A List of Bugs and Design Flaws (that should be fixed at this point)

  • This is a list of problems, ranging from small to gamebreaking, that i encountered in a single day (multiple sessions) that negatively impacted the experience.

    The reason i made this list was kind of for myself to see how much i've become used to and don't normally think about and just accept as part of the game.
    What do you think about the current state of the game? In my opinion it's not acceptable for a AAA title that has gone through updates for around 3,5 years, to have this many problems. I've categorized them just for ease of reading.

    Gamebreaking Bugs:

    • Can't eat food
    • Stuck on loading screen after ferry
    • Broken mast keeps falling when trying to raise
    • Bucket not emptying properly
    • Cannons not loading properly


    • Food cooking timer reset when food is picked up out of the pan
    • Skeletons ignore stun from being hit and attack anyway.
    • Various connection related bugs like teleporting enemies, player clipping through terrain, enemies not behaving like intended.

    Design flaws/annoyances:

    • Hit reg lol
    • Why can skeletons sword slash a gunpowder keg that is held by another skeleton? Insta death that is totally out of control of the player.
    • Lazer skelly pistols: its incredibly frustrating to fight these and the only reason it works at all with the gameplay is because most of the time people don't fight them alone, which helps to cover up how badly they are designed fundamentally.
    • Again with the lazer skellies, why do they sometimes spawn in a group of 4 or more? It's pure evil, just insane and not fun.
    • No control over server merge - there should be an option of merging instantly or to delay it by 15min or so to give players a chance to prepare to be chased by the inevitable lvl 5 reaper that will pop up way too close on the map.
    • Total menu load time of around 30-40 seconds just to view event progress.
    • Bad servers, never less than 50ms latency, which leads to unresponsive and sluggish gameplay.
    • Awful hit detection with the harpoons.
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  • None of those are design flaws, those are just issues you have with the game. Remember that what your idea of a “perfect” doesn’t always align with how the developers want to make the game. Some of the bugs you’re complaining about just got fixed in a patch yesterday.

    As for the skeletons, they’re a lot better than they used to be. They can actually miss now (they used to not) and they don’t have Snipers with knock back. Issues with loading is usually hardware. Hit detection isn’t a design flaw, it’s just incredibly difficult to fix in a game as complex as this.

    If you find bugs, I suggest creating a support ticket instead of making a thread just complaining about them.

  • The ones about skeletons.
    That all about difficulty and isn’t really a problem. Sure the auto aiming is bad but that just hard mode. Sometimes they miss a lot and rest they never miss.

  • @skritsarn said in A List of Bugs and Design Flaws (that should be fixed at this point):

    Gamebreaking Bugs:

    • Can't eat food


    • Stuck on loading screen after ferry

    Valid but not game breaking

    • Broken mast keeps falling when trying to raise

    That was addressed. What's happening is they are getting hit again or you are trying to drop it too quickly before it is fully reset.

    • Bucket not emptying properly


    • Cannons not loading properly

    I get this one and I find it is because I'm doing too many inputs, too quickly or have high ping.


    • Food cooking timer reset when food is picked up out of the pan

    I have legit never seen this.

    • Skeletons ignore stun from being hit and attack anyway.

    There is no stun on hit anymore. There is knockback on normal enemies only and only after a 3 hit combo with the sword.

    • Various connection related bugs like teleporting enemies, player clipping through terrain, enemies not behaving like intended.

    That's all caused by latency or ping.

    Design flaws/annoyances:

    • Hit reg lol

    They are working on it.

    • Why can skeletons sword slash a gunpowder keg that is held by another skeleton? Insta death that is totally out of control of the player.

    Why shouldn't they be able to? Imagine if they could shoot kegs while we carry them.

    • Lazer skelly pistols: its incredibly frustrating to fight these and the only reason it works at all with the gameplay is because most of the time people don't fight them alone, which helps to cover up how badly they are designed fundamentally.

    FIRE BOMBS and this used to be WAY WAY WAY worse.

    • Again with the lazer skellies, why do they sometimes spawn in a group of 4 or more? It's pure evil, just insane and not fun.

    Fire bombs, seriously does no one use firebombs or tridents when fighting skeletons bounties?

    • No control over server merge - there should be an option of merging instantly or to delay it by 15min or so to give players a chance to prepare to be chased by the inevitable lvl 5 reaper that will pop up way too close on the map.

    No because people would abuse it. We've seen it bad enough with portalling. Merging should never be up to the user and all exploits enabling someone to not merge, should be patched. Merging is to keep world population up.

    • Total menu load time of around 30-40 seconds just to view event progress.

    UI needs work, give you that one also you can view event progress online.

    • Bad servers, never less than 50ms latency, which leads to unresponsive and sluggish gameplay.

    Game is perfectly playable up to about 150ms and then it causes issues like teleporting or stutter. Beyond that, it's a whole new world.

    • Awful hit detection with the harpoons.

    I do believe harpoon hit detection needs more adjustment.

  • @ninja-naranja @BurnBacon @personalc0ffee

    I feel like you guys are completely ignoring my point here. If you guys are fine with all of this and disagree that they're a problem, that's cool.

    Some of these things are subjective and from my point of view but i really think much of my criticism is very valid for the simple reason that one of the most important fundamental game design rules is that a lack of player control leads to a bad experience.
    I also made it very clear why i made this list, which is not to complain but to bring light to something i think is a huge problem the game has that in my mind needs more attention. And as i said i experienced all of this in one day, which was yesterday (i forgot to mention that) so none of these are fixed.

  • Is food resetting when taken out of the pan really a bug? I think it’s just something that keeps coding simple. This game isn’t completely realistic, and this is only a minor thing.

  • @skritsarn said in A List of Bugs and Design Flaws (that should be fixed at this point):

    This is a list of problems, ranging from small to gamebreaking, that i encountered in a single day (multiple sessions) that negatively impacted the experience.

    The reason i made this list was kind of for myself to see how much i've become used to and don't normally think about and just accept as part of the game.
    What do you think about the current state of the game?

    I'm thrilled with the game and spend 85% of my gaming time on it. I think it's pretty awesome how they continue to add free content every season. There's some fixes that could maybe be added but I personally do not experience anything game breaking. Maybe I'm just lucky or more forgiving?

  • @skritsarn said in A List of Bugs and Design Flaws (that should be fixed at this point):

    • Skeletons ignore stun from being hit and attack anyway.

    This happens with players in PVP too.

  • @skritsarn well I’ve played a lot both Wednesday and Thursday and didn’t run into any of those bugs that you’re talking about.

    My point was also that just because you don’t like something about the game, doesn’t mean it’s a design flaw. Like seriously, you put hit reg under design flaw. Do you seriously believe they designed the game to have bad hit reg?

  • @personalc0ffee said in A List of Bugs and Design Flaws (that should be fixed at this point):

    • Stuck on loading screen after ferry

    Valid but not game breaking

    Yes it is. What game are you playing?

    Getting stuck in that load screen for 30-60 seconds while your ship is getting splintered can easily mean the difference between a win and a sink.

    How you dont see that as gamebreaking is completely beyond me.

  • @alienmagi said in A List of Bugs and Design Flaws (that should be fixed at this point):

    @personalc0ffee said in A List of Bugs and Design Flaws (that should be fixed at this point):

    • Stuck on loading screen after ferry

    Valid but not game breaking

    Yes it is. What game are you playing?

    Getting stuck in that load screen for 30-60 seconds while your ship is getting splintered can easily mean the difference between a win and a sink.

    How you dont see that as gamebreaking is completely beyond me.

    If you are having that amount of time loading in from the ferry (except in the case of a ship respawning after sunk/scuttled - that always takes longer), then it is your equipment. If you are using the stock, internal drive on the One or using a slower 5400RPM external drive then you will encounter these longer load in times. It is easily fixed by investing in a higher quality, 7200RPM drive or an SSD. My average load in time from ferry door back to ship on my Day 1 Xbox One using an external 7200RPM drive is 10 seconds or less - only longer when there is a lot going on in the vicinity in game or my ship has sunk and respawning, as previously noted. So no, to is not gamebreakinig as there is a solution - get a better hard drive or get a better system.

  • @dlchief58 said in A List of Bugs and Design Flaws (that should be fixed at this point):

    @alienmagi said in A List of Bugs and Design Flaws (that should be fixed at this point):

    @personalc0ffee said in A List of Bugs and Design Flaws (that should be fixed at this point):

    • Stuck on loading screen after ferry

    Valid but not game breaking

    Yes it is. What game are you playing?

    Getting stuck in that load screen for 30-60 seconds while your ship is getting splintered can easily mean the difference between a win and a sink.

    How you dont see that as gamebreaking is completely beyond me.

    If you are having that amount of time loading in from the ferry (except in the case of a ship respawning after sunk/scuttled - that always takes longer), then it is your equipment. If you are using the stock, internal drive on the One or using a slower 5400RPM external drive then you will encounter these longer load in times. It is easily fixed by investing in a higher quality, 7200RPM drive or an SSD. My average load in time from ferry door back to ship on my Day 1 Xbox One using an external 7200RPM drive is 10 seconds or less - only longer when there is a lot going on in the vicinity in game or my ship has sunk and respawning, as previously noted. So no, to is not gamebreakinig as there is a solution - get a better hard drive or get a better system.

    Really? This excuse again? I have the game on an SSD and also use an intel i7 10700, nvidia 3070 and 32 gigs of ram. The bug only happens once in a blue moon, my SSD works perfectly and I never played SoT on any other machine.

    I think its pretty rude that you just automatically assumed and claimed that i have bad hardware and completely dismissed my concerns which actually might result in Rare being less likely to address this bug.

  • @skritsarn said in [A List of Bugs and Design Flaws (that should be fixed at this point)]

    • Food cooking timer reset when food is picked up out of the pan

    This isn't a bug. If the food timer didn't reset, partially-cooked food couldn't stack. That leads to all sorts of storage issues. Just wait for it to change cooking stages.

  • @alienmagi said in A List of Bugs and Design Flaws (that should be fixed at this point):

    @personalc0ffee said in A List of Bugs and Design Flaws (that should be fixed at this point):

    • Stuck on loading screen after ferry

    Valid but not game breaking

    Yes it is. What game are you playing?

    Getting stuck in that load screen for 30-60 seconds while your ship is getting splintered can easily mean the difference between a win and a sink.

    How you dont see that as gamebreaking is completely beyond me.

    That still is not game breaking.

    Is it fun? No, it is not fun when that shows up but it does not prevent you from playing the game.

  • @dlchief58 said in A List of Bugs and Design Flaws (that should be fixed at this point):

    If you are having that amount of time loading in from the ferry (except in the case of a ship respawning after sunk/scuttled - that always takes longer), then it is your equipment.

    Why are you spreading misinformation? This is simply not true and it's been widely reported since forever basically.

  • @skritsarn said in A List of Bugs and Design Flaws (that should be fixed at this point):

    @dlchief58 said in A List of Bugs and Design Flaws (that should be fixed at this point):

    If you are having that amount of time loading in from the ferry (except in the case of a ship respawning after sunk/scuttled - that always takes longer), then it is your equipment.

    Why are you spreading misinformation? This is simply not true and it's been widely reported since forever basically.

    Misinformation? No. It's true. I went from an Xbox One to an Xbox One X to a SSD to an Xbox Series X within this game's lifespan and the difference is night and day. The game loads a lot of things very quickly and efficiently, but is limited based upon your availablr hardware. The only 1 limiting you here is YOU (and the only ones widely reporting it are other pirates like you who are ignorant to the options available to them).

  • @ninja-naranja said in A List of Bugs and Design Flaws (that should be fixed at this point):

    @skritsarn well I’ve played a lot both Wednesday and Thursday and didn’t run into any of those bugs that you’re talking about.

    My point was also that just because you don’t like something about the game, doesn’t mean it’s a design flaw. Like seriously, you put hit reg under design flaw. Do you seriously believe they designed the game to have bad hit reg?

    You're seriously all over this forum. I've had you respond to my posts many times and you're often there with arguments that don't really make logical sense and push down on valid criticism - why do you do that? It disturbs actual discussion and it just floods the forum with unnecessary posts.

    So firstly, just because you didn't experience these problems doesn't mean that i'm lying. Take my word for it, or don't, i couldn't care less.

    Secondly, the reason i put it under design flaws is that i believe it's a fundamental problem in the way they designed the game. Of course they didn't intentionally design it to be a huge problem - i'm guessing they misjudged how important it would be to make sure hit reg worked well or didn't anticipate how problematic it would turn out to be.

    And also, why are you getting stuck on the way i categorized these things? It doesn't make any sense what so ever and as i CLEARLY stated i did it just because of ease of reading, which was because i anticipated people might get stuck on the fact that i did so - obviously it wasn't enough to state it. I could literally remove those if it's a problem because i don't care what category they're in - it doesn't matter in this context.

  • @galactic-geek So your experience determines reality then?

    This is your argument: I had slower loading screens with worse hardware + I had faster loading screens with better hardware = everyone who says they get stuck on loading screen with good hardware are ignorant liars.

    Notice how those premises don't line up with the conclusion? That's because your argument is logically invalid.

    The fact is simply that there is a bug where you can get stuck on loading screen after the ferry and it has nothing to do with hardware because you never actually load in no matter how long you wait. It forces you to restart the game.

  • @skritsarn said in A List of Bugs and Design Flaws (that should be fixed at this point):

    @galactic-geek So your experience determines reality then?

    This is your argument: I had slower loading screens with worse hardware + I had faster loading screens with better hardware = everyone who says they get stuck on loading screen with good hardware are ignorant liars.

    Notice how those premises don't line up with the conclusion? That's because your argument is logically invalid.

    The fact is simply that there is a bug where you can get stuck on loading screen after the ferry and it has nothing to do with hardware because you never actually load in no matter how long you wait. It forces you to restart the game.

    Everybody has been saying this; not just me. In fact, you appear to be the ONLY 1 that I've seen saying that it's not the hardware. Regardless of your claim, I have seen the results with my own eyes, and that's all that is needed. If you want to wallow in your ignorance, then that's clearly your problem; not mine. In the end, I'm happy with how things are and you're not. Good luck! 😅

    As for the loading screen bug, I have not encountered it myself in over 4 years of consistent sailing, regardless of platform. If there is such a bug, complaining about it here won't help you - reporting it on the Support site, however...

  • @skritsarn I respond positively to suggestions I like, not people making posts just to complain. Again, if you seriously have issues, make a support ticket.

    I have an issue with you using the wording “Design flaw” because you’re using it incorrectly. It’s more just gripes you have about the game than stuff the developers did on purpose that ruins the overall experience. I’m not saying you’re not allowed to complain about issues, we all do, but making a post where to put bugs and stuff you don’t like about the game in the same category doesn’t feel right.

    I agree with the harpoon hit reg needing some love. But stuff like controlling your own server merge is kinda ridiculous. You kinda already can with the portals, but if they made it so you could with all your loot then it would be abused to no end. A skeleton being able to hit a barrel makes sense. If you’re THAT close to a barrel it was your own fault anyways, besides, gun skellys can’t shoot a barrel if you’re holding it so it’s a good trade off.

    Anyways, I’ve said my piece and now I feel we’re just going around in circles.

  • @ninja-naranja Honestly not going to read your comment because you're close minded to what i'm trying to say. A forum is made for discussion and you're trying to kill it. Don't think anything else needs to be said.

  • @galactic-geek said in A List of Bugs and Design Flaws (that should be fixed at this point):

    Everybody has been saying this; not just me. In fact, you appear to be the ONLY 1 that I've seen saying that it's not the hardware. Regardless of your claim, I have seen the results with my own eyes, and that's all that is needed. If you want to wallow in your ignorance, then that's clearly your problem; not mine. In the end, I'm happy with how things are and you're not. Good luck! 😅

    As for the loading screen bug, I have not encountered it myself in over 4 years of consistent sailing, regardless of platform. If there is such a bug, complaining about it here won't help you - reporting it on the Support site, however...

    You're seriously leaving me speachless. The level of understanding of the game here is very close to zero and this forum seems to be haunted by people who have nothing better to do than to start arguments.

    I think this community is doomed, because seemingly there are not people left who care enough about the game to actually discuss its problems in a resonable manner.

    Thanks though for making me finally realize it - I see now that it is a total waste of my time to try to bring anything of value to this community. Sad to see a once awesome community turn into such a depressing place.

  • You forgot chainshot hitreg issues. You can watch a chainshot clearly hit someone's mast and it does nothing, yet theirs whiz by and yours falls.

    I've also had times where i thought i reloaded my gun and i go to shoot and it has to reload again. Same thing with food.

    I encountered a new bug the other day where i was holding blunder bombs spamming m1 for a solid 5 seconds without being able to throw, meanwhile im getting shot at by enemies.

    I see people saying the bucket bug is fixed. I don't know how recently because just the other day I was having issues with it and so was my crew. Either couldn't scoop the water, or toss it overboard, or both.

    The cannons not loading properly is frustrating as well. You go to bring up the ammo wheel and it brings up your equipment wheel. Or when its laggy and you have trouble just loading another shot.

    Another issue I find is the fact that someone with nothing to lose can keep attacking you even if you sink them 5 times. Had someone do this the other day claiming the were doing it soley to waste our time. On top of this I was encountering every bug possible. Hitreg/foodreg/reload reg/bucket reg/chainshot reg/couldnt load cannons/couldnt throw blunders. Game was pretty much unplayable. Good thing we were in an alliance doing the the event.

    The food cooking timer resets due to programming limitations. The food doesn't cook on a gradient. If it did you would have 10 of the same type of food with different degrees of being cooked and they would each have their on stack in the barrel. So instead of uncooked/partial/cooked you would have uncooked/ad infinium levels of cooked/cooked. Its just messy.

  • A reminder to all, please remember to keep the discussions civil... We can all have differing opinions but please remember to be respectful in those disagreements between each other.

    Thanks for your understanding...

    Happy sailing!

  • @darkechoes6494 said in A List of Bugs and Design Flaws (that should be fixed at this point):

    You forgot chainshot hitreg issues. You can watch a chainshot clearly hit someone's mast and it does nothing, yet theirs whiz by and yours falls.

    You can prevent your mast from falling if you're already pulling on the ropes as it gets hit.

    I've also had times where i thought i reloaded my gun and i go to shoot and it has to reload again. Same thing with food.

    Your gun is not reloaded until the hammer is pulled. Food is not eaten until you hear a crunch.

    I encountered a new bug the other day where i was holding blunder bombs spamming m1 for a solid 5 seconds without being able to throw, meanwhile im getting shot at by enemies.

    Don't know about this 1 - Network lag due to proximity of pirates? Controller issues perhaps? 🤷‍♂️

    I see people saying the bucket bug is fixed. I don't know how recently because just the other day I was having issues with it and so was my crew. Either couldn't scoop the water, or toss it overboard, or both.

    Either lag, or just before fix; fix was only a couple of days ago (Thursday, I think).

    The cannons not loading properly is frustrating as well. You go to bring up the ammo wheel and it brings up your equipment wheel. Or when its laggy and you have trouble just loading another shot.

    I have experienced this too - I think it's related to the barrel inventory bug, where you can't grab something quickly.

    Another issue I find is the fact that someone with nothing to lose can keep attacking you even if you sink them 5 times. Had someone do this the other day claiming the were doing it soley to waste our time.

    When you find pirates like this, you have 3 options: 1) leave the server, so more time isn't wasted; 2) Destroy them so consistently that their morale drops and they quit; or 3) Report them for their unsportsmanlike conduct with proof that they're only trying to maliciously waste your time.

    On top of this I was encountering every bug possible. Hitreg/foodreg/reload reg/bucket reg/chainshot reg/couldnt load cannons/couldnt throw blunders. Game was pretty much unplayable. Good thing we were in an alliance doing the the event.

    Game has issues yes, but is far from unplayable. Anything that makes it unplayableor woefullyunbalancedgets patched quickly.

    The food cooking timer resets due to programming limitations. The food doesn't cook on a gradient. If it did you would have 10 of the same type of food with different degrees of being cooked and they would each have their on stack in the barrel. So instead of uncooked/partial/cooked you would have uncooked/ad infinium levels of cooked/cooked. Its just messy.

    You have raw, partially cooked, and fully cooked. It's actually really simple - don't pull it off the pan until it's fully cooked (usually takes anywhere between 40s to 2m)

  • @personalc0ffee said:

    • Bucket not emptying properly



    The recent patch was to fix some newer issue in which sprinting was consistently interrupting the ability to collect or empty.

    As I said in my last reply to you in another thread, bucket reg has been around, and will continue to be around until the servers can handle "areas of intense action."

    Here are two separate clips from two separate NAL bilges' streams during yesterday's scrims:

    You'll notice as he calls his flex down to help bilge, that he empties the bucket (albiet possibly missing the grate), but the water remains in the bucket. And he ends up dumping it twice.

    In this clip about halfway through, you'll see the bilge scoop the bucket to collect water, but the bucket remains empty as the ship floods to second deck.

    This is not as common as weapon hitreg (which means little, being how common that is), but that doesn't mean it should be dismissed or neglected altogether.

    However, I agree with those who stated that this as well as a number of OP's other complaints are just problems and not "design flaws." Rare isn't intending to leave problems in. Though I wish they had a more aggressive attitude about solving them.


    Here are some clips of my own, from two separate Adventure servers today. Not much "intense action" going on in either clip.


    Emptied the bucket; water remained.


    Attempted to fill the bucket; it remained empty. You can see it is empty when the scoop animation happens twice. Then when I attempted to scoop again, I apparently had water in the bucket, and dumped it into the hull.

  • @galactic-geek said in A List of Bugs and Design Flaws (that should be fixed at this point):

    @skritsarn said in A List of Bugs and Design Flaws (that should be fixed at this point):

    @galactic-geek So your experience determines reality then?

    This is your argument: I had slower loading screens with worse hardware + I had faster loading screens with better hardware = everyone who says they get stuck on loading screen with good hardware are ignorant liars.

    Notice how those premises don't line up with the conclusion? That's because your argument is logically invalid.

    The fact is simply that there is a bug where you can get stuck on loading screen after the ferry and it has nothing to do with hardware because you never actually load in no matter how long you wait. It forces you to restart the game.

    Everybody has been saying this; not just me. In fact, you appear to be the ONLY 1 that I've seen saying that it's not the hardware. Regardless of your claim, I have seen the results with my own eyes, and that's all that is needed. If you want to wallow in your ignorance, then that's clearly your problem; not mine. In the end, I'm happy with how things are and you're not. Good luck! 😅

    As for the loading screen bug, I have not encountered it myself in over 4 years of consistent sailing, regardless of platform. If there is such a bug, complaining about it here won't help you - reporting it on the Support site, however...

    What do you mean hes the "only one". I literally said that bug is still a problem on GOOD hardware in this very thread, and theres tons of people with the same issue if you look it up.

    Nobody is interested if you personally never encountered this bug. It exists and its a problem. End of story.

  • @alienmagi said in A List of Bugs and Design Flaws (that should be fixed at this point):

    @galactic-geek said in A List of Bugs and Design Flaws (that should be fixed at this point):

    @skritsarn said in A List of Bugs and Design Flaws (that should be fixed at this point):

    @galactic-geek So your experience determines reality then?

    This is your argument: I had slower loading screens with worse hardware + I had faster loading screens with better hardware = everyone who says they get stuck on loading screen with good hardware are ignorant liars.

    Notice how those premises don't line up with the conclusion? That's because your argument is logically invalid.

    The fact is simply that there is a bug where you can get stuck on loading screen after the ferry and it has nothing to do with hardware because you never actually load in no matter how long you wait. It forces you to restart the game.

    Everybody has been saying this; not just me. In fact, you appear to be the ONLY 1 that I've seen saying that it's not the hardware. Regardless of your claim, I have seen the results with my own eyes, and that's all that is needed. If you want to wallow in your ignorance, then that's clearly your problem; not mine. In the end, I'm happy with how things are and you're not. Good luck! 😅

    As for the loading screen bug, I have not encountered it myself in over 4 years of consistent sailing, regardless of platform. If there is such a bug, complaining about it here won't help you - reporting it on the Support site, however...

    What do you mean hes the "only one". I literally said that bug is still a problem on GOOD hardware in this very thread, and theres tons of people with the same issue if you look it up.

    Nobody is interested if you personally never encountered this bug. It exists and its a problem. End of story.

    I think there's been a miscommunication. I'm talking about loading times, which isn't a bug. You are either talking about a completely separate bug, or view the long loading times as a bug, the latter of which would be an incorrect view.

  • @galactic-geek No im not talking about them pulling it up as it is falling. Im talking about watching a chainshot crashing into their mast and literally nothing happens. And then theirs goes flying past yours yet it falls.

    The reload bug happens after i hear the clicks and the hammer is pulled back.
    Same thing with food. I hear the crunch and i keep going only to realize it never ate.

  • @darkechoes6494 said in A List of Bugs and Design Flaws (that should be fixed at this point):

    @galactic-geek No im not talking about them pulling it up as it is falling. I'm talking about watching a chainshot crashing into their mast and literally nothing happens. And then theirs goes flying past yours yet it falls.

    That is hit reg, which is a separate issue. There's nothing wrong with the sails' mechanics themselves.

    The reload bug happens after i hear the clicks and the hammer is pulled back. Same thing with food. I hear the crunch and I keep going only to realize it never ate.

    Lag? 🤷‍♂️

  • You can get chain reg. I've seen it.

    There's a hit reg for just about everything. It's going to happen.

    As for bucket reg during NAL. Quit trying to quick cancel the bucket throws. Do the bucket normally as intended and you should not get this problem. The only time I have had bucket reg problem was with the recently patched bucket sprint bug which is fixed.

  • @personalc0ffee said:

    Quit trying to quick cancel the bucket throws. Do the bucket normally as intended and you should not get this problem.

    In the clips of NAL bilges, they were moving at normal speed while jumping between levels; not sprinting. In the first clip, the bilge wasn't cancelling any animations at all. Watch again.

    But forget competitive naval, I showed you two clips of me in Adventure. In the first clip, sure I was sprinting. Maybe you can blame that on the bucket reg, but wasn't that supposed to be patched?

    In the second clip, I wasn't sprinting; I didn't cancel the animations. Just normal bucketing, and I still got reg. Watch again.

    I agree with you that "there's a hit reg for just about everything." However, you're excluding buckets from this, claiming that it has been patched. The newer sprint issue may have been patched, but bucket reg was and will be around, as long as we have reg issues.

    Lucky you, that you never into it. Hope it stays that way.

  • While we do appreciate the feedback, the best way to get your concerns heard about bugs is to send them to support so that they can address the issues better.

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