Adrenaline. The Shaky Hands.

  • Let us say you are solo slooping and big fast brigantine is racing towards you, they climb all over your boat and your hands are shaking so bad you can't aim a gun and probably are near frozen.
    It is not cowardice, not anxiety, it is just adrenaline racing in your body. Completely normal because the game was well designed from its base to inflict this with the game's heavy death penalty of potentially losing hours of work. I have noticed some folks are afflicted (my wife used to get it and I would just yell at her to calm down but it didn't help) and does anybody out there have advice? I can't give meaningful advice because my adrenaline ain't pumping like it used to.

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  • @karkona said in Adrenaline. The Shaky Hands.:

    Let us say you are solo slooping and big fast brigantine is racing towards you, they climb all over your boat and your hands are shaking so bad you can't aim a gun and probably are near frozen.
    It is not cowardice, not anxiety, it is just adrenaline racing in your body. Completely normal because the game was well designed from its base to inflict this with the game's heavy death penalty of potentially losing hours of work. I have noticed some folks are afflicted (my wife used to get it and I would just yell at her to calm down but it didn't help) and does anybody out there have advice? I can't give meaningful advice because my adrenaline ain't pumping like it used to.

    I've been playing this game for so long, and I still get shaky hands in pvp. Doesn't matter if I'm on a galleon, brig, or sloop. It usually only gets better after playing consistently for a few weeks and engaging regularly in pvp.

  • @karkona

    I think I'm just getting old on top of it. I've noticed the shakes in lots of pvp situations in the last year lol.

    I'm quick to leave game before the adrenaline decides "oh gods, we're actually going to die this time" so I kinda dodge it. Otherwise get up, get a snack, answer nature's call, play something else.

    And it's only pvp lol. Intense gameplay in non-pvp doesn't bother me.

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