3D printed mini Chest of Legends!

  • My new mini Athena chest XD
    5 hours print time and pretty much all day to paint and add LEDs.
    Sorry i didn't take picture of process because it's done in 1 day.

  • 9
  • that's really awesome

  • @wolfmanbush Thank you :)

  • What printer?
    Any tips on processing the print?

    I did a captain's chest, but got a lot of layer lines and sink (because I printed it upside down to help with the hanging locks). Printed on ender 3.

    I'm pretty happy with how mine came out given how little i know about 3d printing and because the imperfections add character, but I want to make another one and yours looks fantastic!

  • @calicorsaircat i use resin printer for better details :)
    you can get better print result with filament printer by really slow down the print speed (ex. default speed is 100% and tune it down to 40-50%) and reduce layer thickness.
    Your chest is really cute XD

  • Update: add more black to the chest to look like in the game XD

  • @capt-galaxystar

    I love this! Can I get this as a keychain? I wish I could 3D print, cuz I would make a Kraken Cutlass, a villainous bounty skull, and I would make symbol for the Guardians of Fortune and the Order of Souls cuz I love those groups. I also wish I knew how to make flags cuz I would make the Guardians of Fortune flag, I don't remember what it's called, but it's gold and a navy blue with the Guardian of Fortune symbol in light blue.

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