the sea - sea of thieves is realy boring this seasion

  • and the reasion for that is - no ghost ships on the sea, maybe a bug - then you should realy fix that... or there is a reasion for that - events.. features.... but anyway its boring for me, if i make ghost ships or not but the sea feels better WITH ghost ships, only 5 player ships are on the server, and yes the map size is too big for that small size of ships, without ghost ships the sea is EMPTY, and thats sad, i dont want to play this game in a solo mode, and now it feels like that

    maybe its a bug, or you have a good reasion for disable them, but its a bad and realy boring change

    and just saying, i have over 1000 hours, i know how to play the game without getting bored, i like the game realy mutch

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  • The absence of skelly ships and fleets certainly leaves a void for me, not sure what that is all about

    Meg spawns occur but they aren't anywhere close to what they were.

    I've always loved pve so for me it's not a great change even if accidental or temporary. I long for the days of facing a kraken, skelly ship, and meg simultaneously.

    Keep your head up, there is likely to be a tomorrow and hopefully it'll all work out soon.

  • Could be a bug but it could also be a way to get people to stay with what is new and focus. The forts.

  • I miss the skeleton ships kinda new to this game and these ships made the seas much more immersive and exciting in my opinion. Please bring them back!

  • @katanjagirl come on people, stop flooding the forums with "no skellie ships in the game" (not ghost ships, they are still there)
    If you would read, you would know it's a bug and they are working on it

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