Help a one armed captain

  • hi guys,

    I took a bad fall yesterday and broke my left wrist.
    I'm right handed so al least that is something, but I'm looking at 6-12 weeks of not being able to use both hands.

    So I'm looking for any pointers of things to try, so I can continue to sail one handed.
    I will go in withdrawel if I need to go 6 weeks without SOT

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  • Sorry, I forgot to add a please and a thank you.

    Even a pirate should have manners ;-)

  • @mathpie What platform do you play on?

  • @ghostpaw


  • @mathpie I am sorry to hear of your accident and hope you will get better soon. SOT means so much to many players yet health should come first and some rest will do you good.

    If you really are that dedicated I would suggest you to check the Microsoft adaptive controller.

  • @metal-ravage

    thanks for the concern. And yes I will let my arm rest plenty.
    but since I wont be able to go to work, i'm already setting up what my entertainment will be.

    your link adertises some nifty joysticks aswell so I'm going to look into those.
    thanks :-)

  • @mathpie Glad to help a fellow pirate!

    Happy sailing!

  • @mathpie A controller may be your best bet, the adaptive one or any. not sure what your finger movement capability will be in your left hand.

  • @captain-coel

    My left hand/arm is in a cast so I cant hold a controller with that hand. so I needed something that works one handed.
    I ordered a joystick that looks like it has sufficient buttons that i can operate with just my right hand. waiting for it to arrive. :-)

  • @metal-ravage

    want to hear a joke?

    the joystick shown on the adaptive controller page is not compatible with XBOX (nor the xbxox app on PC)

  • @mathpie Are you sure? Their support page shows otherwise:

  • @metal-ravage

    i contacted xbox support and logitech support. both say it is not compatible.

  • @mathpie Interesting. Did they give you a reason why their guide states otherwise?

  • Yarr! A small thing to cheer you up!

    Where does a pirate get his hook?
    At a second hand shop.

    It was a really stupid "joke" but i think it is fitting as you have an injured hand. :)

  • @mathpie
    I'm sorry the joystick idea didn't pan out. I'm pretty sure you can pair up a Xbox controller to your computer. What may be helpful is if you keep the controller in your lap with your right hand centered on the controller. (you'll want to hover over the area in between the D-pad and the right stick) It will be weird at first, but you'll be able to move, turn, and pick items up fairly easily.

    Combat may be an issue when it occurs, unless you sail with a crew. I think a sword or even the Trident of Dark Tides (if you can find one) may be your best bet. Until your hand is healed though you may want to avoid other pirates as best as you can. If you're on a sloop, use a dark color scheme, sail into the wind and take full advantage of the fog bank or the storm when you can.

    I hope your arm gets better!

  • I saw this really cool one handed keyboard at a store recently, it looks very similar to a mouse except it has a small keyboard in it. very interesting little thing to look into if you're feeling desperate. and who knows maybe you'll stay with it. I hope you get better from your fall mi harty!🏴‍☠️😉

  • @metal-ravage

    no they don't, logitech is even saying that the website "does not specifically state that it IS compatible"

    @Ghostfire1981 good one thanks

    @lucky11 I think I have one lying around, so i'll need to lookfor it. but I'm currently asking several stores for recommendations. hopefully they can come up with something that is actually designed for one hand.
    but yeah, I should probably avois PVP for a while XD

  • @mathpie
    I'm not sure if you saw, but @the-pheonix6886 suggested an one-handed keyboard. They are about 20-40 U.S. dollars on Amazon. (not sure how much you want to spend). It all depends on what you're comfortable with.

  • @lucky11 i hadn't seen his post yet. I spent 60 euro's on the joystick. but luckilly I can get a refund.

    @the-pheonix6886 I'll take a look. thanks for the tip

  • @the-pheonix6886 it seems the ones with a joystick or mouse built in are all left hand oriented. which is my bad hand. would have been a great solution if they also had right handed versions.

    decided to create a ticket to rare and see what they suggest :-)

    I'm a hopefull person, what can i say ;-)

  • @mathpie weird. I thought they came in right aswell. well good luck

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