Hot take but I just don't like them. I think the reason why is because I remember the game without them. They're just sooo... annoying? I feel like double gunners make best use of them and double gunning is already annoying enough to deal with if you don't wanna run the optimal meta 1 step 2 tap instant kill everyone does. I love this game but I have trouble respecting the FPS action coming from other more hardcore games where headshots actually kill you. How do I put it.... I think blunderbombs just knock you around and annoy the heck outta me. I wish they only worked in canons rather than were some spammable finish a kill move you whip out - Though even then, I could do without them. I don't like soft or hard disables in any first person pvp game. Giving me PTSD to playing overwatch.
Am I just a baby? do you love blunderbombs? I've given it a solid year+ to really form an opinion on them rather than just saying my gut instinct to complain about them on day 1. I can use them, I get kills with them but they're just soooo... cheap. So annoying tbh. I don't think it's needed or helps the game just frustrates many veterans and hardcore bullies new players.