That New Ship Smell

  • There's nothing like the smell of a new ship, am I right!? Too bad it literally means nothing... You should be rewarded for keeping your ship is tip top shape!

    I think there should be a slight speed decrease for each separate patch on your hull. In reality, patches would cause extra friction, known as drag, which would result in slower speeds compared to a perfectly smooth hull.

    Not only would this would reward good driving/parking, but it would also add another layer to pvp since a new ship could chase down an old busted up b****r. Plus, this might actually result in me using the "scuttle ship" option for the first time!


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  • @dolla-bill-bill I can see the merit, since it would introduce an "every hit counts" mentality, but we would also need the option to repair the ship at an outpost instead of having scuttling (or sinking) being the only option to actually fix the ship.

  • @Dolla-Bill-Bill I’m not sure I can agree with this one. If my crew and I are in a server for 3 hours, and we’ve been through hell and back battling other ships / forts, etc, I don’t think we should be punished for having survived it all and kept our ship from sinking.

  • @dolla-bill-bill I can't really agree with this post. I love the look of a battle scarred ship that is still sailing and I don't think you should be penalized for being tough to kill.

  • Agree with the last two posts. Making it through a night without sinking and the ship looking like a ball of wood chips is awesome.

  • @gatorwocky Think there is way to keep the look, but still have it repaired so that it functions like new?

  • -1
    Disagree on all fronts
    A battle scarred vessel tells the tale of a crew that's faced the odds and lived
    Few things inspire a sense of unease as great an approaching ship that's littered with the vain attempts of other ships to sink it
    On a gameplay level your proposal punishes people for doing well. I find it shallow and pedantic

  • @dolla-bill-bill Mate, you couldn't be further from what it's all about.
    I am PvE all the way so I have little to boast about, but when engaged in battles and we come out of it without losing our ship I stick my chest out with pride.

    10 victorious ship battles (8 galleons / 2 sloops) and two skull forts in the same ship.

    P.S. I'd like to say that we beached on purpose to take the screenshots but that wasn't the case. lol

    And that was her "GOOD" side. lol

  • @daddy-sanctus said in That New Ship Smell:

    @Dolla-Bill-Bill I’m not sure I can agree with this one. If my crew and I are in a server for 3 hours, and we’ve been through hell and back battling other ships / forts, etc, I don’t think we should be punished for having survived it all and kept our ship from sinking.

    I'm afraid I have to agree. It'd be a freaking NIGHTMARE if you had to suffer for getting attacked by other players. Sorry.

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