The Legendary Legend of Captain Joan Abstruse, Pirate Legend, as written by... you!

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    "A lady once sailed through a storm at night, turned off her lights did she to show off her might."

    What I'm proposing here is a creative writing exercise. You know how sailors both ye olde and brand new love to embellish when it comes to recollections, right? Well I think it'd be great if we could all take find some time to create short stories based around the pirate incarnation of Joanna Dark, who was last seen in this August 11, 2016 update, pretending to be the figurehead of a galleon.

    As far as plot goes, each story would be unique to the teller. Was she a Robin Hood-like hero of the people, an anti-hero who was more in line with Elizabeth Swann, or a tried-and-true villainess whose heart was as black as the flag she sailed under? That kind of thing would be entirely up to you. But each tale would have to remain relatively faithful to the Sea of Thieves setting and the humorous atmosphere that accompanies it. For example...

    "Did ye ever hear th' tales about th' legendary pirate cap'n Joan Abstruse? Some say that her galleon was crewed by nary more than a quartet o' animals. Aye, that's right! A squirrel, a monkey, one o' them rare breeguls, 'n a bear t' be exact!"

    Of course, your stories needn't be so short or anecdotal, nor confined to a quote box. They can be as long and as detailed as you want, so long as they fall within the forum's guidelines.

    Whaddya think, mates? You interested?

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  • @nexrum Sounds like a fun and interesting idea!

  • @stacky-a Think you might try your hand at this? :3

  • @nexrum Yeh if I can find some time I will try put something together 😊 - also look forward to reading what others come up with too!

  • @stacky-a
    alt text

  • Can we get a bump here, please? Thank you!

  • @nexrum Ok, finally got around to writing something :)

    The Legend of Joanna Abstruse

    A young stranger entered DaggerTooth Tavern. All eyes looked up with a nervous pause and sensing no danger, they quickly relaxed back to their drinking. He snatched a torn scroll from the noticeboard and sat down at an empty table. Tattered and aged as it was, he examined the scrawled writing-

    ----3000 GOLD FOR HER CAPTURE----

    Not too hard, he thought, just a simple bounty.

    He ordered himself a drink and questioned the barmaid.

    “Aye, sir I heard of her, but know no more. She has been known to frequent the wilds or so the stories tell”.

    Musing over this as he sipped his grog, the stranger was joined by an old gangly pirate. A patch on one eye, the other seeming to contain a grey ever-swirling mist.

    “Tis the Dreaded Dark, laddy” and without waiting for an answer, he continued to ramble.

    “Night and storm she be seen. DO NOT welcome her! She a crafty witch, disguise, disguise! The figurehead is she, of abandon, abandoned vessel, Trap Trap TRAP!!!. Oh, in darkness she moves, lightning Flash, Flash, FLASH! She steal yur life, leave her mark. Curse an’ Horror, Trap, Trap TRAPPED!”

    The old man turned his wrist over, displaying a black throbbing mark. The young man pondered it for a moment, then sculled his drink. This old man was clearly insane.

    He got up, snatched the scroll and made his way for the door without looking back. There was gold to be had!

    As he crossed the threshold, he felt his arm itch. Stopping to scratch, he noticed a small mark, black and round. He looked back to the table but the old man was not there. He rubbed at his arm again but it would not come off. In that moment, his eyes fell to the sea. There through the fog, a storm, a ship, and a woman.

    Inwards rushed the dark, filling his heart.

  • @stacky-a Ah! I love it!

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