Treasure Chest Mechanics?

  • I am making this thread because I am curious to see if there are others that may know something I do not.

    During my time in the beta/stress test I figured out I could temporarily place chest in hidden locations while waiting for safe passage to turn them in.

    My question is this, is there a set time limit on how long before a treasure chest will despawn? if there is even a limit? And is there a limit to the amount of chest you can stash somewhere within close proximity of one another?

    I know that when a chest is placed in water, it will float and eventually disappear within a short time span. However, I myself have left a few chest hidden on a island for close to an hour with them still remaining upon my return.

    I am very interested in any information or experiences others can provide on this. Regards.

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  • @avirex-idyll I remember hearing Rare commentary on this once but there is no way I'll find it
    I want to say they said it was something like 2 hours on land. I bet @Musicmee knows better

  • I don't know what the time limit is, but twice we landed on islands that just had chests sitting right there in the sand. I'm guessing that other crews left them there in hopes of coming back for the chest.

  • @erikinthebakery @Avirex-Idyll

    It is definitely over/around 2 hours... I have has chests that I forgot about and came back to pick up later in the session. Obviously its a lot less on water...

    If your server gets merged though... you do currently lose any chests you have left on islands.

  • @musicmee

    If your server gets merged though... you do currently lose any chests you have left on islands.

    Could you explain this please as I am not entirely sure what you mean.

    Does this 2 hr(ish) limit also count for chest on your ship? I realize that many of us will not sail around with treasure chest on our ships for 2 hours, but still.

  • @avirex-idyll I don't believe there is a time limit for chests on your ship. I know people have had the same chests on their ship for many, many hours - enough time to gather over 100!

  • @erikinthebakery ah. I am simply asking as the mechanics of chest has never really been fully explained, at least not to my knowledge.

  • @avirex-idyll Chests on your ship never despawn... unless you sink of course ;)

    If you are on a server that has very few members on or just you, you may at one point see a message on screen about new dangers, this is when your server is being merged with another, to make your more populated. When this happens currently all the chests you have stored on other islands disappears as they were on the other server.

    Very rare but does happen!

  • @avirex-idyll There are many things that have not been fully explained and many things that probably never will be. That is not a bad thing.

    Seeing how all the "gears" work takes away from some of the mystery, you know?

  • @musicmee oh, I do not believe I have every noticed this announcement. Thank you for the information.

    @erikinthebakery I understand and agree that all the inner workings of game mechanics add to the mystery.

    This thread is something I wanted to post after reading other threads in regards to the proposed idea of reburying chest for later retrieval. Was just curious to any information others may or may not had.

  • This makes me wondering too, if I find a chest on the sunken wreckage of the "S.S. unsinkable" would another chest spawn there after a prolonged period of time or will that wreckage remained empty?

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