Murderous, Bloodthirsty Pirate has an epithany.

  • I joined an open crew sloop today to find a new(ish) player desperately attempting to dig up a chest on Discovery Ridge. We managed to find it after a good while and my friend was overjoyed with her new Captains chest.

    We set off for our next dig spot on Wanderers Refuge, and along the way we spot a sloop coming in towards Wanderers from Port Merrick. I spied a servant figurehead and some Reaper sails so Without a thought I went into Defense mode and as my partner hard anchored on the south side, I sprinted to the North where the other ship had pulled up too.

    I boarded the decked out empty Reaper and Immediately stole a large selection of cursed cannonballs and a Captains chest, with no enemy Pirate in sight, I assumed that they must be heading to mine, so I raced off to make sure my ship was safe.

    Sure enough I arrived just in time to see a pirate picking up a chest my partner had dug from the beach next to our boat.

    With my Eye of reach I dispatched him quickly. It was obvious he didnt have a clue where he was sniped from. And he turned to dust.

    I returned to his ship and finally got a good look at him. An obviously new player, in his underpants. must have joined an open crew just like I did.

    I jumped around and tried to spam 'sorry!' But he jumped from his ship and charged me missing his shots before switching to his sword.

    I promise I tried to calm him, defending rather than attacking but as I wasnt using a mic, it was to no avail.

    I sent him to the ferry a second time.

    Thats when I heard the sound of scuttling and his ship sunk into the seas.

    I felt awful for him. He was obviously inexperienced, but I killed him so quickly the first time it didnt have time to register.

    I shot first and wasnt planning on asking questions.

    I get it now. I have never been a PVP god, but can hold my own, so I just assumed everyone could. Everyone needed to grow a pair, but now i realise not everyone can.

    When you look at a muscly bearded pirate, you forget that there is a real person underneath.

    I am Glad that Rare have reversed the decision on Pve servers. The game has needed them for a while. I was just too Pirate to notice. I am a reason they need to exist.

    So to all ye PVE pirates, newbies and swabbies I say Good for you! Go out and get your sea legs, explore these waters and have fun in this amazing world and one day, if and when you are ready dip your toes into the High seas.

    Just be aware, Im looking forward to meeting you.

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  • A lot of people hate on the Safer Seas, but they're pretty much all the reaper sweats who are mad about losing the chance to beat of some players on their first day. I think Safer Seas will help both new players in learning about the SoT world, and it will give those who want a fight a fairer one.

  • @thegingrprince I like to think a lot of this can be handled with strick RoE:

    1. Anyone raising any emissary flag is marking themselves as fair game and inviting an attack from others to take their flag
    2. Hostile actions such as firing cannons in your direction or boarding your ship without declaration invite retaliation
    3. If you want to go to the same island as a ship that is already there fire a white flare to signal your intent. If a white flare is returned it means "leave me alone but you can come". If a firework is returned it means "let's form an alliance or vibe". If a red flare is returned it means "approach and be sunk".
    4. If you want to sink a ship that is not and emissary or has committed a hostile action it is proper to declare your intent with a red flare. If they do not return any flare after 30s it is right to sink them, but if they return a white flare it means they would like to be left alone. Additionally, if they return a red flare it means they agree to mutual combat.

    Obviously these RoE are optional but they lead to more enjoyable experiences.

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