Dead Men Tell No Tales - Cursed Sails week 1

  • Ahoy maties!

    As we are all waiting quietly for the servers to be back online for the week 2 of The Cursed Sails, I thought it was the good time to share some of my best moments from this first week.

    As usual my play sessions would never be the same with me best crewmate who took this update a bit too seriously!


    One of the most epic fight was at The Shores of Plenty. We had already done this battle but we needed to defeat more skellieships to unlock The Scourge of Skeleton Ships commendation. We decided to do it on a galleon with two other crewmates found with a LFG. While stocking our ship, a Brigantine showed up and needed to do it with the sails of this region. Perfect timing we thought, but we went there the 9th without a lot of supplies. We knew the risks of not succeeding in time but we decided to take the challenges. As we had already done it, we knew it wasn't an awful cursed cannonball and we could manage to do it before we run out of time.

    We ran quickly out of cannonballs so our best option was to ram them and use the powderkegs we had. The Brigantine seemed to struggle a lot during this fight but we succeeded to get to the captain's wave really quickly. Unfortunately, we were already the 10th so it meant we had less than 24 minutes to win the battle before they despawned.

    We tried the best as we could to find some cannonballs. When I headed to the crow's nest to take our last keg we had only 6 minutes left. The galleon is more diffcult to maneuver against these fast skellieships so I told to myself:

    There is no way I'm going to wait on our crow's nest until one come eventually near us. Let's do that, we can kill them!

    I just decided to jump in the water and go in the direction of one of them. I succeeded to grab their ladders and was really stressed when I saw a skeleton with a blunderbuss waiting for me at the top. Hopefully he missed and I was able to fuse the keg on their lower deck. I tried to defend the holes the best I could before going to the Ferry of the Damned.


    When I went back on our ship, the sun was already starting to set and fall below the horizon. I just sword dashed in the direction to the ship I was before. One of my crew was still trying to defend some of the holes. When I get there I just took my bucket and throw water in their ship as they were almost sunk. Surprisingly it worked quite well.

    I swam quickly to our ship and sword dashed again to the last ship where the captain was. I just told to my crewmates to ram it and to throw water with me on it. It was so crazy, the night was already there and we had less than one minute to sink it.

    We heard the victorious music just 5 seconds before we ran out of time.

    Our commendation has just been unlocked at the same time, it was probably one of the most satisfying fight we've done. I know that everything could have been completely different 5 seconds later but I felt perfectly rewarded for taking my chances and not waiting for things to happen. Hence, me bucket is now me trusty friend against the skellieships.

    I recorded this fight if ye want to see it in action. The music of the battle brings a lot of tension and adrenaline in it. I'm sorry you won't be able to hear anything I was saying for some weird and unknown reasons. I let you watch my 'what do I do' moment at the beginning :P

    Almost everyday we love to tackle these skellieships. We wanted to defeat the crew of the Dancing Demon on a sloop so we fully stock one and grabbed 20 kegs. We were ready but we couldn't find another ship willing to help us. We wanted at least one other ship as we knew this cursed cannonball can be fatal. We didn't want to server hop as we took time to stock our ship so we decided we didn't have something to loose. We needed to try, to overcome our fears and go there by ourselves.

    Oh dear, that was an intense battle where we almost sunk several times. My friend has even been disconnected during the fight and wasn't able to join me for 5 minutes. She spawned back into the brig while I was screaming 'Kitteeeeeeeeeen I'm DANCIIINGGG' where she just answered 'I have just one bucket to save us'. I have no idea how we succeeded to stay alive, it was so crazy but we did it.

    What saved us was all our kegs. I boarded the skellieships, we tried to stay really close to them to minimize the risks of dancing and we communicated a lot. I think it's really wonderful to see the result of all these hours we have sailed together and how we know how to work together.

    Maybe the funniest moment of this battle was when I succeed to land on the platform under the crow's nest of the skellieship while I tried to board them. I just told to my friend that I needed to take a screenshot even if she was yelling at me we didn't have time for that.


    I'm looking forward to the new skelly crews to defeat and having a blast with them as well!

    See ya on the Sea of Thieves me hearties!


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  • Great stuff!
    It's the thing I love about this game. Even if you don't do the scheduled events there is almost always an adventure around the corner (island). I play mostly solo and even then I have enough stories to fill a book.
    Sail on!

  • @mr-kaluta

    Exactly! I love this game for all these unexpected encounters and all the adventures I'm able to do.

    Cheers matey!

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