Ability to write in your ships log.

  • Just a minor thing really.
    But it would be cool if the captain could pen his own words inside the captains log of the ship.

    You could write your own pirate code for your crew to follow or simply add in memorable adventures you have had in the past for others to read and share.

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  • Can you think of any possible flaws with this suggestion? ^^ Someone's kids would learn so many new curse words if they found mine.
    The idea is cool, but it would not work on the internet. Unless it would be auto generated content, but we already kind of have that, just in words or detail, but numbers, days at sea,islands visited,gold earned etc

  • @zig-zag-ltu said in Ability to write in your ships log.:

    Can you think of any possible flaws with this suggestion? ^^ Someone's kids would learn so many new curse words if they found mine.
    The idea is cool, but it would not work on the internet. Unless it would be auto generated content, but we already kind of have that, just in words or detail, but numbers, days at sea,islands visited,gold earned etc

    It already exists with pets and ship names and even account names

    People say all kinds of things on comms and people record it and spread around

    We already deal with it and get through it

    This suggestion adds significant immersion and also supports community.

    Treat it as a privilege like everything else, if people are inappropriate with it and/or trying to hurt/target people they lose the privilege.

  • @wolfmanbush I would not put those together. Pirate names/Pet names is for a public display as they are shown without interaction.
    Comparing this to comms imo is a great comparison as comms are often a total s*** show for no good reason.

    I was also obviously joking about writing swear words myself if there were consequences, but I see you understand what I mean.

    Besides without decent inbuilt function to report people for inappropriate voice comms, this game will never solve this problem. I would assume the logbooks would have similar filter as the chat.

    Also since this is a world wide game where not everyone can write and spell in English, I'm not sure how finding a floating book on the outpost that would spell ''We wuz fight skeleaton shyp, gud faight, wy beat shyp'' would add to your immersion, or finding something in a foreign language. But to each their own I guess

    That's why I believe auto generated one would be better. So the game itself would write your story for you.

    Captain XXXX with his trusty Sloop YYYY started his/her journey in Ancient spire outpost, sailed to Oldfaithful Isle, spent 3 hours trying to find a seafarers chest and got sunk on the way to Crescent Isle by a reaper galleon. ^^ just as a basic example, could expand more obviously with commendations,levels earned,fish caught, most significant piece of loot discovered etc etc etc

  • @zig-zag-ltu said in Ability to write in your ships log.:

    @wolfmanbush I would not put those together. Pirate names/Pet names is for a public display as they are shown without interaction.
    Comparing this to comms imo is a great comparison as comms are often a total s*** show for no good reason.

    I was also obviously joking about writing swear words myself if there were consequences, but I see you understand what I mean.

    Besides without decent inbuilt function to report people for inappropriate voice comms, this game will never solve this problem. I would assume the logbooks would have similar filter as the chat.

    Also since this is a world wide game where not everyone can write and spell in English, I'm not sure how finding a floating book on the outpost that would spell ''We wuz fight skeleaton shyp, gud faight, wy beat shyp'' would add to your immersion, or finding something in a foreign language. But to each their own I guess

    That's why I believe auto generated one would be better. So the game itself would write your story for you.

    Captain XXXX with his trusty Sloop YYYY started his/her journey in Ancient spire outpost, sailed to Oldfaithful Isle, spent 3 hours trying to find a seafarers chest and got sunk on the way to Crescent Isle by a reaper galleon. ^^ just as a basic example, could expand more obviously with commendations,levels earned,fish caught, most significant piece of loot discovered etc etc etc

    I think logbooks in general already cover some of the general by having the stats displayed.

    They could do sketches that show up in the form of torn pages or other ways

    where it would including gamer tag as an option and ship name as an option along with sketches. Kraken, meg, heart, flowers, ships, sunrises, sunsets, islands, etc

    a really cool feature would be the ability to sketch others

    they could have a consent emote and then one pirate sketches the other, the character model is turned into sketch and then that could turn into all sorts of things like message in a bottle and people being able to frame a sketch of themselves for the boat

  • I would even settle for the ability to just enter pre-written records to the log, like "sunk kraken", "spotted *ship name" and etc.

  • @zig-zag-ltu said in Ability to write in your ships log.:

    Can you think of any possible flaws with this suggestion? ^^ Someone's kids would learn so many new curse words if they found mine.
    The idea is cool, but it would not work on the internet. Unless it would be auto generated content, but we already kind of have that, just in words or detail, but numbers, days at sea,islands visited,gold earned etc

    I was playing grand theft auto when I was 14 and I turned out fine! Depending on who you ask of course haha.

  • @zig-zag-ltu said in Ability to write in your ships log.:

    Can you think of any possible flaws with this suggestion? ^^ Someone's kids would learn so many new curse words if they found mine.
    The idea is cool, but it would not work on the internet. Unless it would be auto generated content, but we already kind of have that, just in words or detail, but numbers, days at sea,islands visited,gold earned etc

    You know there is already a chat and voice chat feature in the game which allows you to say literally anything, right?

  • @alienmagi I think there is a difference between voice chat/in game chat and something that would appear as part of the game. New players would have no idea if this was done by Rare or other people, where as voice chat/in game chat is easily identified. Just my opinion. I like @WolfManbush idea to have stories told through sketches. I would also imagine those sketches could become different and more in detail based on achievements and commendations. Let's say you sink your first skelleton ship and you sink your 500 one for the Legend of sea of thieves achievement

  • @scheneighnay said in Ability to write in your ships log.:

    I would even settle for the ability to just enter pre-written records to the log, like "sunk kraken", "spotted *ship name" and etc.

    Expanding on this I would also like to include coordinates of my ship at the time, and locations of buried treasure.
    All willingly of course.

    I love the merchant shipwreck voyages and would like to leave my own bread crumb trail for other players to enjoy.
    I'm already a habitual poster of maps.

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