Need help completing my Season Pass... Lvl 68

  • Hi, I need help completing my season pass, all my friends stopped playing and playing with randoms is total chaos and makes me lose my time. I would like to finish it before it ends. My gamertag is Icarusael and I can play every night at around 5 pm (Eastern time zone North America) until way late at night. Hit me up if you want to help me or if you want we help each other. Thank you.

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  • @icarusael

    You can get seasonal progression by doing just about anything in the game, so don't be afraid to just jump in and play the game on your own.

    Killing enemies, picking up treasure, breaking mermaid statues, interacting with Umbra's Easter eggs, setting foot on islands, sailing your ship, buying and starting voyages; all give you seasonal renown, and none of them require you to "succeed" in the traditional sense. You can get sunk repeatedly without turning anything in, and still advance your season pass.

    If you're pressed for time, I would go through the various deeds and specifically focus on the ones you're close to finishing.

  • im down to join

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