Decently experienced player looking for crew mates

  • I’ve got 200+ hours on SOT so I would say I’m experienced but certainly not the top dog out there on the seas. I’m trying to find some English speaking crew mates with mics to try and make some coin with me. My discord is LtRub1#5654

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  • @ltrub17163 forgot to mention I also normally have one other person playing with me as well

  • I have 160 hours in the game.

    I’m currently on vacation but I’ll be happy to sail with you after the 20th.

    Add me on Xbox!

  • I’ve got 240+ hours on SoT so I’m quite experienced I can say, English speaking and all that so if you want you can add me on Xbox, my name is my username.

  • I am looking for crew as well, if you are interested message me either here or on Xbox, my tag is same as my username. I preffer the role of bilge or cannon

  • What time frame do u play?
    i too play w one other.. daily in the AM.. from bout 6am PST til Noon.
    If your play time fits ours.. and we gel.. we could galley up

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