Just met the pettiest pirate legend.

  • 4 vs 1 for the supplies on a sloop? You sir are the lowest form of pirate s**m! Too bad you didn’t look behind the waterfall or you might have found my captains chest I had just dug up. Enjoy the few cannon balls and bananas ya worthless bucket of slop.

    Too bad your ladies had to do all the work, I guess that’s how you made it to legend anyway! Riding coat tails!

    I was sailing to crooks hollow when I saw a red galleon with full red sails heading towards a fort. The skull had recently popped up so I figured they were heading for supplies and altered my course to pass behind them. Being who I am I had my cannons up, but I am prepared for anything. I saw one of the galleon crew swimming towards me so I cut her down when she boarded my ship and proceeded on my course.

    Now the galleon had actually crashed into the fort and I found that kind of amusing. It was as if the pilot herself had jumped overboard to board me without warning her crew. As I rounded behind crooks, I made sure to keep my sloop hidden and ran to my dig site. I double checked and the galleon was parked sails up so I figured they were busy looting the island. I found my mark and dug up a captains chest, then proceeded through the cave back to my ship.

    As I neared the opening I saw the galleon glide towards my sloop. I hid the chest and swam over to confront the s**m. I dispatched one, but was overwhelmed. I could have scuttled, but decided to test my metal. 4 vs 1 it seems is beyond my skill set!

    And I thought they nerfed the blunderbus! Didn’t feel like it!


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  • @boca-g

    Though I admit, it sounds petty... I've got to admit, I'm 99% nice guy pirate and sometimes... that 1% is me just being mean for means sake. Wanting supplies is a more valid reason than, because you're there at least?

    alt text

  • @blooddoll22 they were just at a fort supplying up.. this was 100% petty

  • @boca-g said in Just met the pettiest pirate legend.:

    4 vs 1 for the supplies on a sloop? You sir are the lowest form of pirate s**m! Too bad you didn’t look behind the waterfall or you might have found my captains chest I had just dug up. Enjoy the few cannon balls and bananas ya worthless bucket of slop.

    Too bad your ladies had to do all the work, I guess that’s how you made it to legend anyway! Riding coat tails!

    Uncle Pirate wants YOU
    to know that true pirates do not whine and moan.

  • @boca-g said in Just met the pettiest pirate legend.:

    4 vs 1 for the supplies on a sloop? You sir are the lowest form of pirate s**m! Too bad you didn’t look behind the waterfall or you might have found my captains chest I had just dug up. Enjoy the few cannon balls and bananas ya worthless bucket of slop.

    Too bad your ladies had to do all the work, I guess that’s how you made it to legend anyway! Riding coat tails!

    Sounds pretty valid to me, if they did thst after hiiting a fort for supplies, they needed the supplies. Its the circle of life.

  • @sweltering-nick said in Just met the pettiest pirate legend.:

    @boca-g said in Just met the pettiest pirate legend.:

    4 vs 1 for the supplies on a sloop? You sir are the lowest form of pirate s**m! Too bad you didn’t look behind the waterfall or you might have found my captains chest I had just dug up. Enjoy the few cannon balls and bananas ya worthless bucket of slop.

    Too bad your ladies had to do all the work, I guess that’s how you made it to legend anyway! Riding coat tails!

    Uncle Pirate wants YOU
    to know that true pirates do not whine and moan.

    I’d like a downvote feature for lame replies please!

  • @boca-g said in Just met the pettiest pirate legend.:

    @sweltering-nick said in Just met the pettiest pirate legend.:

    @boca-g said in Just met the pettiest pirate legend.:

    4 vs 1 for the supplies on a sloop? You sir are the lowest form of pirate s**m! Too bad you didn’t look behind the waterfall or you might have found my captains chest I had just dug up. Enjoy the few cannon balls and bananas ya worthless bucket of slop.

    Too bad your ladies had to do all the work, I guess that’s how you made it to legend anyway! Riding coat tails!

    Uncle Pirate wants YOU
    to know that true pirates do not whine and moan.

    I’d like a downvote feature for lame replies please!

    Hey, i tried to make an original meme, okay? Well, as original as memes get anyways... But still! xD

  • @sweltering-nick I was half kidding, I did laugh!

  • This guy/girl is p****d!

  • @sweltering-nick Ha Harrrr!

  • alt text

  • @sweltering-nick said in Just met the pettiest pirate legend.:

    @boca-g said in Just met the pettiest pirate legend.:

    4 vs 1 for the supplies on a sloop? You sir are the lowest form of pirate s**m! Too bad you didn’t look behind the waterfall or you might have found my captains chest I had just dug up. Enjoy the few cannon balls and bananas ya worthless bucket of slop.

    Too bad your ladies had to do all the work, I guess that’s how you made it to legend anyway! Riding coat tails!

    Uncle Pirate wants YOU
    to know that true pirates do not whine and moan.

    By and large, True pirates pirated merchant ships, not other pirates, and gave the crew the option to surrender their cargo to avoid mass murder.

    Just because the mechanics allow such behavior does not make it any less repulsive.

  • @doubledragun
    not mad enough to name names and violate forum rules!

  • @itsporkchopfu said in Just met the pettiest pirate legend.:

    @sweltering-nick said in Just met the pettiest pirate legend.:

    @boca-g said in Just met the pettiest pirate legend.:

    4 vs 1 for the supplies on a sloop? You sir are the lowest form of pirate s**m! Too bad you didn’t look behind the waterfall or you might have found my captains chest I had just dug up. Enjoy the few cannon balls and bananas ya worthless bucket of slop.

    Too bad your ladies had to do all the work, I guess that’s how you made it to legend anyway! Riding coat tails!

    Uncle Pirate wants YOU
    to know that true pirates do not whine and moan.

    By and large, True pirates pirated merchant ships, not other pirates, and gave the crew the option to surrender their cargo to avoid mass murder.

    Just because the mechanics allow such behavior does not make it any less repulsive.

    SoT is not about historically accurate pirates, it's about fantasy pirates...

  • As a legend, bananas are worth waaaaaay more than a captains. Bananas equal OOS. OOS equals villainous. One villainous equals approx 2.5 captains.

  • @lord-of-goats said in Just met the pettiest pirate legend.:

    As a legend, bananas are worth waaaaaay more than a captains. Bananas equal OOS. OOS equals villainous. One villainous equals approx 2.5 captains.

    I don’t trust your math sir!

  • @blooddoll22 said in Just met the pettiest pirate legend.:


    Though I admit, it sounds petty... I've got to admit, I'm 99% nice guy pirate and sometimes... that 1% is me just being mean for means sake. Wanting supplies is a more valid reason than, because you're there at least?

    alt text

    Have to concur. I attack everything in sight unless I'm playing with my kiddo. Nothing to lose. Everything to gain. I'd rather get my supplies off someone else's ship than dig through the garbage like a hobo.

  • @sweltering-nick said in Just met the pettiest pirate legend.:

    @itsporkchopfu said in Just met the pettiest pirate legend.:

    @sweltering-nick said in Just met the pettiest pirate legend.:

    @boca-g said in Just met the pettiest pirate legend.:

    4 vs 1 for the supplies on a sloop? You sir are the lowest form of pirate s**m! Too bad you didn’t look behind the waterfall or you might have found my captains chest I had just dug up. Enjoy the few cannon balls and bananas ya worthless bucket of slop.

    Too bad your ladies had to do all the work, I guess that’s how you made it to legend anyway! Riding coat tails!

    Uncle Pirate wants YOU
    to know that true pirates do not whine and moan.

    By and large, True pirates pirated merchant ships, not other pirates, and gave the crew the option to surrender their cargo to avoid mass murder.

    Just because the mechanics allow such behavior does not make it any less repulsive.

    SoT is not about historically accurate pirates, it's about fantasy pirates...

    ...and there's no way to enforce a surrender. Now that I think of it, that would be a nice option. Click agree to be disarmed for x minutes. Disarmed players cannot use cannon nor incur damage from or deal damage to group A who offered surrender until the period has ended.

    Boat can still be sunk because pirates and madmen.

    Egads, I like it!

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