
  • This may sound like [mod edited] but here are my serious complaints.
    -the game crashes a lot
    -loading times are too long I usually wait 10-15 minuets
    -half of the chest I start to dig don’t come out of the ground
    Those were my complaints.

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  • @samcredible yeah well I still cant get the damn thing to launch been sending them messages and requests and they ignore me and delete them. I pre ordered and cant even play beta before the dang thing is over. I'm probably going to refund.

  • @samcredible

    Have none of those issue.

    Sounds like either a personal systems issue or connection issue.

  • @stem589
    I don't think it's fair to say it might be an issue with their system or their internet just because you can play the game fine and they can't.

  • The game crashing and chests not coming out of the ground are obviously bugs.

    Loading times must be dependent on something. I play on the Xbox and it definitely doesn't take 10 or 15 minutes for anything in my game. Takes maybe 2 or 3 minutes max to get into the game at the start.

  • Haven't had any bugs yet, played the last couple days and will play a bit more tonight. I will say when you're loading in it does take a bit. Waiting to spawn back in, after leaving the dead ship and waiting on the white screen, that's a bit lengthy. The white screen should only last a second or two max, you served your time waiting on the ship for a spawn, white screen nonsense is a bit much to add onto that.

    Haven't experienced lag and every quest we've done has worked properly. My only complaint is not having a fillable/explorable blank map for larger islands that you have Riddle Maps for. Being able to hold a blank sheet and have it fill in as you go for a larger island would be handy. Lack of things to spend gold on is another one. I don't need a compass, a shovel, bucket, hurdy gurdy or pocket watch. I'd like cosmetics and stuff for the ship. Being able to buy an ammo pouch to hold more musketballs would be great.

    Another thing I think most would agree on is weapon hotkeys. You have one for your sword and pistol but don't have one for the sniper rifle or shotgun. All those unused keys, could easily make 3 the shotty and 4 the rifle.

  • As far as the gameplay and teamwork goes this game is fun ... but my friends and I were harrased by 2 players for over 2 hours ... this made the game unenjoyable because for over 2 hours we had to fight to save our ship instead of playing the game....there needs to be a system in place for people like that

  • As far as I can tell, the complaints are mostly game related to the developers and will look into them before the release of the game. Keep in mind that this is a pre-release version of the game and is not in it's entirety yet. Let us give Rare a chance to patch up the game when it releases on the 20th. As for community issues, there will always be a toxic player here and there. They'll kill you for no reason, trash talk, or even lock you in the brig, but that's why we must remember about the people who do care about us. Rare and other critics have already said before that this is a game for you and your friends and will get the best experience with friends. I see nothing wrong with random players as I have made friends and rivals out of them to make it more fun, but I'm sure that this game is made for those who have a band of misfit friends already :)

  • @xgn-angelswrath Pirates were not nice people dude.... This is a game about Pirates and is a "Beer and Pretzels" kind of game about such. Maybe this is not your kind of game.

  • Yeah crashes and bugs are always annoying.

  • I've played it on standard xbox, xbox one x and a gaming pc. Works great on all for me and loadings are quick.

  • How about the bug with [mod edited] spawning in a ship with dam a dam thing on it. No food, cannon balls, or boards.
    Boats spawning doing wheelies or fully submerged sometimes just straight upside down in the water but don't sink.
    Or how some people in the game can literally get hit in the face by 5 cannon balls and still live

    Gotta love how some swimming can magically swim faster then a sloop.
    (Yes you can shoot yourself out of a cannon blah blah blah)
    no this guy literally jumped off his ship that was chasing me and swims faster then both ships up to mine gets shot several times boards are ship and one shot with a sword.
    Looks like SoT already has modders

  • Ur servers just shut down and me and my friend didn't have a chance to deliver everything we had 5 captin chests,5muraders chests ,5 seafarers chests,5 castaway chests ,a thing of sugar and 2 gold relics please fix this because I worked my a*s off for this my gamertag is oneBadasspigeon,and my friends is ESTERJ1739.

  • None of my achievements are getting through, I’ve done plenty of achievements but I’ve never been rewarded with them.

  • @samcredible said in Complaints:

    This may sound like [mod edited] but here are my serious complaints.
    -the game crashes a lot
    -loading times are too long I usually wait 10-15 minuets
    -half of the chest I start to dig don’t come out of the ground
    Those were my complaints.

    Hey samcredible! I have played with around 9 different friends and haven't seen any of the issues you have described. What platform are you playing on? On PC it takes us on average 15-20 seconds to load into a game. The only person who gets booted is a friend who has really really bad internet. We haven't ran into any crashes yet and nor chest not coming out of the ground.

  • I don't know how to contact the devs, but me and a full galleon crew got all the loot from someone's raid, and then I kid you not, the freaking ship started flying in the air and we fell off and got kicked off the server. Raids happen quite often so it isn't too disappointing but it's frustrating to know that stuff like that can happen in the game. Rare please solve this problem because it made us beyond mad at the time.

  • @SamCredible @Fenrir-The-Lost please read the Sea of Thieves Official Forum Rules before making your next post.

  • Never observed any of those issues within my own games. Sounds like the top two complaints could be hardware issues if you're on PC.

  • The crashing one is starting to happen to me frequently now. Hard to play when you get loot and then get disconnected.

  • I just done 4 voyages gone to an outpost to sell and get kicked out of The game went all glitchy p****d off ain't the word. internet connection is fine I been playing since 9 and other day I played for 12 hours and only today it kicked me just befor I sell everything is there a way to actually make a complaint i want all my gold for the 4 hours of work iv just done

  • Me (Epiclaxative) and my friend (VolcanicAtoll88) had just been to Cutlass Cay and defeated 4 captains before travelling to Plunder Outpost with two villainous bounty skulls and two disgaced bounty skulls. When we arrived ajhope15 and djodjo 100 stole all our skulls. Then when we spawned back on our ship we went to try and get them back but when we got in the water we were immediately attacked by sharks and damaged before reaching shore and getting killed repeatedly.

  • Something needs to be done about people just joining your ship and throwing all yourights hard work overboard... just had some guy called fatNEETmaster join my ship and throw everything overboard and just quit. Bad gaming rare

  • @bilateralbean20 said in Complaints:

    Something needs to be done about people just joining your ship and throwing all yourights hard work overboard... just had some guy called fatNEETmaster join my ship and throw everything overboard and just quit. Bad gaming rare

    Can deal with it if a ship takes you down in a fight to take your haul.. but someone just joining to throw your hard work away isn't fair play

  • @bilateralbean20 said in Complaints:

    @bilateralbean20 said in Complaints:

    Something needs to be done about people just joining your ship and throwing all yourights hard work overboard... just had some guy called fatNEETmaster join my ship and throw everything overboard and just quit. Bad gaming rare

    Can deal with it if a ship takes you down in a fight to take your haul.. but someone just joining to throw your hard work away isn't fair play

    When you reach an outpost with your haul there should be a parlay period occur to prevent such things happening... out at sea then fair game

  • well i got shot in the foot with a pistol at 75 percent hp and died and lost chest of a thousand grogs captain chest and two seafarers

  • I don't know if anyone else has these problems, but I hate it when a 2 man sloop, or a solo is matched against 4 man gallions. Numerous times my friend and I would be doing a fort, or a voyage, then get absolutely decimated by a gallion. How is that fair? There isn't a chance that we can win, or run if our anchor is lowered. I would love to see an option to match yourself with other sloops, if wanted. Don't get me wrong, I love the game, but sometimes there are things that make me regret buying it. Other people have these same opinions?

  • @v0id-masters said in Complaints:

    I don't know if anyone else has these problems, but I hate it when a 2 man sloop, or a solo is matched against 4 man gallions. Numerous times my friend and I would be doing a fort, or a voyage, then get absolutely decimated by a gallion. How is that fair? There isn't a chance that we can win, or run if our anchor is lowered. I would love to see an option to match yourself with other of the same ship. And skill matchmaking instead of going against pirate legends i go against people my level. Also the "nerfed" blunderbuss still oneshots, and it's the most cancerous thing Ive ever had to play against in a video game.

  • me and my friend were in the middle of doing a fort and a galleon came by and started attacking us (we were in a sloop) and so we tried to take them out. My friends was on the boat and he was killing them. One second our game was fine, the next our game was frozen. I truly believe it was the doing of the people in the galleon. Their game was not frozen because they were still sailing around us when my game became un frozen. I think it is very unlikely that right when we were about to take them out both of our games froze and theirs did not. I was not able to get their names so I can not report them directly but I want to let you know that this issue exists in your game right now.

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