Merchant delivery

  • If i lost one or more cages to put the animals what happens when i return to the merchant with one more animals missing?

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  • @jtcardoso You will be able to sell what you have yet you not be able to complete the merchant voyage.

  • @jtcardoso
    You can find animal cages on some islands, but you're better of to sell what you can, cancel the voyage, buy a new one and put it on the quest table.

  • Ok...thanks to solve my question

  • @mintharp184509 said in Merchant delivery:

    Yeah I think merchants should sell animal crates for cheap if you’re actively doing an animal voyage for this very reason.

    I also think it would be cool if the Merchant Alliance trading company incorporated the aspect of time trials for animal and cargo voyages.

    So like now the pocket watch in game is almost pointless because Rare has greatly extended the delivery date/time for cargo and animal voyages making it feel like there is zero chance you won’t get the delivery done in time.

    The quests you pick up randomly still can have delivery within a day or so.

    I think it would be better if pirates were paid in gold based on how fast they were able to deliver animals/cargo (and in what condition). Reward super fast and efficient merchants with more gold.

    Wouldn't be against that, though that would perhaps discourage people from stocking up cargo and then deliver (hoping they get some deliveries close by or even the same NPC).

    In addition to scaling gold payment based on speed of delivery, the game could keep a record of the fastest delivery times and what pirate(s) hold(s) that time as another fun way to compete against other merchants for the fastest time.

    People will just have a zoo on board of another ship or on one dock with one player and try to get a quest with delivery for that location.

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