Visible legs - why not?

  • So, its been a long time that personally I feel like it would be pretty nice if we can see our legs xd I know, I know... it sounds stupid, but for some reason, I know a lot of people would agree that it makes game feel better somehow. Especially this one. What do you think?

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  • It's not stupid at all

    it's immersion in a game that thrives on immersion

    it's a fine suggestion

  • I've wanted this for a long time now, maybe a bit of the torso as well (a way to see your cosmetics without going into an Emote). I'd also like to see our hands/arms more often (like interacting with the Rigging for the Sails).

  • Honestly, I'd rather see our hands whilst adjusting the sails and climbing ladders. Also have other animations cleaned up and improved

  • I'd love this, nice bit of immersion and I could see some of my cosmetics in first person perspective.

  • I wonder how this would affect swimming?

  • I always like this feature in first person games.

  • @personalc0ffee It will affect our visibility while we swim if they make hands visible, but I only mentioned legs. Making legs visible will not affect anything at all. But I feel like even if they make hands visible during swimming, but make it so it's not covering half of the screen, it wouldn't make that much of a difference.

  • @redeyesith said in Visible legs - why not?:

    I've wanted this for a long time now, maybe a bit of the torso as well (a way to see your cosmetics without going into an Emote). I'd also like to see our hands/arms more often (like interacting with the Rigging for the Sails).

    From our camera, it's not that it's just "not visible" but our character doesn't have any torso or legs or even a head... or even hands (unless they are carrying or running!) And those hands are not our actual hands, they are objects placed in the correct spot in the camera view (not in the actual spot where they would be for our characters. Also, our character's view is not from their eyes...

    So this would be a significant re-development effort almost from scratch I would think.

  • @lethality1 I mean , you only have to re work the 1st person view. Literally, that is all. It only affects the way it looks - not the functionality of anything. So, it would not be that hard.

  • @streetskiper hands are visible when swimming...

  • @streetskiper said in Visible legs - why not?:

    @lethality1 I mean , you only have to re work the 1st person view. Literally, that is all. It only affects the way it looks - not the functionality of anything. So, it would not be that hard.

    Are you familiar with game development and how this works at all? Especially in a multiplayer game? Because then you would not say that :-)

  • @lethality1 obviously I'm not a game developer. I get the idea that they would have to offset model's POV to not being in a center as it is right now, do all the individual body parts re-adjustments etc. But what I'm saying is that would make game feel better, that is all.

  • I guess one of the reasons is memory optimization? They do not load unnecessary models and textures, just your hands.

  • @streetskiper said in Visible legs - why not?:

    @personalc0ffee It will affect our visibility while we swim if they make hands visible, but I only mentioned legs. Making legs visible will not affect anything at all. But I feel like even if they make hands visible during swimming, but make it so it's not covering half of the screen, it wouldn't make that much of a difference.

    Well the reason I ask is because they offset our hit box for swimming or something. Like, it is wonky, like the whole game (LOL)

    Anywho, I imagine viewing our legs would affect this somewhat.

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