A flock of seagulls or just "Decoy Ducks"?

  • TL;DR Am I the only one that sees seagulls disappear after I dive under the waves for a shipwreck, but there is no shipwreck?

    More often than not, I sail the Sea of Thieves to aimlessly sail the Sea to wherever the wind may take me. I do some fishing. I beach-comb for message bottles and assorted beach loot. If I see a skelly cap'n on a small island, I'll stop and collect their skull and if I'm lucky they'll have a treasure stashed on the island that I'll collect as well.
    On these cruises, I like to try and navigate by flocks of seagulls.
    The seagulls are usually hovering over some flotsam or a sunken shipwreck, so there's potential for a bit of collecting some supplies or baubles. When I drift to a stop under a flock and drop anchor, I'll look around and there's nothing floating about on the surface, which is an indicator that there is a shipwreck under the waves. I grab my flintlock and a sword and plunge into the briny deep to see what lies below.
    Oftentimes lately, once I'm under, there is nothing there but more water and waves. I return to the surface, and the flock of seagulls that were hovering above my ship a moment ago have disappeared, leaving me waterlogged and none the richer.

    When I have been bamboozled by these beguiling birds, I refer to them as "Decoy Ducks". My mind fills with the refrains of the song Disco Duck *, and it is now transmogrified in my imagination to the song Decoy Ducks, ear-worming its way into my brain for the next handful of minutes.

    To refresh your memory...
    Decoy, Decoy Ducks!

    But seriously, has anyone else been running into these Decoy Ducks masquerading as our friendly flocks of seagulls? I had originally thought that it was potentially a performance issue due to playing on my OG Xbox One (not Kinected), but I have since moved on to the Xbox Series X and I am still experiencing the Decoys. I use a wired connection with decent speeds...

    *you've been warned :-)

    And for your viewing pleasure, a Flock of Seagulls:
    Flock of Seagulls

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  • If there is nothing on the surface doesnt particularly mean a shipwreck, only if the flock of seagulls is massive is there a natural shipwreck. If its only a few gulls you are seeing and find nothing under the water then my bets are on a flotsam was there shortly ago but just sunk.

  • This isnt something new.
    Large flocks = shipwreck
    Small flocks = droped loot from event/barrels (+loot)/merchant & or Athena mission markers.
    For some reason, if you have been playing for a bit, barrels spawns start to sink if you get withing 1-3 brig ship lengths from them.
    This means you can go to a groop of seagulls and their be nothing.
    This has been a known problem/mechanic(rare hasnt acknowledged it as a glitch) for years now, since a few updates after they added harpoons to the ships (like year 2/3).

  • @goldsmen

    That makes sense. There was once where there was nothing under the surface but a bounty skull a few meters down.

  • @aricardo-0000

    Yes. This makes sense. I hadn't encountered it, that I can recall, before Season 8. I have been running into it quite often since then, though. But with more birbs indicating things, there's more opportunity for them to be decoys.

  • If nothing else, you can all thank me for sweeping up the decoy ducks on the servers that I sail on. :)

    Now I can refer to myself as both a beach-comber and a sea-comber (not to be confused with a sea cucumber).

  • A flock of seagulls appears above your head
    A beam of reaper chest light comes shining down on you
    Shining down on you
    The storm cloud is moving nearer still
    Aurora borealis comes in view
    Aurora comes in view

  • My friends and I have seen this a lot recently. It seems to be pretty regular right now. Not a fan...

  • @scoobywrx555

    And I sailed
    I sailed so far away
    I just sailed
    I sailed all night and day
    I couldn't get away

  • @longlivecayde6

    While it is a mild inconvenience, it is the closest my mariner gets to taking a bath.
    With all of the high sea adventures and running around islands in the hot Caribbean-like sunshine, I'm sure they work up a serious personal sea dog funk.


    At first, I was concerned that it may have had something to do with my hardware or connection. But it seems to be a "known" issue, so with that bit of relief I'm not as concerned.
    I am providing a necessary pro bono deflocking service.

  • @skrapshak
    Perhaps it is the hearty smell of your pirate on the wind that brings them circling in. Upon seeing you dive into the briny bath, they realize their mistake and disperse.

  • If you don't see barrels or get a "Shipwreck visited" banner just leave lol.

  • @pithyrumble said in A flock of seagulls or just "Decoy Ducks"?:

    If you don't see barrels or get a "Shipwreck visited" banner just leave lol.

    The Shipwreck visited banner only appears in half of the cases as this milestone takes 2 wrecks per milestone (or you have to make sure your ship & pirate milestones are out of sync).

  • @longlivecayde6

    lolz. Those poor watery-eyed 'gulls.

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