PVP Issue

  • @jeteagle101 said in PVP Issue:

    @schwammlgott you can hold on to you idea of fact that the developer posted long time ago but as everybody know they have the right to say what they want and every voice counts and improvements to the game doesn't hurt anybody

    Except you are not asking for improvements, you are wanting to remove the core gameplay loop.

    And the post with Rare's stance was NOT a "long time ago", it was a fairly recent one to put this nonsense to rest once and for all. This thread will be locked soon because the issue has been addressed and settled. Deal with it.

  • @schwammlgott giving a player an option to join a PVP server or PVE server wouldn't be a back step if that was the case then Rockstar would never put the option of a private server in GTA V

  • @rustyaldrich said in PVP Issue:

    @a10dr4651 said in PVP Issue:

    sigh another one these. It's a PvPvE pirate game. It contains player pirates, expect people to fight you for your loot. It is not toxic to sink someone for any reason.

    Expect people to sink freshly spawned sloop on an outpost. Expect people to sink players doing Tall Tales. Ah yes, good ol' piracy. Remember when all pirates were maniacs who sank every single ship they saw?

    Some did, but this game was never about historical piracy.

  • @schwammlgott Thanks for the response, I'm also on Xbox and play on crossplay and it sounds like your experience is similar to mine. I do get into PvP, but not often, and I too can sail my ship well and park in good spots.

    @jeteagle101 sent me a chat message and advised they are on Xbox with 'Xbox preferred' selected.

    I just find that really odd, because from what I've heard people claim, it's all peaceful and friendly over there on those servers, yet, I continue to see examples to the contrary.

  • double post.....

  • @dlchief58 you're misunderstanding me I'm not asking to get rid of the core but an option for newly players or returning players it would be an improvement for them so if they believe they are ready to go into a PVP match then they can take that chance

  • @jeteagle101 said in PVP Issue:

    @dlchief58 you're misunderstanding me I'm not asking to get rid of the core but an option for newly players or returning players it would be an improvement for them so if they believe they are ready to go into a PVP match then they can take that chance

    Yes you are. You are wanting to split the community in a way that is in direct opposition of the game's core design. Pretty self serving of you ask me.

    And it is not hard to avoid PvP, you just need to be aware. The only "issue" with PvP is your own mindset.

  • @jeteagle101 sagte in PVP Issue:

    @schwammlgott giving a player an option to join a PVP server or PVE server wouldn't be a back step if that was the case then Rockstar would never put the option of a private server in GTA V

    Oh...comparing GTA with SoT...again...this joke is getting old...you know, Sot isn't GTA and it's no other game. It's Sea of Thieves and Sea of Thieves is PvEvP. Again, this won't change and if you don’t like it that way, you still can play GTA or whatever you like more

    Just learn the game, I play often for hours and don’t get attacked, because I know the game and how to keep away from other ships

  • If you're on xbox select xbox/controller preferred. It seems to be more peaceful.

    Don't emissary unless you're turning in. Less money, true but less attention too. You get the same amt for Ledger.

    Don't be afraid to turn in before the voyage is done. You mentioned Athena, so I'm guessing Veil voyages. If you get Sudds for pt 2, turn in before digging up his chest.

    Pvp is a thing and I don't like it either, but it's fairly avoided.

  • Ahhh yes the "but other games" argument lol

  • @jeteagle101 sagte in PVP Issue:

    @schwammlgott giving a player an option to join a PVP server or PVE server wouldn't be a back step if that was the case then Rockstar would never put the option of a private server in GTA V

    You know what happens, if PvE servers where a thing? The regular servers would die! Because it would be PvP for nothing...no one would get loot because that's could be stolen...
    Think of it

  • @pithyrumble I appreciate the advice but I had the settings to Xbox controller still made no difference and with the Athena voyage there is commendations I've been trying to unlock on top of that I don't do the veil of ancients by myself if I do it's only the first two parts I don't do the fortress by myself I learned that the hard way

  • @jeteagle101

    Ymmv I guess 🤷🏽‍♀️

    What region? I'm NA. Some regions are more aggressive

  • @pithyrumble Looks like all those claims of a peaceful, non toxic, Xbox world have just been proven to be incorrect.

    How unfortunate.

  • @dlchief58 my "mindset" is not the issue if you actually looked at the pros of having the option of a PVE server it would not only be good for newly players and returning players but the idea of putting NPC ships not just skeleton ships or ghost ships and give them the feeling of PVP it will inspire them to take up the challenge

  • @pithyrumble I am part of the NA region USA to be specific

  • @jeteagle101 sagte in PVP Issue:

    give them the feeling of PVP it will inspire them to take up the challenge

    Yeah, sure 🤣🤣🤣🤣

  • @jeteagle101 you really dont think this through

  • @schwammlgott and what, you think old is gold why not try changing some things up sometimes change can be good you never know unless you try

  • @jeteagle101 said in PVP Issue:

    @schwammlgott and what, you think old is gold why not try changing some things up sometimes change can be good you never know unless you try

    Not a valid argument.

  • @rustyaldrich I've sank people at outposts when I want to use it. I don't trust someone sat at said outpost, they are pirates after all. Does this make me toxic? Regarding tall tales, it's a gentlemens agreement not to sink them, sometimes you can't tell if someone is on a tall tale so they get sunk. This is a fantasy pirate game, the risks of real life aren't present so you can go sink every ship insight just like fictional ships do in the PoTC universe.

  • @dlchief58 what do you care if I say what kind of feedback I think of the game and what kind of improvements should be done why do you bother if the game stays the same or changes for the benefits of everyone

  • @jeteagle101 I hope you're not confusing toxicity with the act of piracy because they are very similar. People will attack you to steal your loot. That's a major game mechanic not toxicity. And spawn camping can be justified if another ship is stealing your supplies. We all start out in the same boat, meaning it's a harsh learning curve that long term players eventually except. I feel your pain I really do. But, pirate game. Good sailing

  • @a10dr4651 if you sink a ship at an outpost because of the fact that you don't trust players how do you know as far as anybody would know there are good players who won't even attack you or steal your loot or they're trying to tell you we're friendly we don't mean you no harm we just want to have a fun time on sea of thieves

  • @jeteagle101 said in PVP Issue:

    @dlchief58 what do you care if I say what kind of feedback I think of the game and what kind of improvements should be done why do you bother if the game stays the same or changes for the benefits of everyone

    Because your "feedback" has been addressed by the devs and dismissed many times already, because it would be detrimental to this game.

  • @qu1etone I say the word "toxic" as players are annoying won't leave you alone and just wants to ruin your day by sinking and looting all your hard-earned work just the level up a reputation or just to make some money

  • @jeteagle101
    Here my "PVE" trick
    ●Stay close of Devil Roar (You'll counter pass than 2 oppenent)
    ●Activate Shore of Gold Tales. The moment you spot a ship and stalk you, just head north if you don't want to try to fight. Get back if the ship sail away. Repeat. If opponent activate SoG, sail straight to Island. Go right Side, on top of Island, Head West. Your opponent don't have time To waste, soo he'll leave eventually
    ●Always Keep a Rowboat and make sure the Outpost is empty (Tucker can Await you anytime, Seek for mermaid)

  • @jeteagle101 sagte in PVP Issue:

    @schwammlgott and what, you think old is gold why not try changing some things up sometimes change can be good you never know unless you try

    So let's say you have an idea for a game with some special thing no other game has. You program it and sell it. It's successful and people like it, but still every day, someone whines in the forum/reddit/whatever, that they want a mode without that feature. That feature from your vision you build a game on...how would you feel? Would you change your game, because some random guys praised you more money if you do that? Even if it goes completely against your idea of the game?
    Please tell me, would you seriously sell your soul, because you could earn more money?

  • @jeteagle101 sorry mate but that's called playing the game.

  • @maidenofarkham said in PVP Issue:

    @pithyrumble Looks like all those claims of a peaceful, non toxic, Xbox world have just been proven to be incorrect.

    How unfortunate.

    Just did a veil solo with an Emissary and no one bothered me. Took a good while on the final fort too.

    Very unfortunate.

  • @schwammlgott every game has its pros and cons and some games has its issues with other people that don't know how or what to do but just to do a field test to see what kind of results you would get from prospective then later on be debated on game development it would all just really depends

  • @pithyrumble sagte in PVP Issue:

    Just did a veil solo with an Emissary and no one bothered me. Took a good while on the final fort too.

    So like on crossplay servers...

  • We realize how much the Legend title has become undervalued when seeing a Pirate Legend who still doesn't understand the basics of the game...

  • @targasbr I understand the basics of the game I've been playing it since it came out overall it's still the same just throughout the years it took me a long time just to reach the title I wanted

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