ADS Issues

  • Is it just me or have there been ADS issues for the last couple patches on PC? Sometimes when I hold to scope, it zooms in and immediately back out, like I clicked the button instead of holding it. On rarer occasion, the opposite happens where I'm stuck zoomed in and can only get out of it for a brief moment when clicking the button again.

    I don't think there's anything wrong with my computer. Other games I play don't seem to have this issue. I'm also a Windows developer and have created a mouse listener as a sanity check. It seems like my mouse is fine and Windows receives the input, but the game is confused as to the state of the scope.

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  • @omniadmin

    Yeah this game sucks. The ADS bug is mostly a ping issue. Since the game has been receiving higher and higher ping over the last few updates from seaforts - now, you're going to get the ADS bug a lot more often if you have higher ping.

  • @ammo-pouches I figured that might be the case. Thanks for confirming.

    @rare Yo developers, why the heck is ADS server-side? How does that make any sense?

  • @omniadmin

    Yo developers, why the heck is ADS server-side? How does that make any sense?

    The developers suck. Sure, there are some things that are out of their control. I'm sure that one of the reasons as to why they can't fix hitreg isn't because they don't want too, but because they probably made an agreement with Microsoft to use the Azure Servers, and because of this they can never go above 16 ticks.

    FOR EVERYTHING ELSE HOWEVER. They suck. Banning innocent players just because one of their partnered streamers sank and thinks that they HAVE to be cheating / streamsniping. Allowing their partnered streamers to break the rules and still be allowed to play the game. (Blurbs and Aussie Antics when they streamsniped in the tournament) They don't care about the competitive scene and only care about what makes them the most money, which is PvE. Fixing hitreg, the sword, red seaing loot, or even just making each ship type is more balanced by buffing the sloop, just isn't a priority for them because they don't care about the PvP scene and only care about the PvE players because it makes them the most money as 90%+ of the people who play this game find PvE enjoyable. Which makes sense, do what makes you the most money, but it just sucks that they don't care about fixing the problems in this game and are just trying to force out new content and make more money, rather than fixing the existing problems in the game.

  • @ammo-pouches You're not wrong. I get that they want to focus development where their revenue stream is (skins and disney partnerships) and it makes sense from a business perspective. I can't necessarily blame them for that.
    What I CAN blame them for is letting the issue go on this long. I completely understand that the bullet trajectories are extremely complicated, especially over the internet. Lag and missed shots are a problem at one point or another in just about any online game and this particular game chose an extra difficult implementation (bullet drop/arc, as opposed to hitscan). I like the style they went for and I appreciate that shooting FEELS different than other games because of it. That's one of the things I like about this game. It's just too bad that it doesn't work that great.
    While appreciating the difficulty, I can also blame them for breaking this feature at a time when it was working (mostly) fine. The "while in areas of intense action..." nonsense in the patch notes didn't just appear out of nowhere. It cropped up in a particular patch. As a software developer, I can think of only two possibilities why this is still an issue 2+ years later:

    1. The original developers who made this feature have left and nobody remaining understands the code well enough to fix the problem. Either hire back the original developer(s) or find some new ones (I know they're working on that).
    2. The developers made a conscious choice to make the change that caused this problem due to external factors, such as dependence on another module or dependence on using particular servers or something. If this is the case, they have simply kicked the can down the road.

    They need to either follow up or just make up some lore and let the issue lie. All they would have to do is say something like "these are really old guns and sometimes they mis-fire" and people would mostly accept it and move on with their lives. Instead, we have a reminder of the issue they can't/won't solve in every single patch notes.

    To be realistic, this game IS 4+ years old now and this issue has plagued the experience for half of that time. I don't expect any significant engineering improvements at this stage. It would be better for the players if they fixed it, but that's unlikely. It would be better for Rare's brand image to claim the issue is lore, but I don't expect that either. For this particular problem, the best we can hope for is incremental (nearly un-noticeable) improvements. As for other issues, like ADS bugs, that needs to be solved ASAP. I'd forgive a missed bullet or two if only I could aim my gun.

  • So glad I found this post. I’m getting ADS problems constantly on pc, my guns will go into ads and not fire instantly like the gun is stuck. Other times I can fire instantly while the gun is still in the ads animation.

    Just today I lost 2 fights and during the engagements I’m holding ads and clicking multiple times before my gun fires. Meanwhile, other times it can fire so quick the animation doesn’t even have to be completed (which is a normal quick scope)

    Also switching weapons has been buggy af. When it’s working it’s instant weapon switch. Other times it’s like a 1 second slow animation delay. This throws me off so much I’m almost afraid to switch weapons during fighting.

    How the combat is still this bad years later is beyond me.

  • @ibetoxin I get the same. when you double gun and depend on the blunder to deal with swords and you ads and it just does nothing is beyond frustrating. Don't even get me started on the sword and how it just does whatever it wants...

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