New boat idea. (Catamaran)

  • Not sure if anybody else has posted this before, because I know a lot of boat ideas have gone around in the past throughout the community but I’d like to present the community with the Catamaran concept.
    I’m sure there’s a lot of solo players out there like myself, maybe not full-time solo players but at least some people that were not in the crew instead of waiting for their friends to get on they will gladly brave the seas on their own. If you’re the adventurous sort and not hankering for PVP this idea is for you.

    What if there was a catamaran style boat or a strictly solo player boat? The fastest ship on the seas, but with only one cannon. The canon would swivel from left to right and be seated at the stern of the boat. The cannon would be necessary for PVE (world encounters, skeleton ships) and also useful to fire yourself into beneficial positions. but as for PVP, you would get dominated hence, the necessity for being the fastest ship. The Player that sailed this Catamaran would have to be aware of their surroundings to benefit from this and would definitely take some strategic playing, but would open up a whole new realm of opportunities, and new style of playing.
    Would love to hear everybody’s thoughts and suggestions!

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  • @nomad-bajau I love it :3

  • For a solo ship with all the amenities, I don't think you could make one that's smaller than a sloop.

    But I think having a catamaran or a large un-dockable rowboat that can just be found at random islands would be cool.

  • I like the idea, but it's either redundant or needs some focus. If you want a small ship that's easy to sail with one person because all the controls are in one condensed area, you have the sloop. If the cannon is there "for PVE (world encounters, skeleton ships) and also useful to fire yourself into beneficial positions, but as for PVP, you would get dominated," then you have the sloop. The sloop literally fulfills what you described except "fastest ship in the game."

    That is the big challenge with your idea. There is a rock-paper-scissors relationship between the sloop, brig, and galleon regarding speed. They each are the "fastest" in one of the four points of sail, and are uncatchable by every other ship if you know how to sail them. By suggesting a "fastest ship in the game" what I'm hearing is you need to google image search "sea of thieves sail guide" and just commit that chart to memory, because each ship already is the fastest ship in the game, given certain conditions.

    If you reduced your idea to "I want a row boat that has a Bermuda/gaff rig instead of oars," ok yea I kind of like that idea and would absolutely support it.

  • @lordqulex Yeah maybe you could rent one from shipwright, basically a larger row boat that could have a detachable sail. Which would replace your ship until you speak to your shipwright.

    The boat could not be attached to any ship and it would have a ammo crate installed somewhere (no weapon box tho)

    You wanna go stealth you row the boat, you wanna sail to next island you attach the sail. Same variations as currently: Lantern, Harpoon, Cannon.

    The only thing I wonder how would respawning work once you die, would you just respawn on the rowboat infinitely, would it have a limit, would you spawn back to your new ship?

  • @zig-zag-ltu said in New boat idea. (Catamaran):

    @lordqulex Yeah maybe you could rent one from shipwright, basically a larger row boat that could have a detachable sail. Which would replace your ship until you speak to your shipwright.

    The boat could not be attached to any ship and it would have a ammo crate installed somewhere (no weapon box tho)

    You wanna go stealth you row the boat, you wanna sail to next island you attach the sail. Same variations as currently: Lantern, Harpoon, Cannon.

    The only thing I wonder how would respawning work once you die, would you just respawn on the rowboat infinitely, would it have a limit, would you spawn back to your new ship?

    Really an idea I want to play around with more.
    My last few sessions I've made it a point to take greater advantage of the rowboat to sneak out of hot water with my loot.
    I even made a run from picaroon palms to plunder outpost entirely by rowboat, picking up my stashes on the way.

  • Wait... so a FASTEST ship with cannon that can shoot anywhere?

    Straight up op. Good luck fighting that thing...

  • I dig it. But I don’t think any ship should be that much faster than others. An uncatchable ship sortve ruins the fun.

    With some tweaks I’d be interested.

  • @nomad-bajau

    I like the idea of a ship that would be made for solo players only. But making one that is smaller, with all of the barrels, cooking plate, water barrel, clothing, vanity, pet, armory chests, etc.. would be hard. Also like someone else said, each ship in the game is the fastest of some sort or in some conditions. Your idea of making this ship you say "fastest" in all aspects would be wrong in my opinion and this should definately not be a thing. You should not be able to outrun every other ship easily with the wind, with sidewind, or against the wind. The whole theme of the game is about pirates and even if the game has pve aspects, it remains a pvp game. You should not be able to outrun pvp easily. Pvp should always be a part of the game and should stay a part when you're doing pve in an adventure server, so you need to be on the lookout for other ships all the time. It would defeat the purpose of the game if you could go on a solo ship and not have to worry about anyone because you can outrun everything. I would like an even smaller solo ship, but i definately don't agree that any of the ships (current or if there are ever ships that get added) should be fastest in every aspect.

  • As much as I would love to see more ship variety on the seas it is highly unlikely to ever happen. Even if its simply different hull layouts for the same crew sizes. Its a lot of effort for something they probably consider to be pretty minor or trivial. They openly admitted that solo slooping is becoming one of the more common ways people are playing. Ironically also still refusing to admit that pve servers are better suited for anti social, friendless people (while mostly talking about myself I know I am not the only one who has played online games solo for 20+ years).

    Getting a ship just for solo players would be cool. I wanted a little pedal powered Leonardo da Vinci style submarine so as a solo player you could be a little more stealthy but instead of it being a faster ship it would be a bit slower to compensate for its stealthy nature but also would be able to move in a straight line as it wouldn't be impacted by waves or sails, unless they decided to add currents underwater so similar to the wind people moving in the right direction could get a boost, this could apply to swimming as well. Having like a para scope and maybe some kinda air tubes sticking out of the water so you could still kinda of be visible if people were close enough and paying attention. I just love being under the water. Need to find me a new subnautica like game I guess.

  • @magus104 said in New boat idea. (Catamaran):

    As much as I would love to see more ship variety on the seas it is highly unlikely to ever happen. Even if its simply different hull layouts for the same crew sizes. Its a lot of effort for something they probably consider to be pretty minor or trivial. They openly admitted that solo slooping is becoming one of the more common ways people are playing. Ironically also still refusing to admit that pve servers are better suited for anti social, friendless people (while mostly talking about myself I know I am not the only one who has played online games solo for 20+ years).

    Getting a ship just for solo players would be cool. I wanted a little pedal powered Leonardo da Vinci style submarine so as a solo player you could be a little more stealthy but instead of it being a faster ship it would be a bit slower to compensate for its stealthy nature but also would be able to move in a straight line as it wouldn't be impacted by waves or sails, unless they decided to add currents underwater so similar to the wind people moving in the right direction could get a boost, this could apply to swimming as well. Having like a para scope and maybe some kinda air tubes sticking out of the water so you could still kinda of be visible if people were close enough and paying attention. I just love being under the water. Need to find me a new subnautica like game I guess.

    Rowboats are stealthy enough that I don't think a submersible is necessary.
    Just need some sort of rowboat design that doesn't need constant input, as rowing long distances is tough on your fingers on a keyboard.

  • @lordqulex
    I see what you all are saying. Maybe reducing it to strictly a rowboat style idea, like a canoe with an outrigger and a sail with no oars. As well that you couldn’t save but maybe purchase from the shipwright or have to find would be a fun addition.
    I get t a few people have said its a pvp oriented game, but theres nothing saying how you go about doing it. Just last week my friend and I spied a galleon that was doing underwater shrines, and Instead of directly engaging since we had just found a stronghold barrel in a shpwreck I rowed over, docked on their ship and kegged them after they had gotten everything on board. The game is a fountain of opportunities and ideas.

  • @nomad-bajau

    I've also just rowed up to a ship over a shrine a few times to just steal everything currently on board, and let them figure out the shrine loot.

    then one time where I did it to a galley that I saw had a reaper's chest somewhere on it, but they were hiding the loot somewhere and turned out to have a lookout waiting for me in the cabin, so I had to book it back to my sloop and get out of dodge.

  • the concept is attractive,
    I vote for your idea
    maybe not a catamaran, but a solo boat, would already be not bad even if in itself the sloop can be played solo.
    we see immediately that two players on sloop vs solo sloop: the advantage of the two players is relatively in clear superiority

  • @saeko-fr said in New boat idea. (Catamaran):

    the concept is attractive,
    I vote for your idea
    maybe not a catamaran, but a solo boat, would already be not bad even if in itself the sloop can be played solo.
    we see immediately that two players on sloop vs solo sloop: the advantage of the two players is relatively in clear superiority

    The thing is, the inherent problems to a solo sloop won't change with a new ship layout.
    You can't steer, shoot, and repair at the same time.
    The travel time between these tasks is negligible on the sloop already. However when you reach each task, they take time to complete, which is what hurts you. That won't change with a new layout.

  • @scheneighnay
    Thats not entirely true, on a sloop without the wind its roughly a minute travel time between squares. If you’re doing a vault and the key is at Mermaid’s hideaway or somewhere in the shores of plenty a lot of times the actual vault is at Kraken’s fall or somewhere on the opposite end of the map which would take about a half an hour just to get over there, hence my thought to make a really fast boat but minus some amenities to make it fair.
    I like the suggestions to make it more of a rowboat type deal though because that would add to the fairness, fast as hell, maybe no cannon, but a harpoon (since it would be in the rowboat class you honestly wouldn't need a cannon because krakens, skeleton ships, and megs won’t trigger if you’re in a rowboat)

  • @nomad-bajau the "really fast" boat like you're suggesting is never going to happen, i think we're not even going to see a new ship ever anyway, so ..

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