[Non-hardware regard] Will the upcoming Steam Deck be able to run Sea of Thieves?

  • Greetings mateys and more importantly @deckhands and @rare-employee -s ,

    I was recently very excited to place a reservation on the new upcoming Steam Deck, thinking to myself how awesome it will be, to be able to play SoT on handled console, literally ANYWHERE!

    But when I started to search for ways to transfer my MS Store SoT version to Steam, in order to be prepared in advance, I stumbled upon some disturbing information.

    Apparently even if the game is ran through the Steam client, it still requires the user to have Win10 and a logged XboX Live account.

    So my question is, will the Steam Deck be able to run Sea of Thieves?

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  • @greengrimz Ahoy matey!

    While I haven't heard anything directly... This article has the line I have heard banded about a bit!

    Valve promises Steam Deck will run “the entire Steam library” at 30+ fps

  • I believe the steam deck runs linux.

    I have a friend who plays SoT on linux, but I don't know how many hoops he needed to jump through to get it working. There will almost certainly be a way to do it.

  • @musicmee

    Thanks for showing me the article, I just went through it. But the guys in there rather talk about how they can't throw anything at the handled console that she can't handle, while I am worried about something entirely different - the requirements for SoT to run - Win10+XboX Live.

    There is a piece of the article that brings my hopes back up though:

    Steam Deck will come preinstalled with Valve's Linux-based SteamOS, which can run native Linux games and thousands of Windows-based games through a Proton-powered compatibility layer. Steam Deck owners will also be able to install their own OS on the device, including Windows.

  • @greengrimz No worries at all matey!

    I wonder if they are going to do some sort of emulation to make this work? Sideloading your own OS would work but I worry how terribly slow a build of Windows would be wedged onto that thing.

    But from what it seems, if they are trying to get ALL games working on it, Sea of Thieves one of their biggest selling games of the year should certainly be on the list to get working.

  • @musicmee

    Alright you saw it, now I can edit it out of my post!

    Yeah, you're right. SoT should definitely be high on the list. I just hope they will think about this in time, and not after the console is already released.

    I tried contacting Valve about it too, but of course I got what I call "the modern treatment". They just sent me to the FAQ page and told me everything they know is there. No intention whatsoever to help me raise this topic to the attention of the correct people.

  • @wsurftvveeds said in [Non-hardware regard] Will the upcoming Steam Deck be able to run Sea of Thieves?:

    I believe the steam deck runs linux.

    I have a friend who plays SoT on linux, but I don't know how many hoops he needed to jump through to get it working. There will almost certainly be a way to do it.

    I really hope we won't have to bash our heads around running SoT when we get our hands on our new handled consoles. SoT is the main reason I reserved and will buy myself a piece.

  • @greengrimz
    bc. of my Steam deck order and LTT challenge I moved to Linux Mint. Just played a game and with sloop - random player we did a fort and sunk few sloops. No problem at all. I had only to enable Proton. So i am looking forward to play on Steam deck my whole library. The statement from Valve appears to be valid. Linux gaming is on!
    One little problem is on Steam. The threads are locked by moderators asap without any discussions.

  • Sea of Thieves at 30fps? ugh.

  • @personalc0ffee sagte in [Non-hardware regard] Will the upcoming Steam Deck be able to run Sea of Thieves?:

    Sea of Thieves at 30fps? ugh.

    So like on XBox One...don't see a problem here...

  • @personalc0ffee @schwammlgott

    Sea of Thieves at 30fps? ugh.

    Keep in mind this is a 7-inch display, with 1280x800 resolution. 30 fps on this screen will feel like 120 on your PC.

  • @greengrimz I don't know if we go that far now.

  • @personalc0ffee said in [Non-hardware regard] Will the upcoming Steam Deck be able to run Sea of Thieves?:

    @greengrimz I don't know if we go that far now.

    I'm sorry matey, I'm not sure I understand what you mean with that.

  • @greengrimz I doubt it would feel like 120 to me.

  • @personalc0ffee said in [Non-hardware regard] Will the upcoming Steam Deck be able to run Sea of Thieves?:

    @greengrimz I doubt it would feel like 120 to me.

    I see. Well, many PS and XboX consoles only run on 30 fps by the way. The gameplay still feels smooth and fluid, even on bigger (56-inch) TVs. Console gaming is just different.

  • @greengrimz said in [Non-hardware regard] Will the upcoming Steam Deck be able to run Sea of Thieves?:

    Console gaming is just different.

    That it is.

  • By this time next year XBOX Game Pass and the Cloud Gaming will be pre-installed on every TV you buy.

    So yes, you will be able to run it just fine!

    Hardware will no longer be necessary for gaming. Its going away like VHS, CD's, DVD's, etc.

    This game runs 1000 times better on my Wife's Galaxy 20 whatever via cloud gaming than it does on my Xbox! No load times!

    On my Xbox I legitimately have time to make a cup of coffee before I load back in after dying or Mermaiding

  • PROTON has update to fix voice chat in the game :-) so we are on the way ...

    Playing on linux has other than that been flawless so far. I have to test it this weekend.

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