the forums?? xD
    I've been an insider since the stress tests and all... lol.
    Maybe this is why I'm not a pioneer...

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