Restore the game to pre-latest patch

  • I think it's time for Rare to realise the way they mutilated their child and at least just restore the game to pre-latest patch conditions.
    I think this would make >70% of players really happy.

    I haven't enjoyed a single second of this "adventure"

    Shooting magicall clownballs at skeletons, and hitting one cannonball of each wich are all over the place.

    NOONE ever asked for magical fairy clown circusballs on these forums EVER.

    All the time you put into programming those gamekillers you could have spent time programming a monkey for my shoulders.
    Fishing,and thousands of other great ideas people put all over this forum ALL THE TIME.
    And to then have the audacity to say in livestreams and youtube releases "We listen to players"
    NO, you Don't.....

    Have some decency towards players who payed for and love(d) this game and abort this abomination!

    And then go all-in on Forsaken shores, bug-free emersive balanced expansion eryone DOES want!

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  • Yes Rare needs to go back and put everything back the way it was.

  • @daantjebnl I understand what you mean by nobody asking for the cursed cannonballs, but Rare does listen to the community. I don't know if you realize how much time it takes for you to program something. Fishing is something they are considering putting in the game and they have to figure out so many things on how and when they will implement it. A prime example on Rare listening and taking ideas from the community is the Reaper's Mark. That whole idea was posted on these forums. So please don't say they don't care/ listen to the community because they do. Also, keep in mind that this game cannot have every idea posted by players and implemented by the devs because it would take so long for a new update to come out. Let Rare have their ideas for DLC's, and maybe a couple of player ideas in each update.

  • @dabomb139 said in Restore the game to pre-latest patch:

    @daantjebnl I understand what you mean by nobody asking for the cursed cannonballs, but Rare does listen to the community. I don't know if you realize how much time it takes for you to program something. Fishing is something they are considering putting in the game and they have to figure out so many things on how and when they will implement it. A prime example on Rare listening and taking ideas from the community is the Reaper's Mark. That whole idea was posted on these forums. So please don't say they don't care/ listen to the community because they do. Also, keep in mind that this game cannot have every idea posted by players and implemented by the devs because it would take so long for a new update to come out. Let Rare have their ideas for DLC's, and maybe a couple of player ideas in each update.

    Yes... very true. Very true.
    I don't mind the new inventory, provided we get a "take all" key for xbox. Seems like a simple fix...
    And AdmiralRRRsole had a good idea for cannonball sorting, which would be really nice.

  • The fact that Rare spent resources implementing something as game-breaking as cursed cannonballs, even though such a concept was clearly diametrically opposed to their own core vision of the game when it launched, instead of spending those resources adding new things to do (i.e. actual content) is mind-boggling to me.

    The new update is awful (cursed cannonballs, new barrel UI), and makes me not want to play Sea of Thieves anymore.

  • @coip how in davy jones’ name are cursed cannonballs gamebreaking ?

    It adds some flavor to the otherwise very easy ship to ship combat ? It is challenging and all pvp minded players will have to adapt.

    When i started this game i hated the pvp aspect of this game, however i got into it and started taking to it... and since months i have been mostly unbeaten, the challange started leeting quickly me and my crew were no longer afraid of losing any of our loot and hoarded alot on our ship max so far was 4 athenas and 4 skullforts (no speedrun style athenas either) any and all challengers we took on head on and lately always came out on top (basicly dominating the server).

    Now we will once again about every interaction we will likely have, be it at skullforts or passing ships seeing that magnificent glow coming of our ship (from all the skulls all over the ship) we dont know what they have aboard, can they anchor os on a whim or set us dancing whilst our ship is taking on water.

    I for one welcome this challange because the same board-anchor-protect holes strat can quickly be countered now and one man down is now a bigger risk.

    We usually never repaired our top deck holes when we where on a gally, now we simply have to because one ballastball can do us in fast.

  • I'm definitely not a fan of this new barrel / inventory UI. It's made gathering supplies a rather slow process with all this extra clicking. The use of the original hotkeys (PC) and menu bar worked. Yes, the take all feature is much needed but I rather have the old menu and working game features.

  • The biggest problem is that key threads on these forums are locked to sympathizers. To put it frankly, I CANNOT STOP RUNNING. When a crew of 4 people are looking in your general direction holding guns YOU CANNOT STOP RUNNING. I dont care how good you are or whatever. When you are playing at a high level trying to have fun robbing people by yourself, you need to grab stuff as you run. Have the new inventory menu be a setting that can be turned on or off, and leave the rest of us to spam F as we please.

    And now to be calm and tell yall how to make it better. Keep the cursed cannonballs and put em in crates to promote world exploration, which we are not super rewarded for as of now except for a stray chest or barrel.

    Make cannonballs into their own circular menu just like we select wood or bananas. Should we require more food, make a circle hotkey menu for food. Should we require more kinds of ammo? Have that swapped at the ammo boxes when we choose our guns.

  • @callmebackdraft I'm not much of a PvPer so that is an interesting perspective. I think I understand where you are coming from.You are an experienced player with a set crew looking for a challenge.

    The problem I see is what happens when crews like yours decide to go on the offensive against new players, solo players or players that just prefer to avoid.

    A crew such as yourself would dominate the seas. While you personally are looking for a challenge other players will use these cannons to crush other players beneath their boot.

    It is difficult enough to learn the ropes with no tutorial. Imagine what it will be like trying to learn to sail for the first time, encountering PvP and being hit with magical cannonballs that literally make you lose control of your character and ship. This is a recipe to destroy all future growth of this community. If they wanted to make this game accessible to the veterans and the noobs this is the wrong approach. They might as well introduce stats and weapon difference because this will achieve the same result.

    Once experienced PvP players master these weapons its game over for everyone else.

    In the end this too will lead to you wondering the seas searching endlessly for a challenge because these weapons are dangerous in the average players hand but devastating in a great players hands.

  • @theothervillain i understand your view, thats why i dont usually start fights aimlessly. If someone however comes up to me he will see all corners of the sea mainly from the sea bottom.

    I also join rando’s and learn them the ropes or at least try, sometimes they are just.... well you know.

    Some kind of training system would be cool though, some pirates with special ranks could start such a session and help people learn how to handle themselves.

    However once you learn the basic cannon mechanics they are quite counterable.

    My tips:

    • when in a fight NEVER gather to close to eachother on a ship so not all of you are struck by the effect, especially for the JIG and WEARY balls.

    • When your ship is taken out of commision (sails up, anchor down, helm lock, peace ball) keep your eyes on those ladders this is the moment boarders will try to take to board.

    • focus cannonfire on top deck first, get those shooters of their stations to give yourself some breathing room

    • allways, no seriously ALLWAYS keep your eyes and ears peeled, especially solo, having to treck to the other side of the island than bring your ship as close to your new location as possible.

    • NEVER, NEVER keep your ship anchored when you are working in something, unless your in a storm, the ability to move away fast is allways of the utmost importance

    • never start moving if stuff can be fixed with just turning your ship a couple degrees to get an angle dont underestimate the cover a rock/island provides

    Probably more tips i could give but i cant think of any

  • @trancerevolved amen trance

  • @callmebackdraft I think once they become less common people with chill on them some but I can spam the heck out of them. I use an anchor and ballast ball then spam the ship with venoms have 2 people keg thier ship then spam with sleep.

  • @callmebackdraft Good tips. Thanks for that.

    But what I was getting at is there is no tutorial and many players aren't as helpful as you. A lot of players are going to use these cannons totake advantage of vulnerable players.

    Can you imagine being a solo sloop and some crew of experienced players smacks you with a magic cannon that makes you fall asleep, dance, get drunk, anchor, etc? You are done. There is no counter, especially solo. That's where I see these things being very problematic.

  • @daantjebnl Wow, I think you need to take a vacation and then binge play fortnight or something. Because I have heard Fortnight has real life non fantasy game play you almost forgot was a game because of the realism and accuracy.
    Wow, just wow. Oh, wait. You could just play the game the way you always have and just not use the fairy clown circusballs because they are not real life cannon balls....hummm. I guess I could go on forever but I really don't think you would understand? um, ya.

  • Amen totally agree with everything. Mostly only casuals enjoying this event. For me personally it's worse than the mermaid statues. Some of us wanted to focus on other things rather than the contents of this cesspool of an update. Family away, I'm joining them on Tuesday, best friends all away on holiday. I know its just a game but it's ruined my weekend. Not even going to bother opening it up again for a few months.

  • @kondrites keep quiet and go to Disney land mate.

  • @coip said in Restore the game to pre-latest patch:

    The fact that Rare spent resources implementing something as game-breaking as cursed cannonballs, even though such a concept was clearly diametrically opposed to their own core vision of the game when it launched, instead of spending those resources adding new things to do (i.e. actual content) is mind-boggling to me.

    The new update is awful (cursed cannonballs, new barrel UI), and makes me not want to play Sea of Thieves anymore.

    Classic Rare...

  • @daantjebnl said in Restore the game to pre-latest patch:

    I think it's time for Rare to realise the way they mutilated their child and at least just restore the game to pre-latest patch conditions.
    I think this would make >70% of players really happy.

    I haven't enjoyed a single second of this "adventure"

    Shooting magicall clownballs at skeletons, and hitting one cannonball of each wich are all over the place.

    NOONE ever asked for magical fairy clown circusballs on these forums EVER.

    All the time you put into programming those gamekillers you could have spent time programming a monkey for my shoulders.
    Fishing,and thousands of other great ideas people put all over this forum ALL THE TIME.
    And to then have the audacity to say in livestreams and youtube releases "We listen to players"
    NO, you Don't.....

    Have some decency towards players who payed for and love(d) this game and abort this abomination!

    And then go all-in on Forsaken shores, bug-free emersive balanced expansion eryone DOES want!

    Very well put claps

  • I actually love the new updates! It will taking getting used to but it’s awesome! Cursed cannonballs are a little difficult to find, so it’s not like an enemy ship will launch 200 at you in a fight. I think it’s a really cool idea to add variety to battles.

  • I remember how bad the smoke grenades that would knock over player hurt gears of war 2 release. They were nerfed over a year and eventually completely removed.

    Cliff blezenski would say later any time you take the control away from a player, its a bad game mechanic.

    Now personally, i dont mid the balls as much as i thought i would and i generally dont invest into much until im rolling with an alliance in this game. But i was really surprised when rare said this was the direction they wanted to go. Its very bold. They had to know they would cause major outrage.

  • @coip when I read your comment and read “diametrically opposed” I couldn’t help but follow it up with “foes, they emerge with a compromise having opened doors that were previously closed, bros” I don’t know where that came from... weird...

  • @commandrew said in Restore the game to pre-latest patch:

    Cliff blezenski would say later any time you take the control away from a player, its a bad game mechanic.

    That's very interesting. It sums up the issue in a concise way

  • @theothervillain said in Restore the game to pre-latest patch:

    @commandrew said in Restore the game to pre-latest patch:

    Cliff blezenski would say later any time you take the control away from a player, its a bad game mechanic.

    That's very interesting. It sums up the issue in a concise way

    Whats crazy is how hard they defended them for so long. Just about killed the game.

  • @commandrew who is they and them in that context? Players, developers or grenades?

  • @jonoz1982 I know what you mean Jonoz. It's a holiday weekend here in the States and I was looking forward to getting some game time in. Saw on Twitter that there were problems with the new release. Then get onto looking for a group and realized there wasn't a single person running Athena's. I knew then and there something major was wrong. The previous barrel inventory / UI worked, just needed small tweaks. Now I gotta click a barrel to see what's inside. If it's empty, it's a waste of time as opposed to running up to a barrel and seeing it as empty already. Also, how does one take out a cursed cannonball while it's in your inventory? I don't see them available in the wheel menu.

  • @trancerevolved Hit the button that lets you see your voyages and titles. It's the screen before that. Select that canon ball and place it in the cannon

  • @daantjebnl you say nobody asked for it, but if this game or ANY game's content was entirely what people asked, it just wouldn't be good. And you say they need to talk about those things on live streams, they have discussed those things on live streams, maybe not in full detail because its never a fully planned thing, its an IDEA a SUGGESTION, rare will not take every suggestion and think its golden. I know there is the whole argument on the lack of content but whenever it is brought it, it is quickly covered up by saying how they don't add every suggestion.

    And also i cant tell if the last message is sarcastic or not, but lets be honest no game is perfect and this game has a lot of imperfections

  • Yes! Yessss. I feel like people are starting to speak the truth on the forums more so than before. Literally, I love the energy of this game. I love the pirate vibes man!!! Visually it’s awesome too. But w*f are you doing rare?

    This game has been out for a long time now. And let’s be realistic. Please. Please, everyone. What substantial content has been added since release? I know every single thing that has been added. I’ve put time into this game. I’m legend level 6 Athena. But from a casual normal person who plays games for fun, they really haven’t done much for this game that makes it actually exciting or interactive. Go ahead, tell me we as the players have to create content. That doesn’t fly with me though.

    The efforts put into all the lousy small stuff, could’ve been used to make one awesome piece of content. For the love of god, I want a cat. I never wanted to whack underwater statues or sit in chairs. Or pointlessly have a new fancy icon pop up when I buy a voyage. I want a cat to go terrorize the seas with.

    Oh, and as far as the cursed cannonballs, I’m fine with them simply because they look awesome. Though, I don’t play enough anymore to know how game breaking they are.

  • return back of commendation, 0 cursed cannonballs in PvP. thnks in advance Rare, you can do it

  • Yeah, this latest "update" has me thinking about getting rid of this game altogether.
    It was a grind before with a crew, now its utterly ridiculous to even contemplate a single man boat.
    And for me the biggest thing killing this game is the complete lack of consequences for breaking or losing boats. Pirates COULD NOT just get a new boat whenever the hell they ruined theirs. Even building a boat for royalty with unlimited resources took a minimum of a yr, and repairs werent a laughing matter.
    My friends and I will spend at least 30+ minutes finding, sailing, and battling only to have some idiot children come ramming into our boat with a total disregard for either boat to try and steal a chest worth peanuts(which well scuttle the boat before that happens) and in a matter of 2 minutes, our 30+ minutes becomes a total waste of time.
    2 of my friends wont even play it anymore and sold it because of this. They say "why? I dont wanna put in a bunch of time just to have it be worth nothing."
    The cursed sails that required boats to work together was great, still a grind, but fun.
    Now its like GTA online. A bunch of children running around with no purpose shooting at anything that moves, ignoring the "game" part of the game.
    Personally, the cartoony balls they have now remind me of a Fortnight weapon. Bright goofy colors. Tracer effects. The dancing ball is straight from Fortnight.
    I was into this since the beta, but its quickly starting to appear it wont live upto the promises and Im just waiting for the inevitable pay to win element that has evolved from a no way scenario to a we could implement it in a fun way idea.
    Im not quite ready to sell my copy yet but its getting pretty hard to want to spin it up, specially because my friends are all starting to drop out.

  • @muphraidercdxx well first of all, 30 minutes isn't too long to have enough stuff that is worth so much as a game uninstall and you do need to be careful with that stuff even if it is a small amount. Saying they're all children is a bit weird and salty but its whatever but as well as that you cant just think oh yea it would take a year to remake a ship, that's like saying you would need magic to be revived in any other game, its not that realistic to the point of breaking into the real life mechanics. Also to say that rare completely stole the jigball from fortnite is just not worth mentioning, because its not very close and its not that much of an original idea when it comes down to it.

  • @taaaamas I can only assume youre a millienial and thats why my point of wasted time is lost on you.
    You can continue to sail aimlessly waiving your stupid little red flag and throwing Fortnight balls at other kids (yes, i think fortnight is for children) wasting hrs of time earning a whole chest or 2, but Id rather go play a game where my 30+ mins yeilds some progression toward something and I have the chance to meet some people who are actually interested in missions or quests or whatever youd like to call them.
    And youre pretty slow if youre implying I actually think it should take a yr to get a new boat in a f**king video game. But to have a consequence to losing one doesnt seem too far fetched.

  • @muphraidercdxx ok well i dont know why i bother to respond but clearly there are consequences to losing a boat, you lose your loot that you were talking about "kids" ramming into your boat. The supplies you have gathered into barrels are also gone and you are relocated further away if you die and respawn. But i guess what i say has no meaning for i am but a simple plebeian millennial or whatever because that's your idea of everyone, as i shall go wave my 'stupid little red flag' and play fortnite. This game does has progression, it might be slow but 2 chests aren't getting you there unless you put time in like MOST games, if not ALL games

  • @trancerevolved yeah they changed it all. Impossible to grab bananas when running from skellies on islands now too. Is where the reputation tab used to be but you can make a shortcut to them with the below vid. Hope it helps.

  • @taaaamas again, you missed it. Time is the loot. Time is the supplies on the boat. Sinking my boat cost absolutely nothing but time. The loot, right back were it was. Just have to spend the time rebuying the quest. The supplies, right back in barrels. Spend the time resupplying the boat. Spend the time sailing back. Nothing lost but time and only to me and my friends trying to play the game.
    Any damage their ship receives attempting to get the loot cost no time for them. They spent no time getting their boat, spent no time resupplying (since it comes with minimal stock needed to sink a ship),spent no time looking for a target, and lose no time if their ship sinks trying to get the loot.
    So as far as I can tell, people playing the game correctly have all the risk and the people not playing the game have none.
    I dont have a problem being attacked, but it would be nice if there was some risk in attacking a ship that may only have 2 chests on it. Would 2 chests be worth risking a ship?

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