[Mega Thread] Barrel 2.0 - Part 3

  • @personalc0ffee said in [Mega Thread] Barrel 2.0 - Part 3:

    This new system is necessary for the changes coming to the game.

    Rumored to be coming to the game. And, no, THIS system was not required. A system, maybe. But not THIS system. Stop being a cheerleader. We are all here because we loved the game and they put a serious wrench in it and refuse to admit the wrench is causing harm. It is. It's ugly, clunky, cumbersome, slow, unintuitive, laggy, and unimmersive. It adds nothing to the gameplay. Cursed cannonballs are gimmicky and at this point so clunky to get to that they are hardly even utilized. And that's a p**s-poor excuse for this inventory at this point.

    Also trying to justify that "coding is hard" and creating a better inventory system takes talent is absurd. This is a AAA developer with over 100 employees. Better UI's are crafted with teams under 5. Stop making excuses and request changes and results.

  • @thor-von-blitz said in [Mega Thread] Barrel 2.0 - Part 3:

    A possible 300 for each type, right?
    Don't you think that thats a tee bit too much?
    What happens when they introduce more ammunition types, will the total number of cannonballs rise once more?

    That leaves 24 empty slots to store items up to 300 of new types of cannonballs, I proposed 300 as max because I also assume that the max for each slot to be 300 at max, each barrel has 12 slots, so 3 barrels = 36 slots, of which 12 would be in use in the current set of cannonballs (regular + 11 types of curseballs).

    Decreasing the slot limit to 100 and allowing a cap at 100 of any type in every barrel is an alternative solution, but doesn't leave many slots open for new additional ammo types, and severely nerfs the sloop, since they get 12 slots less to work with. By the way, this is the current build, only that you are not limited to 300 of each type, you can choose to have more or less, aka 3600 but you can choose to have all of those be of one type or a couple. Basically you either make the barrels from the ship share limits, so players have a better slot and inventory management but caps at a modest level sso they don't get to go overboard with any singular type of cannonball while also allowing 24 new types of cannonballs to be added to the game, or you cripple players with choosing between having more or less of a type, despite they having gone out of their way to collect anything more than 100 of a type of cannonball.

    I don't like to cripple players like you do, but yeah, its sounds like you prefer to have option 2.

  • @personalc0ffee said in [Mega Thread] Barrel 2.0 - Part 3:

    @pondobruin85 Wrong, CONFIRMED to be coming to the game. Pay more attention to the live streams.

    Whats been confirmed exactly? And who cares if its as crummy to use as the current cannonballs?

  • @personalc0ffee said in [Mega Thread] Barrel 2.0 - Part 3:

    @pondobruin85 said in [Mega Thread] Barrel 2.0 - Part 3:

    @personalc0ffee said in [Mega Thread] Barrel 2.0 - Part 3:

    @pondobruin85 Wrong, CONFIRMED to be coming to the game. Pay more attention to the live streams.

    Whats been confirmed exactly? And who cares if its as crummy to use as the current cannonballs?

    You need to get informed, muh boi.

    Planned mechanics and features;

    new ammo types
    new food types
    new resource types
    maps in barrels

    What's coming for the immediate future is;

    new context menu for CCB when on cannon
    Take all
    Store all

    I believe the only thing that hasn't had an actual confirmation date is Fishing and Cooking but they've said we are getting them.

    All these things are NOW possible with the new inventory design and were NOT possible with the old design.

    The old design was intentionally hampering future development of this game. I am not sure why people do not understand this.

    What are you talking about dude? "all these things were not possible with the old design?" banjo? fishing? new ammo? new resources? these are all possible with the old system.The majority of us do NOT want to spend time in a menu while gathering and storing resources. This new system is unwanted by the majority of players, this is obvious from looking at the feedback. JUST make each resource have its own barrel. The game thrives on simplicity and immersion which are both under attack with this new clunk UI inventory system.

  • @personalc0ffee

    I'm pretty sure that if rare can change the barrel inventory to how it currently is that they can change it to incorporate v1.0 quick grab feature along with the new ui menu.

    We're not talking about a one man band here and sot is supposed to be a game marketing gamepass for Microsoft.

    Unless you have some inside knowledge that rare doesn't have the finances or isn't capable of implimenting those kind of changes?

  • @PersonalC0ffee

    I'm sure we all appreciate your passion for the game and new system, but they made this thread to get feedback on the new system. They WANT to hear from us. You seem to just be telling people who don't like everything about barrels 2.0 that anything else is impossible. Maybe post some things you really enjoy about the new system and give the devs some feedback on what they are doing right?

  • @personalc0ffee said in [Mega Thread] Barrel 2.0 - Part 3:

    @pondobruin85 said in [Mega Thread] Barrel 2.0 - Part 3:

    @personalc0ffee said in [Mega Thread] Barrel 2.0 - Part 3:

    You need to get informed, muh boi.

    Planned mechanics and features;

    new ammo types - who cares?
    new food types - see above?
    new resource types - such as?
    banjo - not tough to add another instrument.
    maps in barrels - because finding bottles in barrels > finding them on a beach? Dumb.

    What's coming for the immediate future is;

    new context menu for CCB when on cannon
    Take all
    Store all - Should have already been tested and implemented before even going public.

    I believe the only thing that hasn't had an actual confirmation date is Fishing and Cooking but they've said we are getting them. Who cares its a PIRATE Game. not a survival sim.

    All these things are NOW possible with A new inventory design and were NOT possible difficult with the old design.

    The old design was intentionally hampering future development of this game (according to devs that actually released the garbage UI). I am not sure why people do not understand this. -Because we have played other games in the past 10 years and aren't college cheerleaders wearing RARE shirts. Its plainly obvious to everyone who actually plays the game as a fast adventure combat game. Not a sailboat sim where I can go fishing sim. Omg hey maybe you can have a TACKLE BOX with its OWN UI MENU for LURES. Just. So. Dumb.

    FTFY. With annotations. You're welcome.

  • @personalc0ffee

    I think we all get that if new items are going to be added (which the devs have already said they willl) that a new ui is needed but rare could impliment parts of the old if they want to it is not impossible like you seem to be suggesting.

    Unless like I asked earlier you have some inside knowledge to rare not having the finances or are incapable of doing it?

  • @urihamrayne sagte in [Mega Thread] Barrel 2.0 - Part 3:

    @thor-von-blitz said in [Mega Thread] Barrel 2.0 - Part 3:
    I don't like to cripple players like you do, but yeah, its sounds like you prefer to have option 2.

    I wouldn't say i'm crippling anybody, i just prefer variety and that people have to make deliberate choices about what they want to carry on their ship.
    I'm not taking away the possibility of having all ammo types aboard your ship.
    Having access to everything at potentially high capacities just sounds boring.

    But we have to agree to disagree here.

  • @skulliah said in [Mega Thread] Barrel 2.0 - Part 3:


    Thank you for the improvements and QoL you're making with the new barrels but there is a little thing I find a bit unfair for the players who are using a controller compared to those using a keyboard.

    On a keyboard and with a short delay, you are able to take all the items in the barrels if you hold F. But on the other side, with a controller, if you hold A it will only take one item and you have to press again to take more. At the moment those with a keyboard can take and store supplies faster compared to those who are using controllers.

    I would love to be able to do that with my controller! I hope it's something you can take a look at with the upcoming take/store all :)

    Yes! This would really help console players

  • Right now the new UI will disconnect when you’re looking at a barrel in a storm while the ship is pitching and yawing. Making it very difficult to even get supplies out to repair a ship. Instead of just being able to get the supplies out I had to access the stupid thing 6 times for it to register and allow me to get 1 plank before I got kicked out again. Not going well for functionality purposes.

  • @gonnableedya without even commenting on what you said I like your writing style. Issue, scenario, solution. Issue and solution would be enough for me but having an example is good to illustrate the point

  • I understand the need for an updated inventory system. And honestly barrels 2.0 isn’t all bad. But this last little patch didn’t do anywhere near enough. Adding the “empty” label was helpful and a step in the right direction, but much more needs to be done. It’s a slow, unwieldy, immersion-breaking system. I hate how it takes you out of the game world, muffling/muting sounds. So much of this game relies upon auditory cues. Why does looking in a barrel prevent you from hearing yourself drowning?? That’s a fairly important cue!

    Barrels should have one button for taking and one button for putting, like it was before but adapted to the new system. This would make it easy to open the barrel and spam click without having to muck about switching sides or accidentally depositing when you meant to take or vice versa.

    I don’t care about a “take all” button, if it were just easier to quickly grab items. I like knowing what I’m grabbing before I grab it. Maybe I don’t want to take the bananas, just the cannonballs, leaving bananas for a crewmate. Control is good. There are ways this could have been made better without instantly caving to players demands for this or that. There’s a reason we’re players and not game designers.

    The whole system just seems very poorly thought out, untested and rushed. I acknowledge the need for the new system. It’s a good start, but it’s woefully underdeveloped.

  • About the only thing that makes the system tolerable for me is the fact I’m playing on a 27” touch screen. I find it far easier to just spam tap what I want than using the clunky key/button clicks. But I’d wager not many have that advantage.

  • @personalc0ffee said in [Mega Thread] Barrel 2.0 - Part 3:

    Also, might I be so bold as to say they very reason we did not have a lot of content for this game on launch was because most of it was either set aside or turned down because it would not fit in with the current UI. The UI was choking the game's creative direction.

    Now that they have re-designed it, we are going to see some really big changes coming to the game.

    Just my two cents.

    Based on what? Blind fanboy conjecture? Also, I certainly dont care what is added as long as the deployment system remains so broken. I've yet to even use a cursed cannonball because it's too clunky to even bother with. So the extra content is meaningless and gimmicky. Its fluff.

  • @personalc0ffee said in [Mega Thread] Barrel 2.0 - Part 3:

    @pondobruin85 said in [Mega Thread] Barrel 2.0 - Part 3:

    @personalc0ffee said in [Mega Thread] Barrel 2.0 - Part 3:

    @pondobruin85 Wrong, CONFIRMED to be coming to the game. Pay more attention to the live streams.

    Whats been confirmed exactly? And who cares if its as crummy to use as the current cannonballs?

    You need to get informed, muh boi.

    Planned mechanics and features;

    new ammo types
    new food types
    new resource types
    maps in barrels

    What's coming for the immediate future is;

    new context menu for CCB when on cannon
    Take all
    Store all

    I believe the only thing that hasn't had an actual confirmation date is Fishing and Cooking but they've said we are getting them.

    All these things are NOW possible with the new inventory design and were NOT possible with the old design.

    The old design was intentionally hampering future development of this game. I am not sure why people do not understand this.

    Stop trying to sell us on this garbage UI and what you consider improvements. Your take it or too bad attitude is garbage too. The fact we have 3 mega threads on this UI that is trash should make YOU realize its not for the better. Wake up.

  • @personalc0ffee said in [Mega Thread] Barrel 2.0 - Part 3:

    @pondobruin85 Why are you so hostile?

    Because you are still being a condescending jerk about this UI. your comment about banana spam pvp shows your own personal bias loud and clear. You want this to be a PVE game.

  • @personalc0ffee said in [Mega Thread] Barrel 2.0 - Part 3:

    Also, might I be so bold as to say they very reason we did not have a lot of content for this game on launch was because most of it was either set aside or turned down because it would not fit in with the current UI. The UI was choking the game's creative direction.

    Now that they have re-designed it, we are going to see some really big changes coming to the game.

    Just my two cents.

    Dude, it's a sandbox game where you are supposed to use your imagination a little more instead of constantly being led around. We are the content. The people crying about content are PVE players in a PVPVE Sandbox game.

  • @personalc0ffee said in [Mega Thread] Barrel 2.0 - Part 3:

    @trickrtreat01 said in [Mega Thread] Barrel 2.0 - Part 3:

    @personalc0ffee said in [Mega Thread] Barrel 2.0 - Part 3:

    @pondobruin85 Why are you so hostile?

    your comment about banana spam pvp shows your own personal bias loud and clear. You want this to be a PVE game.

    No, it appears to be the major complaint from the community that they don't like, that's why I mention it.

    Here you go again, pretending the community wants something, or that you speak for the community.

    Just a reminder that this is mega thread part 3 of a series of threads that should not have to exist to begin with and would not exist if Rare hadn't ruined the game.

  • The issues I have with the new system are:

    1. if I grab all of the first item in a barrel, then it doesn’t automatically move to the next item in the barrel.
    2. When storing items in the barrels, I would prefer it once you fill one slot (99 items) then instead of filling the next slot, the full slot moves over, so that if I need to grab some items quickly, it accesses the partially full slot instead of the full slot first.
  • @personalc0ffee said in [Mega Thread] Barrel 2.0 - Part 3:

    @trickrtreat01 said in [Mega Thread] Barrel 2.0 - Part 3:

    Just a reminder that this is mega thread part 3 of a series of threads that should not have to exist to begin with and would not exist if Rare hadn't ruined the game.

    It's a major "feedback" point.

    The reason this thread exists is because there was an update to the barrels, that way people are properly notified of the changes via patch notes and can form their feedback appropriately. Every time they have made changes to the barrels, they update the megathread, possibly they are creating new parts every patch to keep things neat.

    There are megathreads in the past that never got additional parts.

    "Feedback" is a politically correct way of saying its a major area in the game where they messed up. Positive feedback is far less, because it is shown in hours played, and not in posts. New accounts were created, people finding forums for the first time, etc, JUST because of this issue. I've only ever posted in these mega-threads. Which, he's right, shouldn't exist. RARE screwed the pooch once for releasing this garbage, and a second time for not redacting it. It isn't adding content if you have to fundamentally change the game to get it in. Its destroying one game and placing another in its place. Sea of thieves was not changed for the better this patch. No one enjoys the new cannonballs more than they despise the new UI. Maybe not "no one." But the vast majority, as demonstrated by these threads.

    I'm so hostile because you spew the same subjective fanboy drivel the devs have tried to convince us of, that the new content somehow justifies the atrocious UI they implemented. It doesn't. The players that play the game for what it is understand that. You clearly don't, or refuse to admit it for fear of your RARE overlords. The inventory and menus are terrible, and in two weeks there has been NOTHING done to change it. And no, press releases and "promised" updates don't count. Not that the promised updates Joe mentioned will particularly help the new system.

    The other issue I have is that you seem to be set in the same mind of them; that this inventory was the only way. It wasn't. There are hundreds of other games already on the market with better inventories already in place. Do a modicum of industry research and educate yourself. SoT only had to mimic a far better, already implemented system. It would have taken half as long and cost half as much.

  • The only way to make people remotely want to accept Barrel 2.0 is to make actual quality items to put in them.

    CCBs are broke. I know it's beating a dead horse at this point, but I fail to see where the devs who "listen to their players" have acknowledged it for one second. CCBs have no counter, no risk. You can't defend against them, and you can't steal them, since players can carry every single one in their inventory.

    If food types and further ammo types are this stupid, people are going to continue to hate 2.0, because at this point all it does is break the game with magical Macguffins.

    By and large, we want a more complete version of the GAME WE BOUGHT, not a game that gets turned into a different game.

  • @personalc0ffee said in [Mega Thread] Barrel 2.0 - Part 3:

    To put it into perspective, it is far easier for someone in photoshop to design a UI change they think works better but it is a whole other story and work to actually design that kind of UI system in the game.

    Software development is very complicated and very difficult.

    Just because something is time consuming doesn't mean it's impossible. Anything you can imagine can be made to work within the constrains of the code. It make take an overhaul of the system but they did it once already. so why not again if it will create the desired functionality the majority of the playerbase is requesting, nay demanding?

  • @owl-hisson said in [Mega Thread] Barrel 2.0 - Part 3:

    CCBs have no counter, no risk.

    ...don't be in range of them?

  • @pondobruin85 As per the Forum Rules we all must remain respectful towards all other community members when posting on the forums. Failure to remain respectful of all community members will result in a temporary ban from the forums.

    Please read and abide by the forum rules going forward.


  • @personalc0ffee said

    Planned mechanics and features;

    new ammo types
    new food types
    new resource types
    maps in barrels

    What are "maps in barrels"???

    @personalc0ffee said

    To put it into perspective, it is far easier for someone in photoshop to design a UI change they think works better but it is a whole other story and work to actually design that kind of UI system in the game.

    Software development is very complicated and very difficult.

    No it's not.
    We didn't have computers in schools when I went but somewhere in my thirties I touched a computer for the very first time. I soon learnt how to program (self taught) in Visual Basics and have made many fully functional programs including games and utilities that I have thought to create simply because nothing free suited my needs at the time.

    If I can learn programming in my mid thirties by trial and error, without books or lecturers than anyone can. It's not rocket surgery.

  • @personalc0ffee Dang I obviously missed that. I'll have to watch it again.

  • @personalc0ffee Gotcha

  • Me no likee dah new barrels.
    Clunky, slow.
    Feels like navigating a worse version of the Zelda Ocarina of times menu.

    So like when you look inside a barrel what you see first is the top of it. Maybe you could take what is on top and look closer for stuff hidden at the bottom ?
    Maybe building upon this concept and have a mix of both the old and new system might be "da wae"?!?

  • Being able to find a map in a barrel does not make this out of place, poorly designed, turn based inventory menu system that interrupts all the basic ways we have and should be playing SoT worth it.

    The game has not played the same and never will again unless an enhancement to the barrel 2.0 system includes a quick grab feature that puts vital things in players hands at the moment they need them. That is how the game played and should remain playing. It is how the SoT plays best.

    It is ridiculous to be on an island, surround by skeletons shooting at you with great accuracy while you run out of bananas. Where you have to pop open this gameplay stopping menu as you continue to get shot, hope that a banana is inside, collect it, and then close the menu. Then go to a menu and select bananas unless it was the last thing you managed to click on if bananas were actually in the barrel. All would be good except instead of grabbing bananas and being able to move on staying alive, you are now respawning on your ship after a short cruise on the Ferry of the Damned. All because the new inventory menu slowed you down, greyed out your gameplay, and paused what was going on for the player.

    Apply this to battling other ships, fighting skeleton forts, and repelling others players from your ship. It completely changes the fundamental ways this game has played from the start in the worse ways possible. If SoT was a RPG or MMO and the style of gameplay ran exactly like one, the new inventory system would work and no one would be saying foul, please change it. That is not what SoT is and it is not what it should play like.

    The SoT new inventory system, style of gameplay, and the way gameplay functions in this game now is out of sync and sinking the game for many players. There is no amount of time needed to adjust that would make this fiasco ok. Yesterday, today, tomorrow, a year from now, if the way and feel of what was is not merged into this new inventory system, it will still be the worse thing that happened.

  • Make the whole text grey (instead of just the "empty" text) when the barrel is empty so you don't open the barrel quick and it is empty.

  • I really didnt mimd the new UI and barrel system. Thanks for adding the "empty" notification on the barrels. This game has been out for awhile now, including the Alpha stage and people are used to the old ways. It's a change that hopefully will work better in future changes to the game. People just don't like change and I believe that's the major problem.

  • I have absolutely nothing against change. We all are subject to change all the time. Sometimes change is good and sometimes it is bad. Sometimes change is in our control and sometimes it is not. Saying people do not like change is more often an excuse to not listen that some change may not be a good thing.

    Change does not have to always be accepted just because something changed. This is especially true when changes actually make things worse and it was done purposefully, intentionally or not. In this case the reasons speak that change was necessary. The results show it would have been better if the necessary change enhanced what was already a good thing instead of scraping it completely leaving us with a bad thing.

  • @urihamrayne i think the 300 cannon balls and 100 cursed is more then enough 200 planks is even overkill and ive never gone through 100 bananas ever

  • @ajm123 Yeah it is a lot. I think it's just the feeling of a fully stocked ship people tend to be more of PvP person if that makes any sense. Lol.

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