Sailors needed

  • I’m older guy 18+ only because I do rage from time to time. Not really up for fighting I just wanna do the tall tales and quests and such. Lately I’ve been getting backstab and lose loot or I’ll be in an alliance and they kill and leave alliance. I like stacking my ship which probably makes every one want to get me but still don’t be as monkey about it fight head on be a man!

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  • Oi procuro tripulação

  • @almostdeadly I would be down to play. I am an older dude as well. I am pretty new and would just like to to do quests and such.

  • @almostdeadly @ctthewalrus

    If you're looking for somewhere to find people to play Sea of Thieves with and not have to worry about griefers or new players, then I would suggest you join the Official Sea of Thieves discord. It has over 240,000 players with constant Looking For Group posts for just about anything. World events, voyages, stealing, tall tales, even just fishing, there are people always looking for someone to join their crew.

    Discord link:

  • @ctthewalrus add me as a friend and I’ll send invite I see you online. Mine is same name. AlmostDeadly

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