[Mega Thread] Pirate Legend and Pirate Hideout

  • @tavishhill2003 said in [Mega Thread] Pirate Legend and Pirate Hideout:

    @klon54 You were having fun....so what more do you need? Think about what folks wanting to turn SoT into Destiny are saying here man. They want to forego enjoying great game experiences in exchange for....some undisclosed and undefined 'content drop' or to see numbers get bigger that only lead to more loot which in turn makes numbers go up faster, leading to more loot, etc.

    Games that lean on loot farming do so because they lack the fun factor and memorable experiences this game oozes with. Those titles have to use Skinner Box game design to exploit human psychology to keep ppl playing with the intent being to make $$$ off of them. There's a reason Jamie Griesemer (famous for his '30 sec of fun' gameplay loop philosophy in Halo) left Bungie. There's a reason guys like Ken Levine have basically made it their life's goal to find a way to build 'narrative legos' to let player driven narratives actually mean something in games. RARE has accomplished that to a very large degree.

    It isn't quantified easily in terms of game mechanics or skill points, but there is a countable number of adventurous tales being shared all over the internet already about the memorable experiences ppl have had.

    The journey is fine. But when you have gone on it 100 times you start to look for other goals. And when those goals are so ridiculously limited, the game dies.

  • @khaleesibot @Dennis-Box This should be hard to obtain, it should evolve skill, stats, etc. You should not be able to boost to get this... or maybe it should require a little bit of everything before you can achieve it...

  • Full tour of pirate hideout including vendors. spoiler alert..

  • by far, the most disappointing aspect to the pirate hideout was the Pirate Lord featured as just another common ghost NPC.

    sure, he is a ghost with unique clothing, but his appearance looks like the IPG could generate the same appearance.

    i was expecting a giant NPC, taller than any one, with a different ghastly appearance. he would stare at a map mounted on a wall, and as you enter the room, he would laugh and turn toward you. this NPC is just sitting on a chair with a unique sitting animation. he doesn't even look at you from what i saw in some videos.

  • Not really a point in getting legendary status if people like Prodigy are allowed to game the system. Enjoying the heck out of the game but that really made legendary a hollow goal. Sad that you guys have some sort of pirate code but don't apply it to twitch streamers apparently. I guess we know where your priorities are and who you are working to please.

  • They should give the guy his "shrine" but have it named ProdXXXX the Cheat, and cover it in a bunch of seagull p**p.

  • @polemisch said in [Mega Thread] Pirate Legend and Pirate Hideout:

    Excuse me, mods, but this is basically all that this rude fanboy posts. Can we get him banned, please?

  • @angelzzz505zzz IDK if a timer is the answer because some people may want to grind normally through the factions without server hopping/boosting. Maybe if a timer was implemented it could be activated only when switching servers. That way people can grind themselves, but cannot jump servers like the first PL did.

  • @personalc0ffee How did he attain the status? Just curious.

  • #notmylegend

    Rule 7 of the Pirate Code ...

    Shame on "Twitch Prod1gyX"!

  • @wackylollypop said in [Mega Thread] Pirate Legend and Pirate Hideout:

    Full tour of pirate hideout including vendors. spoiler alert..

    Woah! That's c**p.
    What happened to the bursting from the waterfall like batman?
    It's not like rare would mislead us or anything... Right guys? Right?

  • It was slightly disappointing that they let him keep "legend status", but not that surprising. I never expect a corporation to have integrity in the face of what is popular among the multitudinous morons who pay the bulk of their salaries.

    It is highly disappointing, and quite surprising, to see that there is absolutely nothing special about pirate legend. I expect a dev like rare who, at one point, seemed to take pride in the games that they make to create something impressive. This is not that.

  • @ttargetpractice <rare> "we got yer money, don't like it? TUFF!"

  • This game's core gameplay is players stealing loot from others and getting credit for their hard work. A guy doing very little on his own merit becoming the first pirate legend is the most appropriate display of what this game is! I think it's hilarious.

  • I think prodigy should have his reputation set to 0 and this sort of thing should be monitored. If people get into a game and have things cashed in it should be recorded, if most of your level comes from voyages you weren't there for you should get punished in some way. Prodigy is in no way anyone's legend except for the people who hate this game. Legend status is for people who have truly worked hard to get to max, I know soon a TON of people will be legends, but that's fine considering those are the people that loved the game enough to put work into it.

  • hello, here are some ideas that I propose in my turn to add more fun to the game.

    1. The addition of a preview system for clothes to see it on our pirate before buying.

    2. The addition of grappling hooks to tackle enemy ships.

    3. The addition of flight and resale boat. For this it would be necessary to make sure that the players can not respawn on their boat when an opposing player is present on it, if all the crew dies, the boat is considered as stolen. the opposing team can either sink, sell or sail with the team that was stolen the boat leaves with a new boat.

    4. the addition of a "bounty hunter" contract between players that can be placed in the outposts.

    5. The addition of treasures ( 20000 gold pièces or more ) but which would have no clue or very little like "north" to push players to visit all the islands to find new clues.

    6. a system for capturing enemy players and being able to put them in prison (with handcuffs to escort to the cell)

    7. a new cursed chest "that makes tons" and that would make the player extremely slow to move.

    8. new cosmetics like scarves, rings, earrings etc ...

    9. add an animation on the off-map like the Kraken coming out of the water and swallow the boat if we are too far

    10. put a ghost ship (visible by players only at night) with black skeletons on board, which would require players to combine weapon and lantern.

    11. The possibility of establishing a camp on an island (with 3 boxes minimum) which will have to be defended for a certain time to be able to double the value of the chests.

    12. The possibility of burying the chests to retrieve them later.

    That's all for now, we end up on the sea ;)

  • @hqv2 You totally missed the point. Taking advantage of others for personal gain is Sea of Thieves. This guy took advantage of other people's work better than anyone else. We're supposed to 4 vs 1 a guy who has no interest in fighting and take his hard earned loot for personal gain. That's sarcasm in case you missed that too. The game deserves this guy as it's first legend.

  • @bluejacket-1272 dijo en [Mega Thread] Pirate Legend and Pirate Hideout:

    @hqv2 You totally missed the point. Taking advantage of others for personal gain is Sea of Thieves. This guy took advantage of other people's work better than anyone else. We're supposed to 4 vs 1 a guy who has no interest in fighting and take his hard earned loot for personal gain. That's sarcasm in case you missed that too. The game deserves this guy as it's first legend.

    He didn't farm or steal all the loot he cashed to become a "legend". He just reconnected to a different server again and again to get reputation from others work. Legal or not, it was a cheap and dirty way to get to Pirate Legend.

  • @stormfox57 Exactly my point! This game is the ultimate example of taking advantage of other people. I'm not promoting what he did. I'm saying you reap what you sow.

  • @tavishhill2003 said in [Mega Thread] Pirate Legend and Pirate Hideout:

    @klon54 You were having fun....so what more do you need? Think about what folks wanting to turn SoT into Destiny are saying here man. They want to forego enjoying great game experiences in exchange for....some undisclosed and undefined 'content drop' or to see numbers get bigger that only lead to more loot which in turn makes numbers go up faster, leading to more loot, etc.

    Games that lean on loot farming do so because they lack the fun factor and memorable experiences this game oozes with. Those titles have to use Skinner Box game design to exploit human psychology to keep ppl playing with the intent being to make $$$ off of them. There's a reason Jamie Griesemer (famous for his '30 sec of fun' gameplay loop philosophy in Halo) left Bungie. There's a reason guys like Ken Levine have basically made it their life's goal to find a way to build 'narrative legos' to let player driven narratives actually mean something in games. RARE has accomplished that to a very large degree.

    It isn't quantified easily in terms of game mechanics or skill points, but there is a countable number of adventurous tales being shared all over the internet already about the memorable experiences ppl have had.

    Um... you do realize this game relies on nothing but loot farming. Either your doing it through PvE Voyages/Skull Forts or your PvP farming loot from other players. If you're not then you're not progressing and that would make no sense.

  • @blackguardbeard

    It's good you enjoy taking your time, because it doesn't look like there's anything that happens when you get to the end.

  • @lacyclover26906 You must not grasp what loot farming is. SoT is not at all premised on farming loot. It is premised on doing voyages not for the reward at the end, but for the social interactions and emergent gameplay that takes place during the voyage. If you playing just for the gold to tick up, you are missing the forest through the trees.

  • @tavishhill2003 If that is the case then they knew that besides the "wow, what a blast" stories that people were going to have horrible experiences. That the game would be judged by that, even if made them want refunds or not to play. So, then why are we not rewarded based solely on good or bad social interaction? So yeah maybe I'm not seeing the forest; maybe I'm saying look at this tree over here, see the roots.

  • There doesn't seem to be much reward that comes with achieving pirate legend status, so i have a suggestion. Once you reach Legend status a new option appears on the main menu to instead sail in a 6 man legendary ship. This one is bigger, a 4 sail man o' war type ship with a row of cannons above and below deck, a dinghy, twin anchors for each side of the ship (port/starboard), 2 forward facing cannons that fire a rarer chained cannonball, and a special treasury room that can safely store treasure until damaged enough or blown with a powder keg. This ship would be faster than the galleon, but even less agile and is even more slowed going against the wind. This would be well balanced against small crews as they could easily avoid them, but could potentially be a big payday for anyone who could aquire its loot.

    What do you think?

  • Here's how I now view prodigy and his getting pirate legend. He stole it. How appropriate is that? Very. In the end i think he should still be recognized as first with some kind of short story in a novel in the tavern of legends describing how he stole the title by commanding a vast fleet but in the end doesn't know how anything worked because his fleet spoiled him.

  • @nightmare2772 Honestly that sounds insanely unbalanced. If it was faster than a normal galleon then it would be almost the same speed as the sloop and with a lot more people to fire upon a two man crew. Just the numbers game in that alone makes it beyond and for a game that wants to maintain balance, this is not the way to go. For instance what if this 6-man crew sails up on a 2 man crew who are both on the island. 4 vs 2 is already a feat to accomplish but 6 vs 2 is practically impossible. Can it be done sure but then what happens? the 6 man crew members just respawn on the ship and rejoin the fight. So basically it turns into a 2 vs 8 since normally the 2 players can get a kill (or two before dying).

    Although I can't really talk since I haven't bought the game but I've been watching the forums about complaints and watching gameplay through twitch and youtube. I'm still leaning heavily against buying the game since it was almost identical to the betas. There might have been a small amount of new features added but its practically the same game of the betas that I spent upwards of 150 hours on....

  • I think the 'pirate legend' status is good in its idea, but to have the first person boost their way to it is not fair in anyway. Also, I feel that if they can add more things to it and make it more worthwhile, it could keep more people hooked to the game

  • @awesumal05 said in [Mega Thread] Pirate Legend and Pirate Hideout:

    I think the 'pirate legend' status is good in its idea, but to have the first person boost their way to it is not fair in anyway. Also, I feel that if they can add more things to it and make it more worthwhile, it could keep more people hooked to the game

  • @deathstroker770
    I think that it would be greate if the thieves haven would be a sade zone and you could not attack a nother ship while in there so it would be a sosial meeting plase where you Can cordinate an attack or something like that alsow if there would be a british army galleons With spices and other valuable loot or just a lot of cannonballs raining on your ship

  • I say we treat this the way any other situation used to be handled in the past. If someone did something to become famous or to get their name out there in a dishonorable way, they were branded for it.
    Make a recognition image on a rock or a skeleton statue like you have in the past. But this time make his name scratched out or smudged out to the point it is illegible. Have his character standing on a pyramid of other characters and name all of them. They are the ones that did the work anyway.

  • Stop crying about that guy who got legend with help. Almost everyone keep saying game is out of content and some were telling that alot of new stuff kick in at pirate legend. Well Proof is there.. Same s**t , almost no more cosmetic and same boring quest version 2.0 all at once.

    I love the game and even If I though it was boring to lvl I had that hope that it was like WOW once you reach level cap, thing will get really interesting. But no.

    This game is'nt for Gamer, It's for early casual that play 1 h every 2 day.

    Still have big hope for this game .. just gonna wait Content.
    Thx to prodigix to not let me Hard farm the pirate legend to get dissapoint because if it was me the first pirate legend and see how empty that is, I would uninstall the game on a rage quit for sure.

  • Why grind when you can soon buy your legendary status from China?

  • Pirate legend ship
    So just wondering, within one of your posts you have made saying that once you become pirate legend you can start to create your black pearl, which is either a skin or a brand new ship. Since we have the first pirate legend, where is any of this. Someone please reply and notify me if this is coming or is it just a hoax.

  • @captainflintkin Your comment has been moderated for bypassing the profanity filter. Please refrain from doing this in the future, thank you!

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