Forfeit penalty should be time limited

  • There is a huge problem that when an enemy takes control of your ship, they can just sail away from the area, and you get no pity reward, even if you spent an hour trying your best. If players want to lose on purpose, which is quite logical considering how unrewarding the progression is for those who can't win, they can do so easily in few minutes by anchoring near the enemy ship. Perhaps the penalty makes somewhat sense at the start of battle, but after few minutes it does more harm than good.

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  • @arch-ideall Agreed. I've been playing season as intended, naval > board > try to hold until they sink. But I get boarded and sailed out, I get no compensation for trying to play the game as Rare intended. It's a waste of time supplying up, queueing, fighting, etc. to get nothing. And then some people are cheesing by sinking themselves in bounds, BUT they get rewarded for it. I have integrity and refuse to stoop to that level.

    So right now the system is punishing people who are TRYING to play your game the way it was designed. It definitely needs to be addressed.

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