Your Very Own Tavern Sign Competition.

  • @lizalaroo Sounds great to me. I didn't want to miss a chance at winning a glorious piece of art 'cause I was too slow. Though that brings up another question (this should be the last... I hope), will the final 3 be allowed to vote? As they will be only a little biased towards their own entry. I don't care either way, just curious.

    Now I have time to truly ponder...

  • @foxdodge
    In the same vein as yours somebody should claim The One-Eyed Willy as their entry.
    It would be a great tavern name and also a Goonies reference. :D

    (That name was a great laugh once i learned english and rewatched the movie again - only seen it dubbed as a child)

  • @zettianauts But of course!

  • The Viking Longhouse Tavern

  • @lizalaroo The Sea Witch Pub & Inn

  • Oh! Is the Headless Edward taken? Anyways was Blackbeard referenced anywhere in the game?

  • Hmmm, The Seasick Parrot or The Dog and Bone (Dog in question being Kato of course). Choices, choices 🤔.

  • I'd enter with either the
    Dead Mans Chest (Not the PotC one get out of here)
    or the
    Long Johns (Silvers) Inn (Perhaps founded by the man himself, who knows?)

  • I think i'd go with
    The Sword & Spyglass
    The Skeleton & Spyglass

  • …The Winchester???..haha Just kidding. (Shawn of the Dead)

    I’ll go with: The Serpent's Lair

  • @lizalaroo

    I have a ton of awesome suggestions, but one of my favorites would be:

    My Official Entry: The Groggy Parrot
    I like this one because it has grog in its name.

    But I also like Three Sheets to the Wind (this is NOT an entry for the contest. I just want to share). Its a nautical term meaning really, really drunk. But I think The Groggy Parrot is more fun and keeping with the theme of the game.

  • The Raven's Eye

    After all, ravens love shiny objects, and if its eyes are made from red glass, that look like rubys, they can then apear to glow in the dark.

  • To the depths with the taboo of naming things after oneself! My fine establishment shall be The Large Lord! Get it? Get it? Annnnnd...crickets...

  • The Knot Inn

    They don't get much business!

  • @clumsy-george I can already see the headlines:
    "Tavern Sign Competition!" (Gone wrong) (Gone sexual)

  • @lizalaroo Yar! Mine be called the Rusty Cutlass, or if ye be allowed to put forwards two ideas then also the Crusty Crustacean.

  • It seems that my suggestion "The Drunken Rat" has already been used for a Tavern. -*( I would see the sign as a Drunken Pirate Rat with a spilled tankard and it sucking Grog DIRECTLY from the Cask. And the Art-style would be that of "Big Daddy 'Rat Fink'-esque" from the 1950's-60's (sorr, dating myself again!)
    alt text alt textalt text


  • Hi lizalaroo

    to choose only one name is very difficult, i made a dozen, but if i had to choose one reflecting sea of thieves, it would be :
    the drunken compass
    (almost broken, still working, but not sure at all... may be balanced by the sway of a drunken pirate).

    and for fun, the "mussels rock inn" ("l'auberge du rocher aux moules" en français)

    Pirates gathered around their bottle of Rhum, like mussels stuck on their rock surrounded by seas , laughing and sharing their adventures, looking for secret treasure maps, and spiting and singing (forgive my bad english;)
    Have fun during naming, it is truly a big part of the spirit of the game we are waiting for, i wish i have lot of fun discovering the different places and their names :)
    see you all at launch !

  • @lizalaroo I would call my tavern The Cranky Cat - where all the cool cats hang out! 😊

  • @lizalaroo How about the Tipsy Tides or the Tipsy Treasure Thief?

    I have tons more...

  • My entry is The Snake Pit but I'm bored so came up with a few for sh.. & giggles...
    The Hungry Haggis!
    Nessie's Lair
    The Tossed Caber
    Lock Stock & 2 Smoking Cannons
    The Katt & Lizard
    The Tavern of 1001 Grogs!

  • I'm going with my tavern being called The SeaSick Parrot

  • My suggestion would be
    M.A.D -
    The Monkey A***d Donkey

    Awesome idea by the way ;-)

  • @tartansnake-8 @Clumsy-George

    The Tavern of 1001 Grogs!

    Must be late here. I read that as:
    "The Tavern of 1001 Georges"

  • @orcbutt said:
    Must be late here. I read that as:
    "The Tavern of 1001 Georges"

    LOL - But there is only one George!

  • @orcbutt I believe I've already entered the Rusty Cutlass :D

  • @lizalaroo Uh oh.... I entered two against the rules, consider "The crusty crustacean" as a joke entry, just for fun :D

  • The Manky Manatee

    You could even use my profile pic as the logo.

  • The Toasted Turtle
    Don't ask.

    *Edit: I should have mentioned this is in honour of the turtle in Finding Nemo. That turtle was toasty

    *EDIT: OMG I THOUGHT OF ANOTHER ONE. CAN I PLEASE CHANGE IT? HAS IT BEEN TAKEN? Sorry, I'm super excited because it fits my name. The Nomenclature. You know, cause eriNOME :D

  • Not sure if it's taken but....
    The Crab & Anchor

  • I’m not entering...but am fond of:

    The Surly Mermaid
    The Monkey Bar ( myself’s from Tales of the Gold Monkey from the 80s)
    Davy Jone’s Locker (not particularly original...but I’d still like to walk into the Locker and order a grog!)

    ...and my favorite...

    The Kraken’s Bane ;-)

  • @hazybeef said in Your Very Own Tavern Sign Competition.:

    @orcbutt I believe I've already entered the Rusty Cutlass :D

    It was late. I missed it. Sorry. Credit will go to you for being first.

  • How about the dragons brew for my entry

  • I'd name mine The Dodgey Barrel

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