Keyboard Controls; from PC TA1 to March 20th 2018...

  • Hey everyone,

    Just a small update from me, but something I thought was fun to share. Tonight we were putting the final touches together on the marketing art for our keyboard layout, and it made me all nostalgic - so much so I thought I'd take a look back down memory lane at how far we've come together...

    "PC Tech Alpha 1" - May 20th 2017
    alt text

    "Sea of Thieves v1.0" - March 20th 2018
    alt text

    Thanks to all the suggestions, feedback, comments and every other piece of input you've all had on our journey. We couldn't have done it without you and I for one can't wait to see what this is like in another 10 months time!

    Ted "Red Rage" Timmins
    (5 days to go...)

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  • As a PC player.. "woah". Those are some mega changes!
    Thanks for sharing this Ted!


    5 days.

  • Item hotkeys omg!! xD

  • so much better.

  • Hot keys look great, can't wait to try that out. Keep up the great work!

  • @teddy-25 'Tis a shame to me that 'F' cant be 'interact/disengage AND drop :(

  • @teddy-25 This just shows how far the game has come and advanced since those early PC builds...

    Now to the next 10 months! Can't wait to see what it brings!

  • @teddy-25 Woah, love these hotkeys !

  • @TEDDY-25 Still no crouch :P Too bad I won't be picking up the game. I'm kind of curious as to where I would've remapped everything to. Pretty sure Push to Talk would've ended up as 'C'. Though I'm still torn as to whether the bucket or the spyglass would have been 'B' with 'V' going to the other one. Nor will I get to see if you ever sort out the 'F' and 'X' inconsistency with shopkeeps and quest givers, among other things I've been wondering about.

  • @teddy-25 Isn't One for Xbox controller too? I would like to see it..

  • @uvg-reign said in Keyboard Controls; from PC TA1 to March 20th 2018...:

    @teddy-25 'Tis a shame to me that 'F' cant be 'interact/disengage AND drop :(

    Yeah I'd still like to do this we just ran out of time for launch. I'll be sure it remains on our roadmap at some point for the future, just the way the underlying code works for interact / disengage makes it a bit more complicated.

  • @nunoazuldimeter said in Keyboard Controls; from PC TA1 to March 20th 2018...:

    @teddy-25 Isn't One for Xbox controller too? I would like to see it.. even if Xbox Had less changes.

    Yep, hotkeys comes to controller too! We've left them all unbound by default as we know there's 3 keys spare on the controller (for now :)). I've seen a bunch of popular combos internally at Rare, from bucket on right-Dpad to Banana on left-Dpad, I've even seen a music lover with Instruments on right-thumbstick-click! It was important to us that even though there's less free buttons that controller players could still add their favourites.

    We also looked into Elite controller support with the paddles on the back, but unfortunately the XDK has them mirrored to A/X/B/Y. We have flagged with platform that it would be cool to let us have access to them but this may never happen. We'll keep pushing as we always do :)

  • @uvg-reign said in Keyboard Controls; from PC TA1 to March 20th 2018...:

    Item hotkeys omg!! xD

    I was expecting this little #SeaOfTease to get noticed :)

  • Great job devs. Thanks your for taking your time and making this an actual PC game and not a second rate port.

  • Cool stuff Teddy, thanks for the post!

  • @daimyo-dorima said in Keyboard Controls; from PC TA1 to March 20th 2018...:

    @TEDDY-25 Still no crouch :P

    Lack of crouch is disappointing... Used to joke about justifying being able to purchase the game if we couldn't crouch! Hope you'll be around whenever they do add it DoriMa. Gonna Xbox Game Pass SoT at least?

    Thanks for the small update @TEDDY-25. 5 more days to go indeed... Is going to be very exciting and very interesting.

  • @Perfect-Code Two things about Xbox Game Pass. 1) It's not available for PC and 2) Even if it were available for PC it's the type of continued cash grabbing through monetization in-the-hopes-players-forget-about-yet-another-payment that I reeeally dislike about the modern world, ergo I avoid them like the plague. As to ever coming back...only if the game drops to a price point I'm comfortable with or I somehow am gifted the game (unlikely since those that tend to gift me games are ignoring this one).

    If that doesn't happen you're always welcome to look me up in Star Citizen whenever you get a system up and running and if you decide to hop into it. I can't remember if you've backed it yet or not. If you haven't, here's my referral code so you can start with a little extra cash: STAR-Y6DT-LPNK

  • @daimyo-dorima Game Pass works on PC.

  • @teddy-25 I'd sure be happy with 2 hotkeys on Xbox if the third empty button was for text chat. wink wink nudge nudge Even better maybe as an option on the pirate chat radial. Xbox players use keyboards for chat, too.

  • @teddy-25 Also, extremely curious about whether or not context-based actions are on the roadmap. Like RT at a hole patches without having to pull out planks, or stowing/retrieving cannonballs/bananas/planks without having to select them. We know it's possible, as demonstrated with the cannons, and it would be a pretty huge QOL change.

  • @teddy-25 a minor suggestion but maybe "K" should be the text to chat and "T" should be the quick button for Telescope. I find many times where I want to pull out the telescope quickly.

  • @demonicthing Then remap it thusly. ;-) As of now it's a good idea to leave TEXT CHAT defaulted to 'T' since that's where it's defaulted to in a lot of other games and having commonality of controls between games can be a good thing for players. Particularly new players...though it also helps players who switch back and forth between loads of different games in a week or month of play - can't tell you how many times I've hit 'F' for USE while playing Vermintide 2...oy!.

  • @teddy-25 said in Keyboard Controls; from PC TA1 to March 20th 2018...:

    We also looked into Elite controller support with the paddles on the back, but unfortunately the XDK has them mirrored to A/X/B/Y. We have flagged with platform that it would be cool to let us have access to them but this may never happen. We'll keep pushing as we always do :)

    As much as I like the idea of four more hotkeys, I'm pretty happy with my ABXY paddles. Very useful for bunnyhopping on Xbox, and it's become a habit by now to keep my thumbs glued to the sticks.

  • @like-39-ninjas said in Keyboard Controls; from PC TA1 to March 20th 2018...:

    @teddy-25 Also, extremely curious about whether or not context-based actions are on the roadmap. Like RT at a hole patches without having to pull out planks, or stowing/retrieving cannonballs/bananas/planks without having to select them. We know it's possible, as demonstrated with the cannons, and it would be a pretty huge QOL change.

    I personally wouldn't want this. As long as the radial menu will be or is made properly responsive to super quick input, I prefer having to select the things manually.

  • @teddy-25 maybe long press hotkey bindings for controller? eg: Tap D-left for hotkey 1, long press for hotkey 2. Would double the available hotkeys on controller within the button limitations, and still be faster/easier than using the radials. Might even be cool for drawing weapons. Tap Y for weapon 1, long press for weapon 2.

    I feel like I'm posting an awful lot here, sorry. Just a really important topic for me.

  • @perfect-code I can certainly see your point there, but remember that LB/RB are usually the first buttons on a controller to fail. Maybe a toggle option in the settings would be a suitable compromise.

  • @demonicthing I'm assuming you will be able to reassign these keys if you choose. It's very common to find T as the default for text chat in most PC games.

  • @savage-alien I'm used to J, K, L in Battlefield

  • @teddy-25 as an elite controller user i would love to see ths hhapppen.

  • @teddy-25

    Excited that this journey is almost ready to really begin! Thank you and the team for everything over the past year. Being able to participate in the alpha, pioneer, and beta sessions has been amazing and i'll never forget any of it!

    Look forward to what's next to come, Teddy! <

  • I really hope this means I won't have to use Enter and Page up/down anymore!

  • @teddy-25 Ahhhh, these are going to be brilliant, no more fumbling for that banana while the jaws of those sharks get closer - really looking forward to playing with the options!!

  • The mouse and keyboard controls are alright, but i have small concerns...

    1. will we be able to remap any keys? I have push-to-talk on my 5th mouse button in every game... i'd really like to have it in SoT.

    2. have you thought about a 'free look' key, so u can turn the camera while moving? (it's alt in many games, and i keep pressing alt to take a look over my shoulder, but everytime i just turn around and start talking...)

    speaking of the push to talk button... is the beta-bug where push-to-talk turned off at times fixed?

  • @teddy-25 i noticed on xbox during last beta you could remap controls

  • @teddy-25 Thank you for including controllers too, I'll be putting planks on one and bucket on the other. That should tell you everything you need to know about my sailing skills.

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