World's Greatest Swordsman - Teaser Video

  • All solo, only sword. Enjoy!

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  • Enjoyed this video quite a bit lol. The pc advantage is real though haha. Not that skill and your tactics aren’t what won you most of those, but I can’t lunge around the corner near the brig on a sloop like that with Xbox sensitivity that’s for sure. Keep it up though great editing.

  • not bad at all, but don't run across Roranoa Zoro. He won't take kindly to that self bestowed title ;)

  • @a-cranky-eskimo said in World's Greatest Swordsman - Teaser Video:

    The pc advantage is real though haha. I can't lunge around the corner near the brig on a sloop like that with Xbox sensitivity that’s for sure.

    I'm noticing the difference more and more each day. This is probably the reason most xbox players use 2 guns instead. Very rare to find an enemy that will engage me first with sword, most want to blunderbuss my face off.

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