Best cosmetics for visibility

  • What are some good ship cosmetics that help with visibility? I've found the green glowing wheel and cannons help me see better. My friend's ship has a hull that has the inside all painted white and it makes it so much easier to see everything when you go below deck, but apparently you need to be a really high level to get that.

    Are there any other hulls I can buy at a low level that improve contrast and make it easier to see things when I go below deck? What other cosmetics can I buy that improve contrast and visibility? Looking for things that can be bought or earned easily at low level.

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  • Honestly it also depends on your ship type as well. I have seen some skins don't show inside of some ships.

  • If you adjust the game contrast, you will find that most of the hulls are well illuminated.

  • @eligibleeel6171
    Find a guild with a wide variety of hulls and test drive them?

    Most of mine are high level/emporium/time limited so I'm not a good source.

    Do consider getting the white lantern dieing to electricity...or the Skull of Fates. It's brighter than standard and it's easier to tell when food is done on your stove.

  • @pithyrumble, thank you for the suggestions. How do I get the white lantern dieing to electricity or the skull of fates? Is there a particular voyage/ mission I have to complete? Or a reputation I have to achieve with one of the guilds? I'm very new at this game, so I don't really understand how most of it works.

  • @eligibleeel6171 not too difficult to get it, after dying to electricity go to the well in the middle of the ferry of the damned and raise your lantern to it. It will give a prompt to take the flame, do so and you will have the flame. Simply go to your ship's lanterns, raise your lanterns, and a prompt to set the flame will pop up

  • @eligibleeel6171 the other way is to start a legendary search for the skull of destiny which gives all lantern flames. Idk if you need to be pirate legend to do it but you get it from the athena's fortune tab on the quest table

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