Started a wooden scale model

  • So, after all my plastic tanks, ships, and planes i started to make a wooden one, and it's not what i expected.
    It's pretty hard in comparison to plastic the wood is more flexible and stiff but one mistake and the wood rip in half, adding to this that it cost an arm to rebuy the hull stick.
    here is a pic :

    By the way i'm really sorry about the nails in the hulls i know it's a sin but my wood glue seems to be too old and has now become concrete.

    PS: my picture is not shown in the forums how i'm supposed to do this?

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  • @lunecro

    I think that looks amazing!!!

    I took inspiration from @lizalaroo and I'm trying to construct something from game, but it's a lot harder than it looks which gives me huge respect for all you craftsmen and women out there!

  • @lunecro sorted it for you. Looking good my piratey friend!

  • @katttruewalker Indeed, regarding the plastic model it can take a couple of hours depending of the scale and the details of the model.
    But the wooden one darn it's hard i have to put the stick in alcohol otherwise the sticks would simply crack if i bend them a little.

    Also saying that the wood is working all the year.

    @lizalaroo Thank you

  • @lunecro Wow, looks great so far! Cant wait to see the finished product :)

  • @stacky-a I hope you're really ready to wait :)

  • That's awesome.

  • I don't think i could ever make something looking that cool i would really like to see it finished

  • @lunecro Looking good!

    I woodnt know where to start something like this! I'm knot even sure I have the patience...

    I hope we get to see the finished article!

  • It looks amazing! Can't wait to see the finished one :P. Good luck building it!

  • hope 2 see a final pic!

  • Like SWIFT says, really looking forward seeing the final picture.
    And it looks really cool, well done!

  • Sometimes ya just gotta jump into the deep end of the ocean :-D

    It is addictive...that is for sure. I've got one Sea of Thieves belt buckle done and two more in the pipeline...

    Looking great!

  • Looking very promising my friend! Upvoted and followed, excited to see the masterpiece finished! :D

  • @clumsy-george Sure things,

    From now it's pratty basic i'll admit.
    After that i'll need to apply some sandpaper on it etc...
    The part i'm really afraid of is the sails if i can be worst at something it's the sewing i'll try to ask my wife if she can make me some sails with a bunch of cloth or whatever i found

  • @lunecro Best thing with sails is to use whatever you find. The odder and more patch work looking the sails the better!

  • @musicmee Indeed it will look like a fiction pirate ship with ripped sailsbut for the moment i'm more occupied by the wood itself i need to immerse them in the alcohol to transform them into something that i can manipulate with less caution also because i can bend them and stick on the draft without difficulties.

  • @lunecro said in Started a wooden scale model:

    @stacky-a I hope you're really ready to wait :)

    Haha yeh, I know what its like working on projects, some of mine have taken over a year to finish while others get shelved and then started again down the track. Hopefully yours wont take that long :)

  • Quick update i'm still not dead but i've some personnal problems so the model's gonna take a little bit longer than it was supposed to take.
    And i have to remove a part of the hull the wood really worked because of the heat, humidity, cold etc... so most of them cracked
    by the way i changed my workshop i don't have enough place at home so i found a better place at my grandpa's home :D

  • This is looking really cool so far! I can't wait to see the final result.

  • @lunecro Looking amazing so far!

  • Wow! Very impressive! I wish i had the patience/talent to do that kind off thing. It would look like a pile off match sticks by now if i attempted it. I have no patience or temper control when it comes to artistic things.

    I like to think i will be better at sinking ships then building them ;)
    And dont they use nails when they repair the hull after cannon holes lol xD

  • @lunecro hows this project going? Would love to see the progress.

  • Oh wow i would love to do something like this....Very nice and i would also love an update on your progress!

  • Amazing job so far. Brings back fond memories of my grandfather too. He used to make wooden models waaaay back when. I missed out on those genes sadly.

    Looking forward to seeing how this progresses and the end result. Love this. Thankyou for sharing it.

  • @lunecro said in Started a wooden scale model:

    Hey folks,

    Just passing by, and also saying that i'm not that much active the past few months, because the studies are taking me too much of my free time.
    But i still manage to get a bit of time to continue a little bit my ship.
    alt text

    And another one
    alt text

    I fear that's all i'm gonna try to put more time on it

    Oops it seems like i failed the link i'm gonna try something else because i couldn't find the edit button (if there's one)

  • @lunecro Looking good! Patience is the key to woodwork. Take your time and realize that everything (adhesives, paints, stains, etc.) are better used sparingly, allowed full time to "set", and reapplied as necessary. You can always cannot take away!

  • @ant-heuser-kush said in Started a wooden scale model:

    @lunecro the edit button is the cog wheel on the bottom right of your reply.

    Yep found it after a while

    @touchdown1504 said in Started a wooden scale model:

    @lunecro Looking good! Patience is the key to woodwork. Take your time and realize that everything (adhesives, paints, stains, etc.) are better used sparingly, allowed full time to "set", and reapplied as necessary. You can always cannot take away!

    Well basically i was thinking about stopping it until i have enough time.
    It was taking the dust by the time so i decided to continue it

  • @lunecro Wow, looking great!

  • @lunecro It may save you money to use water. I was makin barrels with popsicle sticks a long while back and found that soaking them in hot water for an hour and then letting them dry bent worked really well. Cold water might work too. Either way give it a try, might save you some alchohol.

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