New Ships

  • Well at release we all were somewhat underwhelmed. With integration of pirates lore to the game this is the best opportunity to make some additions. Might I suggest the addition of a 5 crew frigate and a 6-8 crew man-o-war to spice the game up. With their own layouts and storage caps. The game has needed this for a while. In game content and cosmetics are nice but they don’t add to playability. New missions and whatnot are also fun but the gameplay loop has remained the same since release and this could ease the lackluster content. With that being said perhaps add something new in game to spice things up that relate directly to these new ships as well. Sincerely Blitz

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    communityfeedbackstory & lore
  • @blitzkriege556 while new spice would a good thing. I think the galley is big enough. We don't need a bigger boat. It would ruin the game even further for smaller boats.

  • Nah not bigger boats this will limit the amount of boats on a server since the servers are limited to 16 players, getting 2 MOW's with 8 players will fill the server slots a d therefore limit the chances of running into one another... it will be verry empty and verry deserted that way...

    what i would love to see though is an addition of transport ships, by that i mean ships with less offensive capabilities but that just sail 20% faster.

    Sloop = 2 person 2 cannons
    Cutter= 2 person 1 front facing cannon that can switch to left or right side and it sails 20% Faster then the Sloop.

    Brig = 3 Persons and 4 Cannons
    Clipper =3 Persons 2 Cannons 20% faster then Brig

    Galleon = 4 Persons 8 Cannons
    Frigate = 4 Persons 4 Cannons and sails 20% faster then Galleon

    Also al the Transport classes will have a for example 15% increase in anchor pull-up time.

    This way you can choose to go for Offensive or Transport capabilities..
    This would not Limit the amount of boats per server and therefore the"Running into" Issues that bigger player count boats would add..

    Transports could then outrun any Fight if they would desire to do so...
    This would allow some interesting choices and make you think preemtively if you would like to go into battle at any point before even loading up the boat...

  • No new ships.

    No new crew sizes it is fine as it is.

    However, a Man'o'war bossfight world event with some huge ship manned by skeletons and ocean crawlers would be pretty epic

  • I would even be happy with just being able to choose a hull shape to add some variety to the style and layouts.

    The game is supposed to have 6 boats. They have added so much to the game that it cant handle the player count any more. They have mentioned in a pod cast that they are going to try and have the server adjust what ships are allowed to join so they can restore the 6th boat, for a while now we have been stuck at 5 ships. So basically when the server performance goes down it will turn off the ability for new galleons to join. I would imagine eventually either turn off brigs as well or limit the server to 2-3 brigs the rest sloops. Or 1 galleon, 1 brig, 4 sloops.

    Also adding a ship that can hold even more crew will just make the problem of not having servers for solo sloop only worse. You see all the PvP oriented twitch streamers who sail around looking for solo sloopers to sink to stroke their egos. Yea we 4v1 someone... He must suck at the game and should kill himself. Though hilarious in the cases where the solo player actually out skills them and they get wrecked.

  • @ottyman8687 said in New Ships:

    No new ships.

    No new crew sizes it is fine as it is.

    However, a Man'o'war bossfight world event with some huge ship manned by skeletons and ocean crawlers would be pretty epic

    I love the idea of a man'o'war bossfight! That would be sooo cool!

  • I have to ask. But why add new ships with crew increases?

    So far: it difficult to even get a crew of 4 on a galleon (randoms) and those new ships only benefit those with the exact # of friends who play, for now anyways.

  • If they are going to expand ship selection then they will probably expand horizontally and not vertically. Currently the only consideration when choosing your ship is the size of the crew.

  • @coldsheep said in New Ships:

    If they are going to expand ship selection then they will probably expand horizontally and not vertically. Currently the only consideration when choosing your ship is the size of the crew.

    I agree. I think a different Skin of a Galleon and Brigatine would be pretty sweet.

  • The only time i could see this working would be creating a Raid feature similar to Destiny to do a large adventure separate from the open world. For example (man o war) 6 people fighting waves to get to the next check point of a ocean like fortress then eventually getting to the boss fight etc etc

    as much i would like to see a larger ship in the game, i feel the servers will have to be A LOT more stable to handle them.

  • @killarboy-x Personally they should up the crew to 4-5 for the galleon and add a ship between it and the brig at 3-4... as it is, other than the galleon, the max crew allows for the cannons on one side to be fully manned +1. Maybe a smaller ship than the sloop with max of 1... maybe.

  • The idea for new ships laid out in one of the old leaks, was a brilliant idea and would have been a great boost to the longevity of the game. the Junk between the sloop and the brig I believe, and the man o war with 8 players. this would have allowed for much bigger crews or groups of friends to enjoy the game together, rather than having to use exploits or slots to do so.

    it is a colossal selfish mistake to say "waa no! it would be harder for solos!" when giving options to how the game is played would only boost its popularity and potential audience. there are many ways the rare could attempt to balance the game while adjusting for the larger crews. The small servers could always be adjusted, we have seen for years that servers for games can go upwards of 64. it is a choice by the devs to keep them small.

    It should never surprise anyone that this game is struggling to survive with the "community" it has.
    So opinionated without understanding a single thing about designing a game.
    So many posts "NO!? Don't do that! it would ruin MY fun!" while completely disregarding disregarding the fun of others.

    let me be clear for the people here. your fun should never come at the cost of another's or at the cost of the games health. this is something this game has gotten wrong for a very long time.

    New ships or crew sizes would only boost the games potential and popularity.


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