The "Sell to" milestones contradict the new sovering turn-in mechanic.

  • I feel like the person who came up with "milestones" for us to do and the team that came up with the idea of the sovereign turin-in npc for ease of use NEVER spoke to each other once. What is the point of using the new turn-in npc if NOTHING you sell to them counts towards any of the milestones for selling the companies things. it takes thousands of items to unlock these awards and using the new feature literally gives you 0 progress and punishes your unlock progress for using it.

    The milestone reqs are already impossibly high for literally zero reason. it makes no sense to introduce a thing to make loot delivery easier and then lock several of the unlocks behind NOT using them. just make them count across the board for the npcs they go to if delivered to the sovereigns. They already tell you they are passing them along on your behalf. just make it track...and LOWER numbers on EVERY milestone across the board....

    P.S. I love this game. so very much. I have to be honest. So far however this update feels like impossibly long busy work grinds and NOT like claiming my own ship and decorating it...sitting in a chair for a whole hour for a single level? INSANITY....Who thought that was riveting gameplay?

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  • In contradiction to that... The new milestones also make sure that the other factions aren't forgotten about forever.

    Without milestones and the new emissary rewards not coming to September, there currently isn't much reason to use the other guys to cash in. So I like that we are still giving them some value.

  • @musicmee
    I'm upvoting your post but not for the right reasons.
    "...there currently isn't much reason..." is the catchphrase of this season.

  • @zedny3434 Thank you... I guess LOL

  • @musicmee The sovereigns literally tell us that they are passing the loot along to the companies in our name. it makes far more sense for the old ways to be left to non-captains and that once you get on a captained ship you can just use the new captain only mechanic for turn-ins and get credit across the board with the companies the loot pertains to. otherwise it feels like using the sovereigns and getting only progress with them versus being forced to use the old hoofing it technique to get progress with everyone else. You are being punished for using the new stuff. .this entire season's update is at odds with itself. in every way. Just a baffling mixed-up mess at present.

  • Sovereigns should have been their own faction
    change my mind

  • but the sovereigns have also a milestone for selling?i just took a look on the milestones and thought this is a feverdream
    have nothing against long grinds but this is a bit crazy, and things like sitting on a chair, sleeping shouldnt be a milestone

  • @rathbaume very well put, agree on everything you've said.

  • What is the point of using the new turn-in npc if NOTHING you sell to them counts towards any of the milestones for selling the companies things.

    Quick sell, for those of us who have Max out the others and just wanna quickly sell without walking everywhere.
    It makes perfect sense. You the pirate have to sell the treasure to the Faction, if it comes from another didnt turn it in. Using a third party doesn't count.

    just make them count across the board for the npcs they go to if delivered to the sovereigns.

    Too easy and simple. Pick and choose what is more your 'Focus' Mix and match.
    Notice selling to the Sovern you need '150?' loot to lvl up class. While the others require '75?'
    You can easily do this by sailing around the map, Fortress take down and maybe Sea Shrines. You be amazed when it says "Class 20" when you been only playing for couple hours xD

    They already tell you they are passing them along on your behalf.

    Sovern: "Hey this chest came from so and so."
    GH "Oh, thanks Ill send the gold."
    But since you didn't personally hand it to them, No Rep. Lazy pirates dont deserve the Rep

  • @burnbacon lazy? its a game , u ever sold solo your loot? the sov is the best addition to the game. but i got something in athene milestones, for selling my athene loot to the sovs, need to check later , i dont took a close look what i get for what i wanna play the game n not checking lists the whole time. but what i seen the most items r just reskins so it doesnt matter reaching class 100 for me im cool with the milestones in lot cases we get something by reaching class 10

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