Knocked into the drink

  • So this is about sloops. A great little boat that's easy to pilot, maintain, and get knocked off of. Was sailing solo when a duo crew decided they weren't going to give up the chase, so I turned around and gave them a round of cannon fire. A decent long fight went on for about 20 mins, until the fools rammed my ship and jumped off theirs. One of the two exceptionally bright bulbs jumped clear over my ship, hope he became shark or kraken food. The second landed and I ran up to give him a taste of blunderbuss, but he was still going after a solid hit. Swords it was then, I blocked a few of his attacks and lunged, he recovered and jumped over my anchor, outside of where I'm swinging the cutlass like a madman. I move over to finish him, but he gets me with a lunge and sends me flying off my great-in-spirit-not-in-size vessel. Now I can take a loss, and as far as losses go this one didn't even sting. The only treasure in the boat was a foul skull, disgraced skull, and 2 seafarers chests from a shipwreck so whoop-de-doo. What I didn't like was how I lost it. I really feel I outperformed the other sloop, I knocked them off their boat multiple times just with cannon fire, I killed both of them during a previous boarding attempt, but one hit from them cost me the fight? Not even that hit! As I floundered about in the water, a merman swam up to help me.... After about 1:30m. The screen went black, about another 20 seconds later I was dropped into the ocean where my boat had just sunk. Literally seconds away from saving it. Funny thing is, the other crew was splashing in the water looking for merpeople too, so I'm assuming they lost their boat in their poorly-devised boarding attempt. I guess the great moral of this too-long tale is Rare please please please make it harder to fall off the sloops in combat. Or at least have mermaids arrive to help before the ship gets 3 miles away, filling with water the whole while.

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