Problem using mouse XBOX

  • I'm also facing this 180 degree turn problem followed by every time i move my mouse the whole screen jitters

    please need a fix asap

  • @freqxbox ya sea of thieves is the only game that mouse and keyboard don’t work for me

  • I’ve been having this same problem. I took a break from the game and decided to come back. I was really excited to jump back in to drop a few hours until I realized my mouse wouldn’t do 360’s. I’m on xbox series s and this really bugged me out. Rare please fix this soon!

  • Two weeks and not fixed? What a shame.

  • I've been struggling for two weeks now, I've missed tbe comunity weekend for the first time since it began. I wanted yo play SOT every day since the update. The helplessness that Rare decided to give Xbox players who only play via keyboard and mouse worked like a detox or rehab for me. 15 days forced not to play the game I played every day for the last 4 years freed me, thank you Rare.

  • This is so annoying. How long does it take to fix something like this?

  • they posted a video saying this would be fixed with the "march update" well, i hope that is soon enough..

  • @freqxbox dijo en Problem using mouse XBOX:

    they posted a video saying this would be fixed with the "march update" well, i hope that is soon enough..

    Yeah, better late than ever right?
    But I didn't get it right, or looks like we have to wait another hole week until March 14 right? It would surely lame have to wait for another 8 days if that is the case...

  • can't wait.. controller is fine for some stuff but once you get to any kind of PVP its a wrap..

  • @majortom9626 yep, March 14th :/

  • Completely 100% unplayable anymore. So sad. This was the Only game I Actually play, and I can’t any more.

  • I still can't turn 360 on mnk, they should atleast tell us when are they going to fix it...

  • @guruka6872 They're not worried about fixing it any time soon.

  • honestly rare, what a shame...
    Did you guys not resolve the issue and instead decided to turn off game mouse support on the xbox?
    My ancestral coins are still there but I guarantee that I will never forget that and buy more of them.
    I'm going to give up, cancel my gamepass that in recent years I used almost exclusively to play SOT, uninstall the game and accept that we are in such a small and irrelevant section and we are not even part of this community, and that you don't care if we are left out.

  • @majortom9626 Ahoy matey!

    The issue was due to be resolved in today's build and the team fully believed it to be so... unfortunately on the transition over to retail the bug persisted.

    Rare are currently investigating why the fix did not stick in the retail build.

    Sorry it's taking longer than planned!

  • @majortom9626
    Could not have said it any better… It’s absolutely upsetting how long this has been going on for, I want to play so badly, but controller just isn’t for me for this game. I thought for the March update that this would be fixed but looks like it’s not. Please Rare fix this issue, I understand there are issues here and there, but this has been an issue for too long now.

  • @musicmee
    Thank you for clarifying the situation.
    Got it, and it's awesome to know that this problem is not being ignored, thank you very much for the answer.

  • it’s working for me again! go try it out!

  • @poochi358 it's been a month and still not working here, I got so exited as I read your response. I'll try to re-install, but I guess that is another weekend that I won't be able to play it.

  • @majortom9626 im playing right now on Xbox with mouse and keyboard.
    What I did is plug the keyboard and mouse directly into the Xbox, do not start the Xbox with a controller just press the button on the console itself.
    If you can navigate through the menue in the game with the keyboard you are close to make it work if not close the game completely by pressing the Xbox button on the controller after shut down the console. Repeat from start. Make sure you choose a pc lobby sometimes it still throws me in a Xbox lobby even i choose not to do so, you can see it on the orange message on the top left after you wake up in the tavern.
    Hope it will work for you as well

  • @moon6075 it seems to work only if I choose to go online for a gilde any other like captain ship will only let me in a Xbox lobby

  • Yep, I've had the same problem since the February update. My mouse does not turn 360 degrees AT ALL. And my keyboard as well sometimes when I log on to the game on Xbox it just does not register. It shows that I am using the keyboard and all because they have the little buttons saying esc... etc. And I will have to restart the game multiple times until my keyboard works, but my mouse on the other hand will never work (turning 360 degrees). And Ill have to play on controller which I am not familiar with playing SoT with. I cannot believe the devs cannot fix this issue. Don't the have a whole team working on hit reg, the game health, and more??? They can't even fix this problem?

  • @moon6075
    Is this for the keyboard only or the mouse as well? Because I can fix the keyboard problem but never the mouse turning 360 degrees problem.

  • Also interesting how almost 10k people viewed this meaning that a majority of that 10k have this problem but they cannot patch it. They couldn't even patch it in the march update. Now we have to wait another month or whenever the next update is and hope that it will be patched.

    ANYONE! IF ANYONE KNOWS a method to fix this mouse problem PLEASE LET ME KNOW!!

  • Hello guys, I've found a Semi Solution. When I start the game SoT on my Xbox series S my keyboard will sometimes not register. But when it does register and when I log onto the server my mouse does not turn 360 degrees. And the odd thing is when my mouse works my keyboard doesn't. It's annoying. The only solutions I have found are these two out of trying different techniques since the day the glitch started:

    And keep in mind these are for people who have 15-30 minutes to spare.

    1. You log onto SoT and are lucky and both your keyboard and mouse work (Worked for me only 2 times out of every day of this glitch since the Feb update)
    2. This method is the method that I say works 20% of the time for me but is your best bet.
      1. First what you do is try and get your keyboard to NOT work once you log in and your mouse TO WORK (meaning it can turn 360 degrees successfully when logging into a server). A way I like to check this quickly is when you first log into the game screen and it says "Press any button to continue" Press one of your keyboard keys multiple times and if it doesn't register you well so far.
      2. Then after that use your mouse or controller to log into a server since your keyboard does not work. Once you log into the server and wake up in the tavern, make sure your Mouse can turn 360 degrees and can do all the necessary things. Once you have these two things checked off go to the Xbox menu and press "Quit" for SoT so you restart Sea of Thieves but make sure you Do NOT leave the session properly meaning do not leave using the normal way to leave, just quit the game. This is because when you restart Sea of Thieves press 'Quit' and come back into the main menu it will ask you to rejoin, but if you left the session properly it would not give you the option to return. (You can also restart the entire Xbox instead of the game, but I haven't found an advantage in that.)
      3. ANYWAY, after you press quit without leaving properly keep going back to the menu where it says "Press any button to continue" Keep pressing a key on your keyboard, and if it doesn't work keep restarting the game until it does. Once your keyboard works, rejoin your previous session and it should work.

    The idea of this method is to join a game where your mouse works, then restart your game until your keyboard works then rejoin the session where your mouse worked.

    Now the reason why I say this only works about 20% of the time is because sometimes your mouse will just not register even when it did before restarting the game, but if this happens restart the WHOLE process on a different server and keep retrying. If you have any questions let me know.

  • Problem is still not fixed, thanks rare for bailing out on your community and loyal fan base, this is despicable behaviour and totally unfair, they are to busy on adding pointless items into the game for the new big update but they can’t fix a problem everyone is havi bf this is just sad

  • Season 12 finally released, and guess what. They still haven't fixed the issue. This game and developers are dead to me.

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