Community day - No multiplier or progress reported

  • I did two short voyages today, during the first one I only got the multiplier for emissary and during the second one the game accepted my loot but didn't show any progress (gold, emissary, rep etc) when I sold. Maybe this was due to server overload but the sea felt empty... did this happen to any one else?

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  • @dellorto1610 same with me! We turned in what should have been about 1.5 million worth of gold as a grade 5 reaper with the community day bonus but I still haven't gotten anything from it. Played a little later that day and gold counted for what I turned in that server but not the bigger turn in.

  • @p4ntry , same here, I still haven't seen any gold etc. I think the community day is a great idea but when I don't see any progress I logout. Why play (on community day) when you are uncertain about the rewards?

  • I submitted a ticket snd they told me it could be up to 72hrs for the gold and rep to register... I feel like this has happened in the past and i never received about 300k worth. This time it should be 5x that so feel a little cheated. I’ll keep you updated. You ever receive yours?

  • During the last community day I did not receive any multiplier at all during gold rush. I should have been getting base price plus the 2x plus the 1.5x but I was only getting the base price, not even the 2x that was supposed to be all day. It happened like that during both gold rush hours and they said they fixed it and everyone should have had their missing gold added to their account. I never did see any of that gold. I think that’s why they decided not to do gold rush hour this time, but that doesn’t solve your problem.

  • @abjectarity interesting that it would give you gold but no multiplier. Yeah it was showing the items we sold at the bottom but no gold at all during that server and that was our bigger turn in that day :(. Crazy to think it can take 3 days to get lol 48hrs in and I’m losing hope.

  • @p4ntry yeah I wouldn’t hold my breath. Community day is usually the hardest day on the servers and it seems like they are never truly prepared for it. Even on gold and glory weekend they have gold glitches, and honestly even just on normal days they do too. Part of that is just the complexity of having a game like they do.

  • @p4ntry , no nothing. We've been cheated on our pixel money! :)

  • @p4ntry said in Community day - No multiplier or progress reported:

    I submitted a ticket snd they told me it could be up to 72hrs for the gold and rep to register... I feel like this has happened in the past and i never received about 300k worth. This time it should be 5x that so feel a little cheated. I’ll keep you updated. You ever receive yours?

    Just an FYI this happened to me and my crew the week before community day. I submitted a ticket, not expecting to get the gold or rep (because, let's be honest, we won't get it), but more so that Rare would know the issue occurred and hopefully be able to track it. When I submitted my ticket I received the same form letter response you mention above. I waited the three days and sent another reply back letting them know the three days were over and we had still not received any gold, rep, or pirate milestones from selling. And, like I suspected would happen, it's been all silence on their end. I hate to say it, but you can probably kiss all that goodbye. Sorry. I sincerely feel for ya. :)

  • @dellorto1610 sagte in Community day - No multiplier or progress reported:

    @p4ntry , no nothing. We've been cheated on our pixel money! :)

    Again...happened on gold&glory weekends to me twice so far...what I learned is, if on community day or gold&glory I don’t receive the money within half an hour after sold, then I can call it a day and play something else, because it won't change and I won't get anything
    Nice it didn't happen this time to me...

  • @tangus-00 you think they would just credit you the gold to make you happy. Doesn’t cost them anything or effect the game in anyway.

  • After back and forth for a few days this is the ultimate response I got is below. Go ahead and follow our social media channels so you can get excited for an event just to get sh*t on and then told sorry theres nothing we can do.

    “We are sorry for the inconvenience caused by this issue but it is not possible for us to manually provide a compensation for this issue. Please follow our social channels for related news and announcements.

    Thank you for your understanding.“

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