!VOTE! for post-launch content [POLL RESULTS]

  • @shoothere4exp S, L, C.

  • S L I in no order

  • @shoothere4exp B, Definetily O, and pleeeeease U. This would be a huge improve.

  • @shoothere4exp C,M,O

  • @shoothere4exp
    Only 3 options.
    Thats hard but i think
    Ship types
    Ship customisation (functional by preference)
    Quest types, please no more fetch styles

  • M. Please

  • B P S !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • B, F, A

    Great thread bdw!

  • Q, E, D

    Character customizations I feel needs to be open in a way that doesn't make you need to start over from scratch. Since you have to earn cosmetic upgrades, and they're the same upgrades no matter what kind of character you pick, then it shouldn't matter if you want to make your character's physical appearance change.

    Weapons need more variety. Maybe as a reward, or at least upgrades like ammo pouches, or ammo stashes on land. Also, maybe certain tools that might help, like some kind of medical aid support tool for a player to carry to heal players, or a maybe modifiers to music that aid party players by increasing damage output and increasing their damage resistance and vitality.

  • H, F, L is my choices, more reasons to explore, more voyages to do in the world, and some social items.

  • @shoothere4exp B, S, T

  • B,L,M.... :D

  • F H J M P T all are a thing I'd like to see I couldn't choose 3 of those lol

  • My votes: B, F, H

  • E, T, P.

  • @shoothere4exp

    For X, I mean like puzzles and traps and stuff that you must solve.
    Physical puzzles in the game world, like rotating things to make a cannon ball Rube Goldberg machine function.
    Or turning mirrors to direct a light.
    Or filling a scale with resources to lower it.

    That sort of stuff needs to be present for quests.

  • F, H, U.

  • @shoothere4exp B, V, P

  • G, I, M. How this game is missing so much aquatic life is wild. Get at least more species of sharks.

  • M E T

    But to be honest, I'd like to see these too:
    C D A N V G W H

    Anything that makes the game have more PvE/Exploration is pretty much a must. As much as I love PvP, I find that it belongs as a secondary feature that is enhanced by added weapon types or more loot to steal, etc. Going into things like a PvP bounty system just makes players fear leaving port for loot and it wouldn't really be fun for anyone.

  • B, H, F

  • @shoothere4exp FOU

  • @shoothere4exp B,C,E,M,P,Q

  • Not in any particular order! Just add them!

    M, L, B

  • @ShootHere4EXP:B,P,S.

  • @shoothere4exp G, K, T!
    Mermaids and sirens pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeee I want it as a Hazzard while sailing.

  • H, M, L,

  • .....................M, I, K

  • B, U, M. (Not trying to make a joke that 2 year olds laugh at)

  • more F (quest types) & S (mob types) for downtime PVE
    more E (weapon types) & B (ship types) for PVP
    P (bounty/rep system) yes, please.

    Didn't see this on list but better respawn mechanics and better matchmaking (drop-in/out friends and 5-6 players 'fleet' support with 1 gal + 1 sloop on map with others running same setup)

  • H, P, AYE!

  • @shoothere4exp B, T, S

  • B F J

    More ships to - I think that thread picked out some good ones to add

    Quest Types - I want to be able to escort an ai merchant ship from point a to point b - with pvp ships alerted in someway there is a convoy in route

    J - I would like to see some heave fog roll in - twisters - low level fog - hail

  • I G F all would just make it even better

  • (B, L, S)

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