PvP rating for players selecting (for game session/server)

  • Is there a selection of players on the server in this game according to their PvP statistics? This should be added because hardcore PvP fans will easily ruin the entire game session of casual players who are far from it. This also affects the PvP Hourglass mode when you are scourged as they want and the effect of all this sea romance is lost. It's much more enjoyable to experience this game when you're dealing with a player of your level than with a hell of a hardcore PvP machine. Each person has a different reaction and it is not always possible to train and does not really depend on the number of hours spent in PvP, because it can be an innate reaction, as biological factor that others cannot achieve and it all becomes like selection at birth. And then you get some kind of contradiction from this game - you would like to participate in this beautiful game world but at the same time you get frustrated by the moments of explicit PvP hardcore. Indeed, for this reason, many games have a rating system in the selection of players in order to unqualify the gaming experience and create favorable conditions for everyone.

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  • There's no such system, and PVP statistics are poorly tracked so there's no immediate way to implement one.

  • It's much more enjoyable to experience this game when you're dealing with a player of your level than with a hell of a hardcore PvP machine

    Define, "your level" compare to a normal player.
    someone who plays the game as it was meant to be? A shared world and you pvp and pve. Or is it just someone trying to play the game only one way and avoid the other. Making the game much more problematic by the players own actions, not by others.

  • @krahaborr
    Devs don't want to split the playerbase. That's why the Arena went away.

    I would support more open crew filters, to at least filter your open crew to align it with your own preferences.

  • @tybald said in PvP rating for players selecting (for game session/server):

    Devs don't want to split the playerbase. That's why the Arena went away.

    I would support more open crew filters, to at least filter your open crew to align it with your own preferences.

    They can add as many filters as they want, but it doesn't mean the ship you end up on will be doing what the filter says either. You'd also need to be able to constantly change your filter to get the right kinds of players if you move from one activity to another. I think most players that aren't willing to go to the trouble of using an external resource like discord or xbox lfg wouldn't bother maintaining this accurately which makes it about as useful as open crew is currently.

  • @tybald Problem is the player bases are kind of already split, not only in play style but skill level and game philosophy. PvPers seem to want people to learn how to git gud and spend their time studying and practicing at a video game..? While PvEers think the game itself needs to be balanced and changed.

    As far as I'm concerned skill based match making not only isn't possible, but would severely dwindle the available selections per pool

  • @n0soup4u
    Some, but honestly, most people I meet do PVE and PVP both. They defend their world events from others (or take world events if someone's already there). At the same time, they try to avoid fights if they don't want to risk what they've earned through PVE.

    Personally, I tend to favor live and let live, but at the same time, if I find a ship abandoned with the crew on an island, I'll loot it and send it off into the ocean un-manned :)

    Yes, a good number of people like to raid ships in the pirate game, but many do a mix. Purists on one side or the other are actually more of the exception than the rule.

  • @tybald I agree, me and my buddy (if we do world events) will typically except to be attacked and are ready for it. There are other days, however, where we are just fishing or doing an adventure, something that doesn't actually entail a lot of loot (something that would typically wouldn't invoke a pirate to try to murder you for your booty) and yet we'll be chased for hours while we have virtually nothing on board, not even supplies (which isn't even a good excuse anymore..).

    I do think there's a place for pirating in this game, and I wish people would do more heists when it comes to sneaky players or trying to non-aggressively steal loot (because imho it's more fun and more creative) but as it stands, it's just mindless slaughter on the seas and loot isn't even an excuse

  • The big issue with a game like this is that you can crew with top tier PvP players and fresh install swabbies. Ranked modes wouldn't work purely on those fronts alone, especially when Open Crew exists as the dice roll hell hole it feels like.

    Grouping people off of mechanical skill in combat is beyond ridiculous and practically impossible to rate correctly. There's a reason why this game doesn't have a K/D ratio, or a Sink/Sunk ratio for that matter. There are too many random factors that can make a fight go in your favor or send you to your doom.

    In the name of chaos, this is trying to organize a truly unstoppable force, and by default it's not going to work.

  • @burnbacon I cant understand your point ... ???

  • And how do you propose we, y'know, track how "good" someone is at the game...?

    Sinks? Could just be dumb luck, they could just be in the area, or could've just shot a single cannonball while a full galleon actually does the killing.

    Kills? Well now that's just gonna promote spawncamping and we do not need any more of that.

    Levels? Only hourglass levels are pvp focused but can still be influenced by outside means, or farmed from losing.

    How do you expect to get better if you never face off against anyone better than you? If you just keep killing the same swabbies over and over again you're never going to improve, never going to learn why you died and how you can improve upon it.
    Losing sucks I get it, I really do, but people need to start taking every loss as a LEARNING opportunity to see what they did wrong, improve on it, see what they can do better next time, not "lets go sit down and cry for the next 4 hours while writing a reddit post about why it's the game's fault", know what I mean?

  • @gallerine5582 said in PvP rating for players selecting (for game session/server):

    And how do you propose we, y'know, track how "good" someone is at the game...?

    Sinks? Could just be dumb luck, they could just be in the area, or could've just shot a single cannonball while a full galleon actually does the killing.

    Kills? Well now that's just gonna promote spawncamping and we do not need any more of that.

    Levels? Only hourglass levels are pvp focused but can still be influenced by outside means, or farmed from losing.

    How do you expect to get better if you never face off against anyone better than you? If you just keep killing the same swabbies over and over again you're never going to improve, never going to learn why you died and how you can improve upon it.
    Losing sucks I get it, I really do, but people need to start taking every loss as a LEARNING opportunity to see what they did wrong, improve on it, see what they can do better next time, not "lets go sit down and cry for the next 4 hours while writing a reddit post about why it's the game's fault", know what I mean?

    I can remember most every time that i have lost in any major way, and every time i did, i always learned from it to do better next time. Even my last major loss, i lost because while fighting a brig, a different brig showed up and i thought "great! another ship that can cause trouble!" and figured they would fight the other ship and us both, but failed to realize they were an alliance and sandwiched my ship between them.

    Learning from your losses is more important in this game than just winning or not fighting, because it gives you better chances in the future against others!

  • I like this idea and think it would seriously help the game maintain player retention which has been a serious issue for years now. Always a spike with no content but then the seas die. If players are matched with players they can actually fight they are likely to also improve rapidly. PVP threat is not lost and the players will have the chance to learn and improve. Sad to say the new players learn nothing when they are instantly knocked out of a fight and camped on their ship till it sinks. Just learn that maybe they should refund the game and look for a new game losing another potential player to SoTs.

    For the most part the arguments I hear against this are lack luster. Many of the players who have mastered pvp don't want this because it means they will be fighting against players they have to try to win against. They truly enjoy crushing players with no fear of losing.

    I hear some players like the idea of being on a server with experienced players who may by some miracle take pity on them and teach them.

    Also hear plenty of arguments that the technology just isn't there. The ability to rank player skill levels has been out for decades. It's there and Rare could easily implement it.

    To me this does not split the player base. Just puts everyone in an area they belong in. Where they can all fear for their loot and fight a fight that they have just as much chance to lose as they do to win.

  • When the season 8 arrives, i've tried with a friend the pvp mode, it was the FIRST week of the season, and we found a crew with 2 skelly cursed pirates... in my opinion in Sot there's no SB counting. Maybe only the in world location is based for the servers join

  • @gallerine5582 This game will get boring ppl faster than learning this hardcore gameplay

  • Skill doesn't have anything to do with intent or preference and neither does experience

    Someone like me as an example doesn't attack non-hostile players even though I have a very significant amount of experience and engage in combat every day.

    I sail right by fotds, by world events, by people voyaging and don't attack them and I fight hostile ships.

    This serves inexperienced players in a few ways.
    One less hostile ship
    a ship that takes heat off pve by engaging in combat with those that want to fight.

    Knowing how to fight doesn't mean someone attacks non-fighters or non hostile inexperienced players

    even if they were able to come up with an accurate matching system (which they really can't in a game like this) it could very well lead to more attacks

    Even experienced hostile pvpers aren't necessarily going to bother all ships.
    many either have personal codes to adhere to or they just don't get their kicks off sinking all ships anymore and prefer specific high value targets.

    Incredibly important to have varied skill/experience and interests in a random adventure environment,

  • This would not work, ships come and go, especially with the new hourglass system. I would not argue against solo sloopers, especially newer ones being prioritized to land them in emptier server with similar players, or players doing tall tales etc. But if spaces fill up...well..expect the unexpected. But at the end of the day, you need to adjust and play accordingly. If you can't pvp at all, you have two options, don't raise emisary, earn less, sell often. Or...go diving in Hourglass and improve.

    Alternatively, there is always alliance servers to earn money without threats.

  • @zig-zag-ltu пишет в PvP rating for players selecting (for game session/server):

    Alternatively, there is always alliance servers to earn money without threats.

    These alternate server alliances are the result of the fact that the alliance system does not work properly in the main game as it was intended, since the balance is built on PvP battles and it’s either not profitable for people to do this and it becomes boring, so the alliance system went underground for farming - this already splitting the players in the main game and it is not good imho

  • @krahaborr I wouldnt call few active alliance servers vs thousands of players a split community. And the alliance system in game does work properly, the problem is the playerbase. You can't trust anyone. Sea of thieves is so excellent it attracts everyone, young and old, good and bad. Some nieche games like Hell Let loose have a hardcore community, but majority of people that play it, want to experience realism and good teamwork, so you don't get many really toxic immature inhabiting the servers.

    And people who exclusively play on alliane servers in sot are the ones who hate pvp, meaning they don't appreciate half the game has to offer. It's like surfing community on CSGO.

    But I do agree, having a bit more incentives like commendations,achievements etc to form and keep alliances would certainly help, or if you received extra treasure for finishing an event. But the problem still persists, once that activity is done, you can get backstabbed, which imo is the beauty of them.

  • @zig-zag-ltu said in PvP rating for players selecting (for game session/server):

    @krahaborr I wouldnt call few active alliance servers vs thousands of players a split community. And the alliance system in game does work properly, the problem is the playerbase. You can't trust anyone. Sea of thieves is so excellent it attracts everyone, young and old, good and bad. Some nieche games like Hell Let loose have a hardcore community, but majority of people that play it, want to experience realism and good teamwork, so you don't get many really toxic immature inhabiting the servers.

    And people who exclusively play on alliane servers in sot are the ones who hate pvp, meaning they don't appreciate half the game has to offer. It's like surfing community on CSGO.

    But I do agree, having a bit more incentives like commendations,achievements etc to form and keep alliances would certainly help, or if you received extra treasure for finishing an event. But the problem still persists, once that activity is done, you can get backstabbed, which imo is the beauty of them.

    I think that's halfway the case.

    With a different community we would see more alliances, but the main problem is the tools to build trust aren't there so players have good reason to believe everyone is out to get them.

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