[CLOSED] Cursed Sails Challenge Submissions

  • @realterrortesin https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8M5yFu8i1yk
    :) Btw, I love your game Rare!!

  • Ive got a story to tell... #CursedSoTShot

  • @vinsanity324 said in [Cursed Sails Challenge Submissions]
    try posting just the URL on a separate line

    I've got a story to tell... [PRESS ENTER]
    https://ibb.co/gLraHe =
    I've got a story to tell...

    ^ignore, was helping someone post an image

  • @realterrortesin #CursedSoTShot Here are some screenshots I got while fighting the skelly ships!

  • @triheadedmonkey thanks! Much easier than I thought it was. Appreciate it 🙌

  • @realterrortesin I had so much fun playing with my friends and this is what we got. I hope you like it.





  • @realterrortesin
    Earning My Cannon Stripes against Skellie ships :)

  • @realterrortesin 2 Galleons getting ready to take out some skeletons

  • ahar me hearties...
    link text

  • Flight of the Cursed Sails #CursedSoTShot

    I have also submitted this on twitter: @llubber (Ride of the Cursed Sails)

  • @triheadedmonkey Nicely done! After seeing your video I'm kind of inspired to make a prop for Halloween now.

  • From the pirate that brought you Myth of the Megalodon... I present the second installment of mockumentaries. Weapons of the Warsmith!

  • Saving my Sloop

    Roll out the barrel
  • Sail thogeter legend
    alt text

  • @wesliver
    Big loot

    alt text

    alt text

  • @wesliver
    Pretty loot
    alt text

  • Cursed Sails: A Brief History

  • Sea of Thieves Cursed Sails Sketch and Collage
    Sea of Thieves Cursed Sails Sketch and Collage

  • My entry for the Callenge:
    YouTube link: https://youtu.be/IVYtUsWdhhE

  • #CursedSoTShot !

  • And once again we had a common enemy that could not be defeated alone, we had to "sail together" to free the seas again

  • Upon sailing the seas we come across other ships with a weary eye, upon sharing our shanties between us all, a mighty alliance was formed! 1 galleon and 2 Briggs set of with a thirst for blood... well for bone to be coreect! Cursed ship after cursed ship were sent back to the depth they came from. With the ships all sunk and boats full of booty, we were still not full... what's that in the sky?! A skeleton fort!! Onwards we went to fulfill our greedy hearts. A true sight to be feared as we worked together, complete strangers from all over the seas working together to defeat wave after wave.

    With boats almost sinking of glorious treasure we finally board at Plunder outpost and evenly divide the booty
    was all well till a single skull remains... how to decide who got it? Well of course a battle to the death! A champion from each boat was chosen, on the dock they stood, waiting to be victorious!
    I was hit by a stray charged sword and went flying backwards, upon resurfacing into my boat, a tinge of revenge glistened in my eye as I loaded up my blunderbuss and aimed for the pirate that hit me. I pulled the trigger just as I noticed a barrel bomb right next to me... BANG!

    Spawning onto the ghost ship i turn to see many fellow allianced pirates join me, with laughter choking my words, I apologised for the manslaughter I accidentally brought upon everyone.
    For killing the most people, it's fair to say i got given the skull! But not without a blunderbuss to the face sending me back to my friend on the ghost ship.

    With everything sold and stories of our journey still being laughed about we decide it's time for a drink at the pub!
    We all file in, 1 galleon and 2 Briggs, never seen the place so full! Stumbling around doing what pirates do (throwing up on each other and chasing with buckets of spew) we notice someone missing... didnt take long to know where he went. We hear the dreaded sound of a barrel bomb being ignited and the laughs of a rogue pirate, we try to run to the door but we are to drunk to escape our fate!!! BANG!!
    ... well played pirates!

    Hahaha that's my tale of one of the best sails I've had, hope it brings laughter reading as it did being there! (I have a great photo of the survivors of the pub bombing but unfortunately dont know how to upload a photo on here :( sorry everyone)


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