Cooking and Potion Potential

  • With all the curses coming to the seas and eventually falling into our hands I’ve noticed people have been asking for ways to counter or remedy curses - could potions be the answer?

    I have also noted cooking has been brought up as a possibility and I think it would be a great way to temporarily buff yourself (crab stew makes you run faster or bacon helps you to perform ship functions faster). This way food and potions become more intregal to the seafaring experience.

    What are your thoughts? How would you like to see potions and coooking integrated into the game?

    P.S. I would LOVE a potion or meal that helps you to breathe underwater a little longer...

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  • Id like thibgs that might help our pirate gain/loose weight/build muscle

  • @ollieoxenfree

    I think there shouldn't be counters for them, they said cursed cannonballs will be rare and the effects toned down. Would be silly if you find one of the cursed cannonball and someone just chugs down a potion completely negating the effects.

    Better to just use normal cannonballs since there won't be a potion that disables those.

  • @tuukkatl I don't know about your experiences but I seem to fall in the camp of getting hit with 4-6 cursed cannonballs in a row. Having to run down and make something even if it reduced the effect by 1/4th of it's effect duration would make my play sessions much more enjoyable. Of course we will have to wait and see what the final implementation of cursed cannonballs are.

  • @aa-yeti We are talking about cursed cannonballs in the hands of players, not skeleton ships. They said that they would be rare, like something you find in the world and you want to make sure you use a the right moment.

    People are asking for stuff before even seeing how it is when they come for players. You think it would be nice to find one, the sleeping one for example, you get a good hit on the other ship, and one guy completely negates that hit by ringing the bell once.

    That would feel like waste of time, why even bother using them if they become easy to counter. Might as well just use normal cannonballs then instead.

    Edit: Surviving being hit by cursed cannonballs from skeleton ships is easy. I just don't want to see this cool thing we are about to get, turn into something that is instantly reduced into nothing, by having an counter for it.

  • WHilst I don't really agree with the potions negating the cursed cannonball effects, I think potions that give certain buffs would add some depth/variety to the game, such as the mentioned 'longer breath holding' potion.

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