Note to foreigneirs

  • At time to sell, after a session of playing with my mates I have some loot left on my boat because I need to sell it at reaper but, I don't want to navigate to it wich could take long. I wish that your crew could have the option the leave a little note attach to the loot for people who will find it after us who have lived.
    Could be a funny feature

  • 21
    feedbackcommunityjust for fun
  • Interesting suggestion, also no loot should be left behind. I think would be cool if there was an NPC in outposts that would sell - rumours, barkeep usually does that in games.

    so imagine you pay 100gold and barkeep gives you a tip, "a lot of treasure left behind in Plunder outpost." Perhaps reaper could give PVP related rumours of emissary levels of ships around, the kind of quests they are doing etc. It would be vague, but good enough as a lead. For example " A crew sailing the wilds just found a golden vault key" so you dont know which ship, which crew and which vault. But its enough to go by if your on a hunt

  • I have seen it is possible to bury treasure and then add the map to that mission board on each outpost, for other players to find. Can you not do that?

  • @ptilapin27 Simple, just drop your loot on the dock, and sail the ship to reapers while half your crew sells at outpost and half sails the ship

  • @pomalotacusmk3 OH I did not think of that thank you... I may look boring but most of the time we sell it is stacks and like we prefer to cumulate all the loot and then sell all together.
    Steel thank you pomalot

  • @zig-zag-ltu This really looks nice. A hint system like you said would be fun

  • @ptilapin27 Yes I have thé samedi problème. It is à very good idea. The hint thing its too
    Thank toy

  • Ouais c est vraiment une bonne idée je trouve.j aimerais bien ce système d indice

  • Yes, I agree with you.
    It can be so helpful to the sot community
    Good idea!
    We need this !!

  • The only problem with notes is there is always some fool who has to put something toxic or inappropriate in the note.

  • We’ve seen it with ship names and pet names, if you give people the option to have user generated content, a small minority will ruin it for the rest of us.

    I have left karma crates of supplies/reapers only loot and then scuttled my ship before putting my logbook with the loot. I think that’s the best option right now.

  • @glibunicycle220 said in Note to foreigneirs:

    We’ve seen it with ship names and pet names, if you give people the option to have user generated content, a small minority will ruin it for the rest of us.

    I have left karma crates of supplies/reapers only loot and then scuttled my ship before putting my logbook with the loot. I think that’s the best option right now.

    is it ruined?

    does the random rude/crude/offensive boat name ruin it for all the random boat names that are interesting to read and not harmful?

    People can scream all sorts on nonsense at each other, send hurtful messages. It's not that often for the most part and when it happens there is a system for reporting and people face consequences for it.

    Even a lot of the inappropriate ship names are just inappropriate because it's not an adult only game but they aren't super harmful or wildly over the top. Just mild wordplay.

    Especially in random adventure, it's a lot of the kind of names that make the feature a positive.

    Imo we've moved beyond being held back by a minority of poor choices. I think it brings more positive than negative to the community.

  • @wolfmanbush said in Note to foreigneirs:

    @glibunicycle220 said in Note to foreigneirs:

    We’ve seen it with ship names and pet names, if you give people the option to have user generated content, a small minority will ruin it for the rest of us.

    I have left karma crates of supplies/reapers only loot and then scuttled my ship before putting my logbook with the loot. I think that’s the best option right now.

    is it ruined?

    does the random rude/crude/offensive boat name ruin it for all the random boat names that are interesting to read and not harmful?

    People can scream all sorts on nonsense at each other, send hurtful messages. It's not that often for the most part and when it happens there is a system for reporting and people face consequences for it.

    Even a lot of the inappropriate ship names are just inappropriate because it's not an adult only game but they aren't super harmful or wildly over the top. Just mild wordplay.

    Especially in random adventure, it's a lot of the kind of names that make the feature a positive.

    Imo we've moved beyond being held back by a minority of poor choices. I think it brings more positive than negative to the community.

    It has nothing to do with thin skinned people as I think you are implying, it has to do with developer reaction. All complaints cost support time, aka money. The easy way to fix the issue is to not allow it when possible.

  • @foambreaker said in Note to foreigneirs:

    It has nothing to do with thin skinned people as I think you are implying, it has to do with developer reaction. All complaints cost support time, aka money. The easy way to fix the issue is to not allow it when possible.

    After the first few weeks the ones causing trouble will have largely faced the consequences like all content/features in this game, once things settle it's fine

    the ones left using it will largely be the ones that do so for immersion and for genuine reasons outside of the rare case of maliciousness

    This is an immersion/adventure/community heavy game, it's not only a cost it's also an investment.

  • @wolfmanbush Developers learned long ago it is also a risk, all it takes it one bad note on social media to tarnish a companies reputation.

    We used to be able to write books in UO, it was awesome, but a few rotten apples spoiled it for everyone.

  • @foambreaker said in Note to foreigneirs:

    @wolfmanbush Developers learned long ago it is also a risk, all it takes it one bad note on social media to tarnish a companies reputation.

    We used to be able to write books in UO, it was awesome, but a few rotten apples spoiled it for everyone.

    Captaincy has worked out fine with far more positives than negatives when it comes to individuality.

  • @wolfmanbush said in Note to foreigneirs:

    @foambreaker said in Note to foreigneirs:

    @wolfmanbush Developers learned long ago it is also a risk, all it takes it one bad note on social media to tarnish a companies reputation.

    We used to be able to write books in UO, it was awesome, but a few rotten apples spoiled it for everyone.

    Captaincy has worked out fine with far more positives than negatives when it comes to individuality.

    All features are not equal, the value of allowing custom ship names is much greater than that of a note. One justifies the effort, the other probably doesn't.

  • @foambreaker said in Note to foreigneirs:

    @wolfmanbush said in Note to foreigneirs:

    @foambreaker said in Note to foreigneirs:

    @wolfmanbush Developers learned long ago it is also a risk, all it takes it one bad note on social media to tarnish a companies reputation.

    We used to be able to write books in UO, it was awesome, but a few rotten apples spoiled it for everyone.

    Captaincy has worked out fine with far more positives than negatives when it comes to individuality.

    All features are not equal, the value of allowing custom ship names is much greater than that of a note. One justifies the effort, the other probably doesn't.

    They are features that support individuality and immersion and quality of life, they don't need to be equal.

    They often have based content around trying to push coordination even though it receives push back because they believe in the importance of interaction. This offers a form of interaction without the negatives of pushed cooperation.

  • @zig-zag-ltu said in Note to foreigneirs:

    so imagine you pay 100gold and barkeep gives you a tip, "a lot of treasure left behind in Plunder outpost."

    You mean like the way people can already just post their maps if they really want someone to get "tips" on where to find their loot?

  • @wolfmanbush "They are features that support individuality and immersion and quality of life, they don't need to be equal."

    Nope they don't have to be equal, but they need to, individually, justify the cost. A ship name feature which is very core, is worth more support hassle than a note on the dock.

    I've said my bit, you can take the last word.

  • @tre-oni I thinks he means not only you post your cards. But more of a hint on someone who started a voyage in a certain region of the game like : "Pirates have started a veil in the wilds"
    A hint which you could buy from a npc at the tavern for a reasonable amount of gold.

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