Who else greatly dislikes "The Wilds" portion of the map?

  • I seem to spawn in that area all the time and where my screen is placed to the window means I'm cleaning the screen or closing the curtains.
    I will try to sail to the west or south west before starting a voyage. The blue skies, white sandy beaches and turquoise waters, it's like being away on an in-game holiday.

  • I absolutely love the wilds, from the volcanic feel of the islands to the rock filled oceans, the ominous feeling you get when you do oos voyages in a completely dead area. And I love doing pvp there and completely ridding the wilds of any other ships who try to enter my territory, nothing like making a dead place deader.

  • @themightysiege I only ask you leave us poor merchants and our animals alone. Take down the treasure hunters and bounty hunters if you are going to be a straight pirate...but let the trading company keep doing it’s thing. Lol

  • @nyadc85 I don't particularly dislike The Wilds, but Old Faithful is my most hated island. Closely followed by Plunder Valley.

  • I like The Wilds....
    Helps me appreciate the other areas of the map, which are classically beautiful
    The Wilds has it's own unique beauty, nothing like being caught in a storm there... really adds to the atmosphere, the threat & menace.
    A great addition to our world.

    One of my favourite photos from the Wilds

    alt text

  • @ximp0sterx I try not to kill merchants when I can help it. But when alliances come about my services are for hire if need be.

  • I appreciate the rocks. Really breaks up the ho hum sailing forever against the wind again SoT meta.

  • I don't mind it, but I sure as [Mod Edit - No profanity] hate how dark it is.
    It blows my mind that there's no way to adjust that in game!

  • @mrmcdoll

    But 30 year old player options are all the rage.

  • Well, it is like Lavender in Pokemon Red/Blue. No one likes to stay there, but everyone knows it is needed.

  • I have to agree with you. I do the same thing. It is dreary, and for a game that depends so heavily on grinding, it doesn't do much to lighten the mood.

    What would make more sense to me would be to turn the atmosphere of The Wilds into a passing weather condition that would phase in and out on all portions of the map. That way I'd know that it won't last forever, and I'll be more inclined to stick around.

  • I agree. I wish they would have made each area distinct aside from visuals.

    Calm, shark infested waters for Shores of Plenty, temples and lots of cave systems for Ancient Isles, etc. Maybe fog and more rocks with rougher seas in The Wilds. Just spitballing here.

    Would also like to see a unique sea monster associated with each region.

  • It's grim up North lad

  • @reedski Aye, it is lad, you'll need to wear yer big coat up 'ere!

  • @musicmee aye, if you're Southern, Northern lads know it's always T-shirt weather till Christmas, then you wear a jumper wi t'sleeves up

  • I like em better when i m stoned.
    they have something archaic to it, something primordial in a sense. Raw, rough, untamable, something that screams 'survival of the fittest', there is not much of life supposed to be there. a dire fight against the forces of nature. very poetic the area, a wild beauty. :D

  • I love the wilds, reminds me of Scarborough (where I was born), it's got quite a Northern feel, be it the weather or the people, "there's nowt so q***r as folk" they say up here, and there's definitely a few odd NPC's in the wild North lol

  • @reedski I knew I had seen that murky water and dark skies somewhere before :P Summer in Scarborough!!

  • @swiftdb
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