Rare. Fix the mode plz. 100 is just too much of a grind. The mode is supposed to be fun not a grind fest bros. So do something plz

  • They either need to lower the levels instead of 100. Or buff the amount of rep/levels we get by winning and losing.

    P.s who cares if we get the curses faster. The mode is for pvp not a grind fest.

    Oh and before us casuals get told by players that say get better 😂 I got news for them. We try every day bros and get stressed out.

    So plz rare do something. It's not enjoyable and unfair for the average playerbase that wants the curse but are forced to do pvp to get it. P.s I'm a pvper/'pver

  • 103
  • It's not that hard keep trying its not supposed to be easy

  • 175 sinks ~ 100 lvl.

    I got it witch 45% of wins mainly on solo sloop.

    Maybe it will help you calluclate how much time you will need for curse.o

  • @ajm123 said in Rare. Fix the mode plz. 100 is just too much of a grind. The mode is supposed to be fun not a grind fest bros. So do something plz:

    It's not that hard keep trying its not supposed to be easy

    Totally agree, hourglass is the end game content and should not be easy. That's not to say it should be miserable though. The allegiance gain from a hard fought battle is less than if you had simply thrown 10 matches in the same time frame. That is akin to punishing the loser for trying their best and the game mode is losing players because of that. That needs to be fixed somehow.

  • @steppingfish438 Just play the mode if you enjoy it. Don’t grind. It will happen over time.

  • Someone upset they have to actually play and earn something instead of just play 5min and get it.

    I myself understand the long grind but what else is gonna keep you coming back?
    You are not meant to unlock these things right off the bat. They are long term goals/unlocks

    Can’t do it? Take a break. In the end you will reach 100 without realizing

  • @ghostpaw said in Rare. Fix the mode plz. 100 is just too much of a grind. The mode is supposed to be fun not a grind fest bros. So do something plz:

    @steppingfish438 Just play the mode if you enjoy it. Don’t grind. It will happen over time.

    That's not a possibility when the majority of the community have been requesting these curses since the inception of the game, and Rare decided to put them behind a game mode a large subset of the community does not wish to participate in. I understand this was their attempt to get the player base to try PVP and hopefully like it to stick around, but the reality is a large portion of the community is just going to grind out the curses and never look at hourglass again once they get them. I estimate by this time next year hourglass will see the 3% play time arena did when they retired it.

  • If you're doing it for the reward and not the fun, I'm sorry to say, but you're playing it wrong.

  • @ajm123 it's not supposed to be a grind fest either

  • @lordqulex that's what I meant bro

  • @burnbacon I think you misunderstood what im trying to say bro

  • @lordqulex yep. Like I love the mode but after all the stress it causes me I can't wait till I get the curse so I can never touch it again. Unless they fix it some how

  • @targasbr case you don't realize I don't play it like that. Only reason I'm doing this mode is for the curse then going back to sinking pvers

  • @steppingfish438 RARE just want you to see as many cheaters, toxics and inadequate players as possible and have as many negative experiences as possible and never log in again.

  • @lordqulex I agree, hourglass is the PVP version of endgame and I'm all for it. I do would like for them to add a time limit to the how long a battle can go on for. Although, I'm not sure how that would work. Would it use the scoring system that Arena used? Would you get points for boarding an killing your opponent or would it be strictly based off of ship combat?

  • @ixxxoloff I really hope your joking 😂

  • @steppingfish438

    who cares if we get the curses faster.


    You have greed to get it, I have greed to keep in exclusive. The only difference between us is that I made the progress. I think that there should be more rewards on the path to 100, but the curses should stay as-is.
    There are plenty of things in Sea of Thieves that are a grind-fest, the reason is to give players long-term goals for their playstyles. Hourglass PvP is not meant to be something that you grind for the curse and then stop playing. It's a new way to play the game. You're supposed to play it because you want to play it, even after you've got the curse. If you find it to be a stressful grindfest for you, then you're playing it too much. These curses weren't meant to be gotten right away, except for those with a ton of time to play and/or high win rate.

  • @steppingfish438 I'd be happy if it was a joke) :D

  • @steppingfish438 said in Rare. Fix the mode plz. 100 is just too much of a grind. The mode is supposed to be fun not a grind fest bros. So do something plz:

    @targasbr case you don't realize I don't play it like that. Only reason I'm doing this mode is for the curse then going back to sinking pvers

    In the title you said "The mode is supposed to be fun"... You want the curse or the fun?

  • @grumpyw01f I'm not even going to try to explain what I meant. My head is already hurting trying to explain it to others 😂

    If you read my post carefully you will see i been trying to get better every day. And still only get 1 or 2 streaks and even at a loss I don't get much.

    And oh sure it's easy if you can get like 5 streaks in a roll

  • @targasbr like I said. Mode at this time is a grind fest not fun.

    If they want it to be fun. Then do this reduce the levels and make leveling faster and then keep adding stuff to make it fun like getting kills earns you gold and ship skins

  • @steppingfish438 said in Rare. Fix the mode plz. 100 is just too much of a grind. The mode is supposed to be fun not a grind fest bros. So do something plz:

    @targasbr like I said. Mode at this time is a grind fest not fun.

    So... Don't play.

  • @targasbr I wasn't finished. But hey whats even the point anyways you don't understand what I meant anyways

  • @steppingfish438 said in Rare. Fix the mode plz. 100 is just too much of a grind. The mode is supposed to be fun not a grind fest bros. So do something plz:

    @targasbr I wasn't finished

    I really don't understand what you want...

  • @grumpyw01f Completely agree with this. To just get the curse after playing for a few hours would completely defeat the purpose of introducing the game mode. They brought back an in-game way to have on demand pvp. If you want to get into an intense ship fight then that's for you. Personally, I'm wanting to get the curse that's at lvl 105 but I don't want to just blow through it. I know that once I get it unlocked and equipped I'll feel accomplished.

  • @vanishedplague what's funny is that many would just give up many did already 😂 all that will be left is the sweats and try hards and maybe then you will understand.

    Don't say I didn't tell ya so

  • @targasbr that's correct you don't know and probably won't understand what I meant. No matter how many times I try to explain it

  • @lordqulex If u want immortality you gotta earn it lol

  • @steppingfish438 said in Rare. Fix the mode plz. 100 is just too much of a grind. The mode is supposed to be fun not a grind fest bros. So do something plz:

    @targasbr that's correct you don't know and probably won't understand what I meant. No matter how many times I try to explain it

    It seems like you don't even know what you want.

  • @targasbr look at other posts bro they say similar stuff about leveling even tho there different but there on the right track on what I'm trying to say

  • @steppingfish438 said in Rare. Fix the mode plz. 100 is just too much of a grind. The mode is supposed to be fun not a grind fest bros. So do something plz:

    @targasbr look at other posts bro they say similar stuff about leveling even tho there different but there on the right track on what I'm trying to say

    Basically, you want them to make it easier for you to get the curse? Sorry, but this is not fair. If you want the curse you need to earn it, i.e. play PvP.

  • @targasbr what's not fair is forcing most of the player base to do pvp that's unfair.

    And by the way I'm a pvp that loves to steal loot and I hate that the mode is a grind fest

  • @targasbr said in Rare. Fix the mode plz. 100 is just too much of a grind. The mode is supposed to be fun not a grind fest bros. So do something plz:

    It seems like you don't even know what you want.

    The common thread of complaints with Season 8 is that the grind is not casual friendly. The grind itself is fine, but since earning of fair amount of Allegiance requires winning and streaking against some of the toughest players in the game, with the attractive prize being a set of heavily requested cosmetics, it should be no surprise what this thread is about.

    I feel like casuals should ask some respectful Arena refugees about their thoughts on this mode, because to some extent, it did help appease them from haunting the majority of the seas like they did for the 9 months Arena was shut down and before Season 8 released. Arena players went into PvP with the hope of getting better at combat, that's their fun for this game, failing and trying again for hours upon hours until they slowly start improving their piratical skills. It's not a mindset built for everyone, but this is the mindset one would need in order to participate in the hourglass, which is very daunting, very sanity-reducing, and with an attractive prize such as the new curses, very frustrating.

  • @nex-stargaze again I say. The game is mostly casuals bro. And very few pros.

    Only Matter of time before rare addresses THIS.

    Also we been practicing. And I'm level 65

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