I think I'm Done with Sea of Thieves?

  • I get that they don't want to do PvE, and I understand it to a point. It would be a bit of challenge to implement in a way that would work well. (Functionally its not super hard, just give the player the option to join a PvE server and treat PvE servers different from PVP servers, like add more 'E''s to make up for the pvp challenge and screw it lower the rewards for PvE servers if you want, I mean from a technical perspective probably not super easy to just whip up and throw into the game.)

    But as the game stands currently wanting to just do PvE is impossible. Even the things they've added into the game to make it more PvE friendly like alliances literally mean nothing. Incident that I think finally pushed me over the edge is another ship made an alliance, helped us fight off another player who was instantly hostile, loaded a bunch of loot onto our ship, then blew us up and killed us. And I can't fully understand why?

    Like sure, if you want to PvP and do ship combat and fight ship to ship that seems like it could be fun, not really what I'm after but seems like a good time, but actively pretending to work with someone just to blow them up for little actual gain? Athena's Fortune emissaries too, and its not like we were gathering some super high level sweet rare loot. Just some basic stronghold chests.

    Regardless, I know Sea of Thieves probably isn't going to do anything to try and improve the PvE experience. Feel like enough people have asked for that and it hasn't happened so I'm not asking for it here. But the way the game currently stands for anyone who wants to do anything other than PvP its just not possible to enjoy it for longer than a mission or two. Its actually a little sad that a game that's been constantly updated with content that appears to be 'PvE' based can't let people actually enjoy those moments without someone else showing up to ruin the party by blowing your ship to smithereens for minimal or, most of the time, no actual loot gain.

    Like I said before, this isn't going to change, the game will keep being what it is so if you like PvP you don't need to tell me to get good I know all I'm good at in this game is driving my little ship around. It'd just be nice to see the game open up to a more friendly atmosphere, especially since they have quests where you have to work with other people.

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    communityfeedbackstory & lore
  • You feel how you feel, the game will be here if you decide to take a break and come back.

    Plenty of room for you, might take some effort to work out an approach that gets things on track but there is a spot out there for you.

  • Meanwhile…”today”

    I’ve completed 6 legends of the veil voyages, 2 forts, some megs, couple skeleton ships and phantom ships and only one ashen lord world event.

    Not a single pvp encounter….

  • @burnbacon yeah i feel like it’s on and off, cause sometimes I get into servers where I get attacked every 5 minutes, but then other times I can get into servers where I can grind forever and gain full rewards, so it’s kind of just luck how friendly a server is

  • @burnbacon said in I think I'm Done with Sea of Thieves?:


    I’ve completed 6 legends of the veil voyages, 2 forts, some megs, couple skeleton ships and phantom ships and only one ashen lord world event.

    Not a single pvp encounter….

    Lucky you!! I've had my fair share of good luck and bad, it all depends on many variables. Day, weekend, time of day. What server you're on, wether you're cross play etc.... It does get demoralising though when you've had a bad run & hours of loot is taken so I feel op's pain.

    Best advice is I stopped taking losing too seriously, I made peace with the fact I will die. It's inevitable but I do want you to know not everyone wants to destroy you and take your loot. We're not all trolls.

    I hope you stick at it, maybe you'll find a good group of players that will help you on your way. Some of my best moments have been on the edge of my seat sailing frantically to get my loot to the outposts.. It can get intense but that's what makes this game fun and exciting. It would be really dull without all the dangers we face and I'm someone that really hates pvp so yeah chin up matey it happens to all of us❤️

  • @wolfmanbush said in I think I'm Done with Sea of Thieves?:

    You feel how you feel, the game will be here if you decide to take a break and come back.

    Plenty of room for you, might take some effort to work out an approach that gets things on track but there is a spot out there for you.

    This is the respectable and frankly only reply that really needs to be here. /thread

    Op basically says the game ain't for them, that's perfectly fine.

    Nothing else needs to be said, IMO.

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