The day we lost - The day we learned

  • Greetings, me lads and lasses!

    I come before you, with my sword broken and my flintlock jammed.

    Myself and the lovely @KattTruewalker decided to go on yet another voyage together but little did we know the horror that would await us.

    We sailed away from Sailor's Bounty and were heading towards Wanderer's Refuge to complete our Gold Hoarder voyage, when a sloop came out of nowhere! Well, only half of that statement is true; we were not paying attention, discussing all sorts of things and we failed to see that sloop coming our way.

    When we realized what has happened it was too late. My second mistake was sticking with the "all-mighty" blunder, while the weapon that I was actually needed was a flintlock, for precision. Why? One of them was walking on their mast with an explosive barrel, one that I tried to shoot twice but failed.

    Now, i said that it was my second mistake, for it could all have been avoided if only I would have listened to Kat and sell the 8 chests that we had. If we had sold them before heading to Wanderer's, we would have had a different experience.

    One thing lead to another and we found ourselves with no ship, no chests, just our wounded prides. As stubborn as we both are, we decided to get back out there and reclaim our stolen goods! Thus, we quickly got back to them and started chasing the sloop around. Here's when my cockiness got the better of me, part 2.

    As we were circling Wanderer's Refuge, I decided to act smart and shoot myself over the BIG island, from a bit of distance, and get on their ship. Sadly, 1+1 = 3 this time and by that I mean that i failed miserably. By leaving the lass alone on our ship, i gave the sloop the best opportunity to swim with a boom-boom and send us to the grumpy captain of the Ferry of the Damned.

    Have I told you that both myself and Kat are stubborn? Here comes attempt numero 3. We managed, out of luck and some of Kat's amazing sailing, to get towards the sloop, again. This time we fought valiantly, killing them over and over again as they boarded us. But, all good things eventually come to an end. Our shiny opponent (he had a lovely spanish vibe to his cosmetics) caught me on the wrong foot. Basically I missed from not even half a meter away, thus allowing him to kill both myself and the lady.

    At this moment, I have gotten to the point that I just couldn't take it anymore and begged Kat to scuttle the ship. And so it happened.

    Now, I got mad, I got salty, BUT i never, not even once insult or blame the other crew. We lost because WE messed it up. What I am asking of you lads and lasses is to take a step back and think before posting a not so friendly thread on the forums or social media. If you dig deep, I can promise you that you'll find out that almost all the times that you sank, lost, got robbed, etc. was because of something that you did or didn't do.

    I guess that through this message of sorts, I am asking all of you to try and look inside of yourselves instead of immediately pointing at other people, putting the blame on someone else.

    With these being said, I wish all of you the best of journeys!

    With love,

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  • @eredhar I can realte to this story in so many ways!

    I have found that we are most commonly sunk when three of my crew decide it's a great idea to jump ship and board the enemy. You can see where this is going!

    Clearly that leaves our galleon completely undefended should something go awry. It's happened more times than I would like to admit!

    Please people, defend your ship! Don't all jump off at once!

  • @evasive-envy Thank you for admitting the little mistake :)

  • Good post mate. Everytime i have gotten sunk it was one of our mistakes that let it happen. You live and learn from it

  • @eredhar

    Aaargh, 'twas a dismal day in me ship's log book. Full o' failins and missteps, errors in judgement an' me sword must o' been blunt!

    Ye told it true, we were enjoyin' the clear azure seas an' skies, chattin' gaily about this n' that and forgettin' that we sailed 'pon treacherous seas. Triumphant in havin' our hoard o' chests on board ship, our attention wandered from that there hostile horizon.

    E'ery mistake that could ha' been made, we done made it. To the victors the spoils and they bested us this day. Lessons learned.

  • @nwo-azcrack We are here to learn, aren't we, me lad?

  • @katttruewalker Aye, me lass...'twas a cruel yet enlightening experience.

  • I somewhat agree that its our fault when we lose. I find the knock backs and damage to pirates from the cannon balls are very inconsistant though. I tend to only sink when I get knocked off the boat or killed by a cannon ball, meanwhile when I hit others dead on with a cannon ball they barely get pushed off their cannon or wheel.

  • Finally someone who gets it, not wanting private servers or offline modes. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR POSTING THIS

  • @katttruewalker said in The day we lost - The day we learned:


    Aaargh, 'twas a dismal day in me ship's log book. Full o' failins and missteps, errors in judgement an' me sword must o' been blunt!

    Ye told it true, we were enjoyin' the clear azure seas an' skies, chattin' gaily about this n' that and forgettin' that we sailed 'pon treacherous seas. Triumphant in havin' our hoard o' chests on board ship, our attention wandered from that there hostile horizon.

    E'ery mistake that could ha' been made, we done made it. To the victors the spoils and they bested us this day. Lessons learned.

    Hmm, I see moderators get away with it. I have tried b-e-s-t but not b-e-s-t-e-d.
    Hold my hand, I'm going in. :o)
    bested, Bested

    edit: Okay, it's not just moderators.
    Try b-e-s-t without the hyphens.

  • Great title excellent point. Well said.

    I always try to learn from my mistakes.

  • @eredhar Aye'll drink to that! Well said. Sometimes frustration can get the best of us, but we must not let that anger lead us down the wrong path and post an illogical complaint here on the forums. We should instead think retrospectively and learn from our mistakes. I've had my share of frustrating experiences, but as the word says, they provide the experience that makes you a seasoned pirate.

  • Btw I'm tired of seeing the word b e s t getting censored like that. Will someone please fix it? I didn't say anything offensive when I said best.

  • @assassinsking98 True, it can get frustrating at times but we must not give into that frustration.

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